OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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Support » Just got first evidence of physical cheating, he says he loves me » July 29, 2023 6:37 pm

MegAgain wrote:

I’m new to this space, but needed it a long time ago. I’ve been with my husband 7 years. He experienced very intense sexual abuse as a child for years, with religious influence. He refuses to masturbate and will only have sex with me (or so he has always said). He is finally getting therapy, but I just discovered videos of his infidelity on a hard drive. He is acting like the issue is that I found them, not that the event happened. The event was a recreation of his rape. He is blindfolded and he explained that he refused to see the man. It was all set up in advance. He says he is not gay and that this is his way of trying to process his rape. He says he loves no one but me, wants me sexually (we have always remained sexual together), and that I have no right to assume he’s gay. He says that if I leave it’s because I don’t love him.

I am so stuck. I love this man. I want him to be happy. My brain tells me the truth is obvious, but it’s so hard when he says I’m just giving up on him if I leave.

GID I am afraid. It is highly unlikely that a rape victim would recreate the traumatising event in order to process it. Counselling would be the more normal avenue. There does indeed seem to be a lot of blame shifting that goes on with the denial.

General Discussion » Do you believe they were attracted to you? » July 15, 2023 3:42 am

Ordinary guy
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Here is an interesting point for some straight spouses. From when I was struggling to understand what had gone wrong with me.

I asked my wife some years ago “What was it about me that you found attractive enough to keep asking me ask me out?”
She looked puzzled and uncomfortable. But, I pressed her for an answer. She then said,
”I don’t know”.
I said “There must have been something?”
She then just blurted out, “Amanda fancied you and said you were attractive. She told me you were!”
So, it was her best friend that she used as a gauge, not her own judgment. In a way it makes it easier in retrospect, that there was never any real attraction for me. That I was a beard from day one. Chosen for her by her friend. I dare say she tried to make it work somehow, to maintain the illusion. When I say it makes it a little easier. I mean it wasn’t ever a rejection by her, she never really wanted me in the first place. Just an idea of a husband. Once her life aims were reached, then the charade ended.

Support » In the span of a month. » July 14, 2023 10:46 am

You have to start seeing it a a purely business arrangement working on the family as a project. There are two main types of transgender women. Type A are the psychological phenotype gender dysphoria type. The standard version of transgender person who is literally the wrong brain for the body. They normally experience this most of their lives until they come to transition fully or, to an acceptable degree fairly early in adult life. This is usually met with a sense of relief, as their bodies now meet and marry up with their psychological selves. They often behave or are already presenting more towards their opposite gender. It will be incredibly rare for these people to enter into heterosexual relationships through marriage and then being able to raise families without some form of disclosure to their partners about how they feel inside.

The other more common type b are the Autogynephiles  whose motivation is largely sexual and emotional. They are frequently heterosexual men, whose attraction to femininity has gone out to become realised in their female partners. Then it seems that the ideation of themselves as female, leads to internalised desire of the idea of being female themselves. They are driven by a strong sexual need to become a woman and will chase that identity through increasing the level of feminine ideation. Each new experience and change provides a drive to go further until they either reach their own plateau or continue on to full transition. Their need for a female body of their own is different but still very real to them. The female persona becomes increasingly stronger against its masculine host until it wins out as dominant and alone. For many female partners this is like invasion of the body snatchers, as the man they once knew becomes someone else entirely. The new female personality is like all people and can be perfectly reasonable and understanding, but frequently becomes very demanding and selfish. Demanding recognition and affirmations

Support » I don't really understand » July 12, 2023 9:36 am

Ordinary guy
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Anon42 wrote:

Otter wrote:

I've been trying to accept the truth that my husband is bisexual, but I don't really "understand" it.   I wonder what another man could do for him that can't do. 

Yeah, it's hard to understand for me either. But listening to OurVoices podcasts (especially where lesbian wives and gay husbands share their experience) somewhat helped me understand what they might be experiencing. For example, one notable lesbian claimed that she's got butterflies in her stomach and sparkles in her first relationship with a woman, while she never had that with her husband. That's when she realized, that it is "her authentic self".

However, I'm not exactly sure it matters that much. What matters (at least to me, in my situation) is that my wife no longer wants to be with me and wants to date other people (women). She says she wants relationships with women. Given that our relationship has dried out because of that a long time ago, I don't see how things are going to improve between us. She does not want to leave me, but I'm inclined to believe that it's probably because of convenience and familiarity (and I've read similar stories here too). She'd rather live with me and kids, but date other women (and noone is supposed to know, of course).

So in your case your husband may not want to be with you too, but does not want to leave either because of inconvenience and a good cover up for himself.

I could definitely be wrong though. I'm just venting here.

Not venting at all buddy. Not wrong either.

Lesbians often find themselves in relationships with men. Either because they didn’t realise their sexual attraction for women was unusual for a woman to have. Or, they tried to suppress the desire in order to live as normal a life as possible. Lesbians can want to have children, and believe it or not, want those children to have an active Father. Sometimes when these two things have been achieved they can turn their attention to the only part of t

Support » I don't really understand » July 12, 2023 9:16 am

Ordinary guy
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M-Kate wrote:

I think that under the "right" circumstances, my husband would choose to leave me to explore his homosexual side, but I also believe that he does indeed value the life that he has with me and our son.  He doesn't want to blow it all up (at least for now).   I think that he now realizes that his cheating and deceit jeopardized his life with us and he wants to move forward and repair the damage that he's done.    

However, I realize that his attraction to other men will never go away.   I may not be able to accept this part of him and he may not be able to suppress this part of his sexuality.   

He has promised not to lie to me anymore.  I've asked him to let me know if he can't be monogamous so that we can divorce amicably. 

We now have a very active sex life.   We're trying to make each other happy while respecting boundaries (mine).   

There is no reason why it can’t work out. At least from your perspective. There are boundaries and rules now. If he breaks them, then your conscience is clear. You will always have this doubt though, and it is up to him to prove you can trust him. Trust, along with respect and love are earned and not demanded.

General Discussion » Blog » July 11, 2023 12:03 pm

Apparently I started the Gayification process by:

“Not being at home when you were at work”


Support » I don't really understand » July 11, 2023 11:57 am

Ordinary guy
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M-Kate wrote:

Thank you for your insight.  It's hard to wrap my head around.   I remember during one conversation with my husband, he said that he didn't always want to be the "fucker".  He wanted to be the one being fucked.   He also has said that he would like me to just fuck him and so we bring in sex toys.  I don't know whether I can truly ever accept this part of him.   

It is up to you entirely as to what will accept. I can also understand why it would be difficult for a heterosexual woman to penetrate her husband. Normally it is the man’s masculinity that is an attractive quality and not a submissive brand of neo-femininity. It is also difficult for me to understand why a man would want to be “fucked” by another man. That in doing so he would find some pleasure from being dominated. But, I would certainly be concerned by his actions in respect to your health Kate. A woman in my group was left distraught by the fact that not only had her husband been off getting fucked by men. She also got the extra gifts of syphilis and Hep B. She sobbed with the shame of his bisexuality and the shame of having STDs. I am sure you would be happier with a straight man, who would be more than happy to ensure that you were the only focus of his desire and affection. My heart goes out to you.

Support » I don't really understand » July 11, 2023 8:51 am

Ordinary guy
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The way I try to frame it is not by trying to understand how someone could be bisexual, but more by degrees of homosexuality. If you completely forget and discount the heterosexual nature or part of them (despite what some people may say, this is still largely normal) and look at how strong the homosexual urges are. You will see how strong a part of the identity it is. For some it is only ideation, they acknowledge a sexual attraction to same sex. For others, the attraction is strong enough that they feel the need to act on it. When they are “getting what they need” from a same sex partner they are not being bisexual. The same is true when they are engaged in a sex act with the opposite gender. The bisexuality is a passive state of being while the orientation is fluid. Men who are bisexual are sexually attracted to men and the other man’s sexual attraction to them. They could have submissive penetration fantasies where they are sexually attracted to being taken by, and inseminated by another man. There could also be the opposite attraction to be sexually dominating another man and be the one doing the penetration and inseminating. You could also have the balance of enjoying both roles. So, it is not so much to do with the physical sensations of heterosexual sex. But, more to do with passive and submissive emotional and physical roles combined with and leading to gratification. There doesn’t need to be an emotional connection in place for this to happen. A bisexual man can romantically love a woman and make a clear distinction between this as a relationship separated from his need to be sexual with men.

General Discussion » The "Little" Signs » July 5, 2023 6:56 pm

Ordinary guy
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Mine punched me and spat in my face. Then turned the fact that I didn’t hit her back into typical toxic masculine passive aggression.

Is He/She Gay » Pink towel & speedos » July 2, 2023 11:30 am

Ordinary guy
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It is genuinely sad that people get dragged into relationships with gay people due to their beliefs.No belief is more powerful than the truth. He is just a homosexual man who has admitted that he struggles with his same sex attraction instead of embracing it. I expect he genuinely thought it would go away or, that he could control it. It is just tragic for both of you.

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