"How do any of you cope knowing your relationship is over due to nothing you have done?" - Hello Britty
I'm sorry you have to be here. That's a really hard hump to get over and I'm not over it yet, probably won't entirely for a long while. I was so very angry and bitter for a long while; but I'm moving forward. What's really helped me a lot is all of the baby steps. They seem so insignificant sometimes; but they're really important. Every little thing that I have done to start my new life is a baby step. You can find some of them on the First Aid thread. Little things like secretly making copies of our financials, removing him as a signer on my credit card, making copies of my proof/validations, getting a safe box, getting things for my new place once I got it, making copies of pictures, cleaning my files off of our computer, etc. I'm living between the marital home and my new home to be near my girls now. I have dinner there and sleep in my new home. It's a weird state of being; but I don't think we are far from the divorce being finalized. Wow! All of those baby steps have helped me build my new life. I didn't want to do them; but in hindsight I am so glad I did. Focusing on the lies, cheating, betrayals brings you down; focusing on your new life edifies you. And I know that in the beginning we really need to focus on the lies, cheating and betrayals for a while to validate them. That's a part of this journey. What little things do you need to focus on now that you know your marriage will be ending? What can you do?
Also, journaling is a great help. It validates me, proves he's been lying and helps me see how all the little things changed the big things. I would cry until I couldn't cry any more and then got down to work. What work can you do to begin your post-divorce life?