Met my GID bf 10+yrs ago and after discovering gay porn history on browsers, texts & phone numbers of TG/gay partners, hookup sites, sex ads, membership to gay bathhouse, I’m done. I have done so much self reflection I don’t like who I have become. I’m a bitter, angry, sarcastic, cynical individual. My few close friends don’t understand and have questioned why I stayed, or have felt compassion for my STBX’s secret life. My family & his parents who are from the south, don’t believe it because he’s this jock, boys basketball coach, tall & attractive man that women persue. We have 2 young children which makes it even more difficult. I feel like I’ve been used as a window dressing, cover, duped into giving him these children and pretend “normal” family. When in reality he has always been off...distant, never fully present in the relationship, caring, passionate like a man with a woman. I feel so unloved, unattractive, and alone. I yearn for when I can be loved by a real man and have an authentic connection nothing like this farce of a relationship. Sadly don’t know if I could ever trust someone fully. Good people get f’d over so much in life.