Hello - I have had quite a bit going on since the holidays and haven't visited the forum in a while. I'm proud of myself for some progress I've made in becoming more independent but also feeling lame for not doing more.
I currently live with my gay husband, but I have made it clear that I want to separate. We have financial issues to work out, but I'm starting to get used to writing "my Ex".
I talked to a lawyer to get some info about mediation so that was another small step forward for me.
I also have a small business that is affected by covid and so I have decided to close my building after 12 years and move services to my garage. Part of the reason is to lay claim on our house! If I'm utilizing it more, then I have more reason to stay and he can go elsewhere. He wants to build a studio bedroom for himself in our backyard which sounds way too permanent. I'm hoping he'll change his mind about his bedroom idea once I start teaching my classes at home (socially distanced, outside).
The reason I'm posting today is that my GX sent me an email this evening that my car insurance is due. He normally takes care of this expense and wrote,"Just want to let you know that the insurance for your car is due to renew on March 20. Respecting your desire to stand on your own I want to give you some time to decide how you feel most comfortable handling it... Please let me know your thoughts"
I'm irked by the note... I don't have any "desire" to stand on my own. I married him hoping to be with him forever. It's his fault we're separating. The comment seems like a "you asked for it" sort of remark while also being careful to sound like he is being understanding. Basically, he is stating in writing that this is my want, not his. We live in the same house, why not just talk to me? I'm wondering if he wants to use this to protect himself from having to pay me future alimony. Maybe it's nothing, I'm stressed so often and constantly looking out for manipulation.
That note looks to me like a warning shot across the bow, that your stbx is going to punish you, including financially--especially financially!--for your decision to separate and, I assume, eventually divorce. It looks to me that what he's saying is this: "if you want to be independent, then you're going to have to pay for your life yourself."
I could be wrong, of course. I don't know what your financial arrangements are, whether you pool your finances of keep them separate, or have some hybrid arrangement, or whether he is the main wage earner (or you are) and he takes care of household expenses like this. It might be that he's really saying, "Do you want to write the check yourself?" rather than "You're going to have to pay it out of your funds," and what he's doing is playing the "understanding game," the one in which he demonstrates how understanding and kind he is (my ex loved to play that one, although it alternated with the games of "I shouldn't have to pay for that" and "I've decided how we should split our resources and you need to agree to my decision").
Whatever it is, it sounds as if the two of you need to sit down and talk out interim financial arrangements. And although this next is next to impossible when in this stage, try to separate your emotional response to what is inevitably going to his self-serving bullshit from your analytical response to whatever proposal is on the table.
Last edited by OutofHisCloset (March 3, 2021 1:38 pm)
Thank you, OutofHisCloset.
I was hoping you'd chime in. This is what I feel too, but often question my judgement when it comes to him (I mean, look what my judgement has brought me) and wonder if I'm looking for gaslighting when it may not be there.
I'm really, really apprehensive about sitting down with him because I pay for variable expenses plus I am the primary caregiver/manager of the household. One month I may not pay very much; others I do... In counseling he told the therapist that I haven't worked for over 10 years - my jaw dropped. I have had a brick & mortar business for 12 years, homeschooled our son the last 5 years (without being paid), and still managed our household. If that isn't "work" I don't know what is. But I realized he was trying to belittle me to make me feel scared and reliant on him.
He pays for fixed expenses & the mortgage, so of course, he feels like he contributes more. He is the primary wage earner - BUT - I have more saved in the bank. This is for my retirement since I work for myself. Also, my income may change soon after I move my business services to our house. It could increase quite a bit and worried he may be entitled to my money or effect future spousal support since we haven't filed any legal papers yet.
I guess I need to get my finances on paper before the move of my business so that anything after that would be mine. I will also try to get an email between us stating we are separated. Ugh!!
Last edited by broomhilda2 (March 3, 2021 12:12 pm)
Perhaps the best thing to do, before and especially if you feel uncomfortable sitting down with him to discuss financial obligations, would be to go and see a lawyer to inquire about your financial rights and obligations, so you can make informed decisions, especially about your business and those savings for retirement.
Last edited by OutofHisCloset (March 3, 2021 1:43 pm)
It sounds like lawyer time. Your husband is drawing a line in the sand that he will no longer support you, but that is not his to decision to make.
Given how slow divorces are with COVID it may make sense to begin this process now. Your business and personal situation adds some complexity as well. Your husband, whether he likes it or not, has no choice in the matter. His only hope is to bully you before you find this out.
Also, don't you love the victim blaming? "You desired to stand on your own..." is a strange way of saying "I decided men were more important than our wedding vows". Know that you aren't at fault.
He's blaming and drawing lines because he's hurt. He knows you're serious. And he's hoping these tactics will get you to rush into codependent behaviors out of fear.
Wishing you strength and happy days ahead!
Last edited by Upside (March 3, 2021 1:52 pm)
Well that certainly shows his character. If he doesn't want to pay expenses as usual and you're not divorced and have no income yet..does he want to see you suffer? It looks that way. You have no choice then but to go to your lawyer and get some agreement in place. Personally if I was in your situation. I'd borrow the money from someone if I could, take an equity loan against the house or charge it on credit. Then I'd have it written into the divorce settlement that you want that money back.
Talk to your lawyer. So sorry but if your husband is like this, this does not sound like a mediation type separation.
Fwiw my gx had no job or income..absolutely nothing. I paid everything..status quo ..right up to the day the divorce was signed.
I kept all my vows and all my promises.
I was not mean and not cruel.
These spouses create these problems that we should not have to solve.