General Discussion » " many (if not most) straight spouses are LGBTQ allies " » November 28, 2024 9:30 am |
Yes, I am an ally of the LGBTQIA community. I am not an ally of anyone being deceptive and hurting others based on their sexual preference. The behaviors from most of the stories in the forum are based on selfish reasons with no regard for the straight-spouse. We also don’t hear many stories of the one who caused the damage coming back to apologize to the straight-spouse sincerely! That’s my problem - no accountability, no remorse, just happy you came out!
Is He/She Gay » I need to be validated or told it's all in my head » November 28, 2024 9:18 am |
I agree with the others. Your husband is most likely gay-in-denial based on his behaviors. However, the biggest question is whether you want to live this way. What do you want to teach your children about love and marriage? Is this type of emotional intimacy enough for you?
Also, my ex-GIDH blamed me for years (it was ALWAYS something -past or present). I spent years trying to fix myself to realize they were excuses because he wasn't attracted to me. He preferred men, and when the RIGHT guy entered into his life under the “friends” umbrella, our sex life really dried up. Ryan calls it the phase when he can no longer fake it! The patterns and behaviors are the same. Please listen to your gut and intuition!
Support » Divorce order approved by court » October 26, 2024 2:59 pm |
Anon - I have stopped holding my breath for an apology. These people are not capable of looking at themselves in the mirror, and there is no accountability. I agree that the best revenge is to live your best life! Congrats on making it to the next step! I am officially 5 months post-divorce, and it feels GREAT! Yes, I have fading waves of sadness, but it is normal. I KNOW I made the right decision to save myself!
General Discussion » Using the kids » October 4, 2024 11:33 am |
Blackie - that's great news! I NOW understand how I would have chosen differently if I had a relationship with my Father. I now realize that I would have not chosen my GID Ex if I experience loved from my Father. I commend you for being a good Father!
On a brighter note, I'm with a respectable man that have set the standards high! I I now understand and feel how a woman should be treated! I'm grateful that I get to experience reciprocity in this lifetime!
Is He/She Gay » What should I do? » October 4, 2024 11:22 am |
Bearlove123 - Run as fast as you can! You are young. Count this as an experience and get OUT! If his family was shocked that he got married, it speaks volumes! RUN and get OUT!
Support » Fresh disclosure... strange mix of feelings » October 4, 2024 11:14 am |
Prettysure - It's a roller coaster of emotions for sure! Just remember to spend time considering what you want long-term. Are you ok with continuing to sacrifice your needs of intimacy? It's great your husband is finally able to admit his status, but where does it truly leave your needs and desires. He's been occupying a role but not fulfilling the duties for the last 10 years.
General Discussion » Using the kids » September 23, 2024 12:53 pm |
Wow, that’s unbelievable and selfish! How old is your youngest? I am already looking forward to having no contact with my Ex (my youngest is 7). It is crazy how you used to be in love with this person, and now you would be banished from your life if possible.
Support » Want to tell my son. Need advice » September 23, 2024 12:38 pm |
Kudos for making it to your son's 18th birthday without revealing his secret. Do you think your Ex is a narcissist and manipulative? I asked because you mentioned your son's behavior towards you. Your Ex isn’t trying to help by telling your Son to respect his Mom, and you had every right to get a divorce!
I will share with my Children whether he decides to tell them or not when they are older. I also believe children will pick up on some of the signs. My Ex is all about his image and how he looks in front of everyone.
General Discussion » The NUN Syndrome » September 19, 2024 6:18 am |
Blackie - Well said!
General Discussion » The NUN Syndrome » September 17, 2024 2:29 pm |
I can relate. The blameshifting and made to feel like I wasn't enough did a mental number on me! It took a couple of years to believe I was desirable and lovable. I even convinced myself that I preferred to sleep in the bed by myself (my Ex moved out years before my divorce because he claimed back issues). I convinced myself not to expect much affection from my ex-husband after he had been gone for months. He told me that I had watched a lot of soap operas. After working away for 3 months, he complained of being tired and needed a week or so to recover before expecting affection. Fast forward, I don't have that problem now. I'm with a guy who gets off a plane and desires to see me to get a kiss!
I'm friendly (for the sake of kids) with my Ex-husband but we are not friends. Otherwise, he would have been kicked out of my life by now! Not to apologize and own up to his damage will always be the reason we are not friends! I have told him that I don't respect him, but I will work with him because he's a decent Father.