Support » I FINALLY did it but......... » September 24, 2016 9:58 pm |
I'm so sorry your adult children are reacting this way. It's completely unfair. No amount of joint counseling is going to make your STBX straight.
I'm sure they're acting out of their own pain and confusion.
I wish Lake Breeze was on here more -- she has experienced similar issues.
I hope things get better for you soon. Be proud of yourself, your new life is just beginning.
Support » 2003 v's 2016 » September 20, 2016 10:51 pm |
Beautifully rendered and gives me such hope. Thank you.
Support » Just need to hear someone say this is survivable » September 17, 2016 12:05 pm |
Thank you all.
Wendi, your post was very, very helpful. It gave me hope. Your life sounds much like mine. Went from wonderful (except for not knowing his secret) straight to the depths of hell. Hearing that you are now in a different place is so, so good.
Steve, I love your quote.
Kel and Rob, I always look forward to hearing from you.
I just want the healing to feel measurable and I'm impatient. I've always been Type A, with a plan, dreams of the future, etc. This entire process, this utter loss of control over my life, the way in which he's treating me. Feeling flawed and unlovable and like I am failing my kids because I can't seem happy every day. This damn LIMBO life where you don't have the "d" on the end of divorce and you have someone doing things like draining the bank account just to punish you. Jesus, It's hard.
And then losing the guy I was dating ... I felt wanted, sexy, fun. He felt safe. And he wasn't unkind, he just wasn't into me in the end. Which hurt my self-esteem again, even if it was about him. And my therapist says all I need is another emotionally unavailable guy. And that I myself am really not emotionally available yet. I have been connecting online with some new guys with the object being fun and not a relationship this time round. It just eases the loneliness bc I don't have any divorced girlfriends in town and all my friends are very busy with spouses, kids, jobs, lives. But the pickings are slim and I get a lot of two word "hey babe" introductions. Barf.
My job has actually been wonderful. It keeps my head out of all the shit and I really enjoy what I do. But I'm exhausted and trying to balance this life with my kids is very hard.
I'm not giving up. I refuse. I just wish I could fake happiness better. I know my kids feel my sorrow and that eased up so much when I was dating. That was also a period that coincided with a lot less drama in the divorce where we are now heavily involved in weekly meetings to try to co-paren
Support » Just need to hear someone say this is survivable » September 15, 2016 10:56 pm |
Hi, friends,
I'm feeling particularly low tonight.
I'm a year in since my husband left me. 20 years together. Three beautiful kids. He was my best friend. I had no clue he was gay.
The divorce is awful. We struggle with so much. Here's a brief laundry list of the mountain on my shoulders:
13 yr old is depressed and about to start meds. She's taking everything out on me. It's heartbreaking. She clings to her dad. Her dad takes that to mean I'm the cause of her depression, rather than his having blown up our worlds. I'm very worried about her.
He's lying about his income and spending a lot of money. The divorce process keeps getting slowed down bc of games he's playing. He frequently leaves me without enough money. Yes I have a lawyer. It's still a slow, tortuous process.
He's living with his boyfriend, whom he parents with to my exclusion. He's told the kids they're marrying. He met him 6 weeks after he left me. The bf was married to another man and they broke that up. They moved in together in March. He couldn't even give my kids 6 months to get used to us splitting up.
I just went back to work full time for the first time in 10 years. I got fired as a SAHM. He basically threw everything I knew and was and did away.
I believe I have cried (usually out of anger and frustration and sometimes pure exhaustion) every day at some point in the last couple of weeks.
Sometimes I wonder if my life will ever feel stable or happy again. This last year has been so full of pain and betrayal.
While I no longer love my GIDSTBX, I miss the sanity and ease of my old life, which was tsunamied.
I'm going to lose my house and car.
I can't believe someone who loved and cared for me (or at least faked it very well) for 20 years could now care less if I am destitute on the street. And I'm not exaggerating.
I have been blamed for our divorce, gaslighted, and emotionally abused for a year. Sometimes I fight back, sometimes I feel beaten down and want to give up. My s
General Discussion » Just stop » September 15, 2016 10:37 pm |
You're not alone, not alone. Keep repeating. This board helped me stay alive. And I don't think I'm the only one who feels that way.
We are here. Keep writing. Only those who have been through truly understand the layers of mess, pain, and complication.
I'm only a year in, but there are people here who have survived and are now happy. I look to them for hope.
General Discussion » I'm back -- sorry uber long » September 12, 2016 10:21 pm |
I did it today. Told him I could not be friends because my feelings were past that point. He was very kind about it. Be proud of me. That took balls. It's hard to lose the friendship bc he'd been through a divorce and offered a lot of support. But I'd be lying to myself if I said I wasn't hanging on hoping for more. Which is not healthy.
One of the hardest things I've done.
Support » Very sad tonight and reaching out » September 11, 2016 7:27 pm |
Today is the one year anniversary of the day my husband moved out of the house. It was one of the most painful days of my life. I feel like a year later I should be getting over this, but we are still right in the middle of a nasty, nasty divorce, so the crap and the bullshit and the pain go on and on.
This weekend he and his boyfriend took the kids to a nearby island on the exact trip we took as a family in September prior to the break up.
The guy I was dating "just isn't feeling it." He was the one fun point in everything.
I have to go to work tomorrow, and while I am grateful I finally have a job, it is very hard to give up being a SAHM.
I miss my kids, but when they are with me, I will admit, somewhat ashamedly, I am overwhelmed.
I came so far out of depression and grief and feel as if I am now moving backward.
I have to sit in on court-agreed parenting meetings where we learn to work together as parents, a problem we never had until my ex went apeshit crazy and came out of the closet. He has changed from a kind, easy-going person to an aggressive, gas lighting liar. I end up in tears at the end of the meetings. He calls that "emotionally hijacking the meetings." I find it hard to keep the tears from flowing when he is hell bent on talking about what a horrible, crazy mother I am. The entire divorce is my fault. He is bi, so that justifies being with me for so long. He just happens to be with a guy now. It could have been a woman. Anything to get away from me. And funnily enough, all the things that drove him away (and there are a litany) -- he never mentioned ONCE as issues while we were married. While he's a good parent for lying for 20 years, leaving us with little warning, meeting a guy at a party 6 weeks later who was there with his husband, breaking up that relationship, introducing my kids to him and then moving in with him four months later. Try not to laugh, but my GIDSTBX is a physician and his boyfriend is a psychologist. So they know everyt
General Discussion » Lies » September 11, 2016 7:01 pm |
I get told that the lies actually never happened, I imagined them.
Or that it was none of my damn business anyway.
Support » Tips on staying cool, calm, and collected while being gaslighted ;-) » September 9, 2016 7:37 pm |
Hi, everyone,
My GIDSTBX and I are meeting weekly with a parenting coordinator. These are professionals available in just 9 states at this time. They are trained mental health professionals who take additional training in the family court system and how it works.
These meetings were my ex and his lawyer's idea.
During these meetings, my STBX has started to gaslight me. He tells me I remember conversations that I am POSITIVE about incorrectly. He claims he is bi and not gay. He tells me over and over again that the end of our marriage is my fault. He accuses me regularly with statements like "she always ends everything in a dramatic pool of tears" or "she always emotionally hijacks" our meetings.
What happens is that he is so accusatory and angry and so very very determined that he and his boyfriend are a separate family who should be able to parent any way they please, without any input from me or even conversation with me, that I get frustrated, scared, angry, and hurt. I am an NF on the Myers-Briggs. I wear my heart on my sleeve. Ironically it used to be one of the things my spouse, who is very unemotive (one must learn to be when one is hiding one's true sexuality for decades on end), said he loved about me.
Now the tables have turned. I am over-emotional, pretty much crazy, and untrustworthy.
The real truth is he's a huge pussy (pardon my French) who can't co-parent because he's afraid to be in the same room with me and the kids without his boyfriend (whom he considers a parent after knowing for 11 months) to back him up. He will do anything to avoid discussing our children with me and makes important decisions without talking with me routinely. Please know I do not expect him to run it by me every time someone sneezes. But big situations like a depressed child, one child bullying another, or issues with school, should be discussed together before being discussed with the child.
We actually came to agreeement on this during our last meeting. Then,
General Discussion » I'm back -- sorry uber long » September 6, 2016 9:55 pm |
Thank you all ... It's so hard. Dammit, I really liked him.
But he's obviously not emotionally available. And I want emotionally available. I want to be adored and I want someone who can't keep his hands off me and doesn't care if I have 3 kids or a gay dickhead for an ex or anxiety.
I know what I need to do.
I just have to do it.
I guess I just have to believe if he's the one (about a 2 percent chance, I know) then me moving back and away won't change that. I can't just hold on for hope.
Just wish I lived in a bigger town with more guys to choose from. Most on the dating site seemed like idiots who couldn't even have an intelligent convo. But statistically, there have to be more smart, good guys out there.