Posted by disbelief426 May 22, 2017 5:12 pm | #1 |
So communicated via text with my GID husband, who confided in me months ago he was bisexual and that he was caught by his dad watching gay porn when he was in High School. I immediately filed for divorce. Last night via text I asked him if he has told his mom and sisters the truth of why we are divorcing. He told me has explained to his family the "truth" about our divorce which is "We wanted different things" and "where incompatible." He wants to meet with me because he wants to NOW tell me the truth. I asked him if he lied about telling me has "bisexual" and had "same sex attraction" and he refused to acknowledge my questions but simply stated he did not want to participate in "mudsling". MUDSLINGING? He says he loves me and had hoped I would have been further along in processing my anger (we have been separated 8 months and divorce should be finalized in a few weeks).
I know I should not care--but I know he has told his family that the issue was me, not his sexuality. And now he is implying that he is NOT gay or bisexual and that somehow I misinterpreted what he said.
Why can't men in this situation, especially when they do tell their spouse about their sexuality, continue to be truthful and honest. Any hopes that I had for us to be "friends" is gone because he is still lying and manipulating me. Why?
Posted by iamthelorax May 22, 2017 5:27 pm | #2 |
Not to start a battle of the sexes but women are the same; this is a Narcissist thing, not a gender thing.
Narcissists are image conscious as it gets and they will hold it against you for being hurt by their actions (I mean, really...he had hoped you'd be further along with getting over it already? Can we both just hold hands and say "F-U!!"?) Mine told me she's disappointed that I became "that bitter ex". She also tried to initiate a conversation under false pretensions that serve to convince me she wasn't at fault.
There really isn't much more to understand than that. If you aren't seeing a therapist, I recommend seeing one to help you deal with this type of manipulative behaviour. Best of luck.
Posted by Duped May 22, 2017 5:51 pm | #3 |
Last edited by Duped (November 11, 2019 2:56 pm)
Posted by Rob May 22, 2017 6:46 pm | #4 |
"..He says he loves me and had hoped I would have been further along in processing my anger .."
So he still thinks he did nothing wrong...that he in moral and everything he did is ok? My ex to this day still thinks she is in the right for cheating and then becoming really mean.
Don't become sucked into this warped reality and morality. Just get far away...we cant control what they tell people and they want to continue to hide their sexuality...they can't own it.
Posted by River May 22, 2017 11:12 pm | #5 |
I'm going through something similar right now and my advice is to tell people the entire TRUTH. One of the things that has really pissed me off about this whole thing is that my exwife is telling our mutual friends that we grew apart and decided to go our separate ways. The truth is that she left because she decided that she was gay. My opinion is that she's got to own it. I'm not going to live in her closet and neither should your for your ex.
My other thought is that you need to have no contact with your ex. I'm working on this too and its hard. My divorce was final a few weeks ago and we are finishing all of the mundane parts of separation right now. I know she "hopes and prays" that I will let her be a part of my life but right now its just to hard and the fact that she won't be honest about what happened makes it all the more difficult.
Posted by Foolme May 23, 2017 2:09 am | #6 |
Disbelief426 it's definitely gaslighting and narcissism. Most of us have got this sort of behaviour from our EXs or STBXs. My divorce will be final in 4 weeks. My STBX can't understand why I'm not over it, it's been 6 months, a year etc!! He's told his family that the marriage would never have worked anyway, I was so judgemental, the most critical person he's known, I was always testing him (turns out it was he testing himself, to give a "straight" view to whatever we were talking about). This man was having random gay encounters for 25 years, he started before my youngest was even conceived and his mother told me he can't help what he is, he was born that way and my biggest issue with it all is I think I'm perfect!! The apple didn't fall far from the tree! They justify everything he did and they believe everything he said just to make it easier to live it. Isn't it so much easier to blame me that look at him as a lying, deceiving, using, manipulating, disrespectful pr*&k.
So sorry you find yourself here where none of us every thought we'd be. Even after learning all I did about what my darling husband was up to for 25+ years I wasn't done, the subsequent narcissism and how he's belittled me and trash talked me and actually interacts with me as if I'm the one who's done him wrong is more appalling to me.
I've come to refer to him as the gift that keeps on giving and giving!
Posted by Kel May 23, 2017 9:40 am | #7 |
This is a really difficult battle when the spouse won't admit that they're gay. After all, they will tell everyone that THEY wanted to stay married, which means that WE gave up on the marriage. And it's hard to be the one seen as throwing in the towel when that's the furthest thing from what actually happened. We don't throw in the towel until we see that it's futile to keep spinning our wheels.
The thing is..... we only get somewhere when we stop caring about whether everyone feels it's our fault. It's crazy hard to do. But we need to get to the point where someone telling us that we think we're perfect isn't as detrimental to us as having some daily peace from this monster. You need to get to the point where you're like, "If you need to make me the monster, then so be it. I can live with that over the alternative of staying."
I have a 16 year-old that likes to lie to me in a sneaky way (the same way our gay spouses do) - about what's going on inside his head. He'll pick fights with his sister, and in the end, it always comes down to "I didn't hear her", or "I didn't know she didn't think it was funny". He knew PERFECTLY WELL. But he knows that can't be proven. It's not a reason (the reason was that he doesn't respect her) - it's an excuse so he won't get in trouble for behaving like an asshole. He has lied to me all the time about lots of things that ARE provable. I therefore have NO.REASON to have good faith in him. When he gives me a bullshit excuse, I say "You know what? I don't believe that. You were sitting in-between your sister and I. Iiiii heard her, and I am hard of hearing. There is NO.WAY you didn't hear her.". He'll say something to make me look like Iiiii the issue - that having no faith in his good word is the issue. Like, "I'm sorry if you don't believe the truth." Okay dude - whatever. You're full of shit about this issue, and trying to get me to take the bait on "the truth" isn't working any more. We have GOT to be more willing to do this. We can do it with our children no problem - because we know how they work and the reality of the situation combined with their past. But we can't do that to a SPOUSE? WE need to continue having faith when they've destroyed that? I cry foul.
People who have destroyed our trust should have NO.PROBLEM giving us time to gain that trust back. Every once in a while my current husband will not believe something I'm telling him. And I say, "WHY are you not believing me about what I think? Do I LIE to you???" And he says no. "Okay - then WHY do I need to earn your trust? You should have blind trust at this point - we've been together over 5 years and I've NEVER lied to you. I'm not going to continue to justify to you that I'm not lying. You either believe me or you don't. Your choice." It's not a threat - it's the truth. But of course every once in a while you feel that someone's explanation of something just can't possibly be the truth - because you would never think the way they're saying that they're thinking. I get that. But that's where the track record comes in. If they have earned distrust, then you have EVERY.RIGHT to say that yes - they've lied to you so much that they've destroyed the good faith required at this moment to believe what they're saying.
I have a daughter who as a young teenager, also has pulled her fair share of lies on me. She's working much harder now on not doing that any more. But I still don't have complete faith. Every once in a while she'll be insulted that I want to check up on the truth. "Did you clean your room?" "Yes." "Okay,... let's go see together." "WHY, Mom? I SAID I cleaned it!" "Are you serious? You've lied about this exact thing a TON of times before. If it's clean, then you should have NO.PROBLEM showing me. Don't put this lack of faith on me - YOU built this."
Stop deciding that people get to determine who you are. YOU get to decide that. They can make their judgements if they want. That's not going to stop you from being your own advocate. It is only with ourselves that we do this. If we needed to stand up on our child's behalf and someone tried to intimidate us by calling us a helicopter parent, we wouldn't care. "I don't give a shit if that's the nickname I earn or not. I NEED to stand by my kid on this." Right or wrong, we're willing to be labeled in order to do what we think is necessary. It is only with ourselves that we lack this determination. We need to get over that.
Posted by Kel May 23, 2017 6:38 pm | #8 |
Aw, thanks, JK!
It's amazing how they just want you to keep trying, isn't it? I mean, I get it. But do they not think WE get it? We don't take these huge decisions lightly - especially when we have kids. And if we just didn't take marriage seriously, a) we wouldn't have stayed married this long, or b) it's useless to try to convince us anyway.
You will NEVER get permission from everyone. Just like our confused spouses never got permission from their family/friends to just be who they are. Look how badly THAT turned out for us all!
Courage is not being fearless. Courage is being afraid and doing it anyway.
Posted by edithkeeler May 29, 2017 7:40 am | #9 |
So many great responses in this thread. Yes, it is horrible when they refuse to come out and instead resort to making themselves out to be the poor innocent victim to anyone who will listen. My GiD STBXhusband is a master of using the DARVO strategy: Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim Order. The man had been having an 8-year long distance affair with a "best guy friend" and colleague of his who was also married to a SAHM with kids... then suddenly the husbands wanted to move both of our families to a far flung region of the country and take a new job together... which made no financial sense at all.... they started sneaking out to be together... changing privacy settings on the phone... mine stopped having sex with me... Two months to the day after arriving my husband walked out on me and the kids and sued me for divorce. They are still keeping it under wraps, though my husband is starting to socialize in the local gay community. The gaslighting never ends for some.
I told a select few (per my lawyer's advice not to broadcast my suspicions yet) and I lost a few (false) friends but gained sanity and the knowledge of who my real and true friends are. It's a real mind f*ck.
You have to let certain people go. Some people just cannot handle the truth. Love only those who love and support you. Denial is a powerful force for far too many people in life. I have no time for folks who can't handle the truth. Hang in there, all of us.
Posted by Foolme May 29, 2017 8:01 am | #10 |
Gosh Edith that really is a Grace & Frankie scenario.
Hang in there, life is so f*&ked up sometimes