Posted by Foolme ![]() April 19, 2017 2:03 pm | #501 |
Sean thanks for your reply. It's interesting to read your view. I'm 18 mths post TGT, almost a year since he moved out (he did that in the most cowardly way imaginable, left without prior discussion or agreement as to when it'd happen while I was away for a few days). I feel I never got proper closure. Since then I've been completely shoved under the bus at every opportunity by him and his family, his mother actually saying to me he can't help what he is, he was born that way and my biggest issue is I think I'm perfect! He has used the whole marriage never had a chance because I'm so judgemental and critical, he always felt tested, I was so hard to live with, even throwing the fact I rearranged the dishwasher as an insurmountable issue !!!
The odd encounter I have with him now is riddled with vitriol and venom. Two of our adult children have issues with him, he's addressed these by email and asked that they don't discuss what he's said with anyone, in my opinion this is solely to divide and conquer and not have them discuss what he's said about me with me.
I agree that it's all projecting to protect himself but what's so hard to fathom is he's never suffered with depression, he's extremely high functioning in his professional life. I don't know if he's even out in his work life. Within his extended family they spread the story he bottled it up his whole life and waited until the youngest was reared when in actual fact he'd been living a depraved seedy life for 25+ years of our 28 year marriage and used our youngest to out him. He says it was accidental but speaking with our son there's no way he believes it was accidental, he subjected him to witnessing him on Grindr numerous times in a 24 hr period while sitting right next to him.
I guess what I'm coming to believe is I may never see an end to the narcissism, it's only with hindsight I can see it, he was arrogant and dogmatic but I wouldn't have seen narcissism, perhaps moodiness. He would discredit my family and point out flaws but this was just to deflect from himself and his own flaws - isn't hindsight wonderful?!!
His whole family and himself of course are people who twist situations to make it easy to live with and justify what they need to but in this case it's to discredit me and place blame on me and he's exonerated of all guilt. Frightening to be subjected to this when you were a part of a family for over 30 years.
Thanks again Sean and sorry for this rant!!!
Posted by lily ![]() April 19, 2017 6:07 pm | #502 |
thanks Sean, okay so just let's make sure I have this right -
"yes. I'll try and answer your question as best I can." are you saying Yes I did feel a sense of wrongdoing or is it just a sort of start the answer yes.
I remember as a child exaggerating things - a dog chased me and he was This big, I fell over and got a cut This big. But then I didn't need to exaggerate any more to express how I was feeling, and in fact I learnt that English underplaying - a slight brush with a puppy dog means you got bit bad by a rotweiler. Really tho, I have always tried to keep my stories straight - right place on the time line, accurate as possible and not embellished.
I have done a few wrong-doings. I live with them. They are tiny compared to fraudulent dating, things like making an offhand comment to someone - a friend of a relative and I had just met him at their house and suddenly there he is saying something about his romantic feelings and I says "that sounds like you want to have sex." well yes, but very disacknowledging of the sum of his feelings and I have felt bad about it ever since because i know I dinted his self-esteem, I felt it at the time. Tiny isn't it compared to what a gay spouse does to his straight partner's self-esteem.
But see I can give you chapter and verse, unexaggerated and unminimised, reasonably accurate in the telling, it happened maybe 10-12 years ago. Don't remember the man's name, never met him again since or I would be able to make up for it.
My ex is more like Foolme's ex than like you, Sean - he would throw anyone under the bus for his closet. He has a sort of nasty edge to him which is completely hidden along with his sexuality.
He was better when he was depressed. Depression, imo, comes from not expressing your sexuality. By that I mean the whole thing, having sex mechanistically doesn't ease it any more than celibacy does even if it's with someone of the right sex. artwork and writing, cooking and gardening are better - it needs to be romantic. it needs to be the right person.
Posted by Lisa4kids ![]() April 19, 2017 7:46 pm | #503 |
I don't know about the others, since I haven't read all the way through this thread (but intend to) but I appreciate your candor, and willingness to answer honestly and openly, even when it gets uncomfortable. You're giving much needed input where the spouses have not.
I know everyone is at a different stage here, and processes things differently. I think I am past the anger stage, because I've been mourning the loss of my marriage for so many years. 12 years since he started really avoiding sex with me, and probably 15 since I noticed I was always the initiator. I hadn't mentioned this anywhere on here, and it may be a different issue entirely, but my husband also has exhibited paranoia (terrorists, aliens, conspiracy theories) to the point that I was afraid I might have to have him evaluated, and he also seems to be classic bipolar. He is nice, sweet, seemingly on task and normal/even keeled for approximately 5-14 days, then he becomes angry and easily agitated and makes everyone miserable. Will stomp or slam around, throw things, and or yell. It's amazing what we begin to see as normal, till we look back at it objectively. I've been keeping track of everything that's gone on here, for about 8 months.
Anyway, what I wanted to say is, all the hurt and confusion aside, I decided I can't be angry. My husband probably didn't feel he could be open about his sexuality. Societally and as far as being disowned. I think he struggled with wanting to be straight. Wanting children. A wife. The all American family... and we sure have it. Do I regret marrying him? Absolutely not. I have learned and grown as a person and mother. I have learned from the hurt. I have beautiful amazing children. I DO however feel sorry for him, moreso than myself. I know my sexuality, and am comfortable in my own skin. It's so obvious to me now that he is not. He is socially awkward, says inappropriate things at times, and then the whole job thing.... he has told me he feels like a failure. I have spent a good portion of our marriage, building him up... not realizing that he can't be built up by anyone but himself. I want him to be happy. I want him to feel at ease. I wish he could admit things to me, and let us continue our journey as friends and co-parents. I understand the deception and lies. I've lied to him myself in other ways, so as not to hurt his delicate emotional state. I just want us to both live our lives and find ultimate love, even if that's obviously not with each other.
Posted by Lisa4kids ![]() April 20, 2017 2:13 pm | #504 |
Sean what do you make of this?
Husbands friend who does our yard weed control called to see if he wanted him to come out. I could hear what he was saying. At the end, the guy said "okay sweetie pie....(pause)....oh that's right you're married to a female".
What on earth?
Husband said to me afterwards "I think he's a little borderline... he'd probably xxxxxx (insert other friends name) if he asked him to.
Seems to me there are a few too many men who feel comfortable saying sexual things to him....
and my friend reminded me again that her boyfriend (he has some bi experience) told her he knew within 15 mins that my husband was at the very minimum, bisexual.
Posted by Kel ![]() April 20, 2017 2:19 pm | #505 |
Obviously he figured since you weren't on the phone, you wouldn't have heard that. But no - that's NOT normal. I don't care if you are straight and DO have a gay friend - they don't talk to you like that. Why would they? A typical straight man would make it known that being talked to that way was unacceptable. And that if it continued, that's it - no more friendship. Friends don't try to make their friends feel uncomfortable. And if there's ANYthing that makes a straight man feel uncomfortable, it's being touched or talked to in a sexually suggestive way by another man.
Posted by Séan ![]() April 20, 2017 6:39 pm | #506 |
Thank you Lisa and Kel for your posts. In response to Lisa:
1. Sean what do you make of this? Husbands friend who does our yard weed control called to see if he wanted him to come out. I could hear what he was saying. At the end, the guy said "okay sweetie pie....(pause)....oh that's right you're married to a female." What on Earth?
Given everything you've shared Lisa, your husband certainly appears to be gay-in-denial. This recent incident seems to be just another example of that.
2. Husband said to me afterwards "I think he's a little borderline... he'd probably xxxxxx (insert other friends name) if he asked him to. Seems to me there are a few too many men who feel comfortable saying sexual things to him....and my friend reminded me again that her boyfriend (he has some bi experience) told her he knew within 15 mins that my husband was at the very minimum, bisexual.
This reminds me of myself near the end of my marriage. My college roommate was gay. My best friend was also gay. Later I hired a number of gay men as employees. Roughly half the people in my life asked if I was gay at some point in time. None of this was by accident. Whether I accepted it or not, I was more comfortable being around gay men and having gay relationships because I am and always have been a gay man. When I finally came out, I was actually offended when so many people casually told me, "Well I'd always suspected you were gay." I thought I'd hidden it so well.
I digress. Lisa I applaud your commitment to finding the truth. It would also appear that you're learning to question your husband's f*cked up version of reality. Asking a man who has lied his whole life to tell the truth is delusional. Gay-in-denial husbands are just constitutionally incapable of telling the truth. I know because I've been there. But there is hope. As I've seen with previous straight spouses, there will come a time when you're no longer going to him for either confirmation or conflict. Gay/straight relationships can be a bit like Scrabble: we can struggle for years or even decades and then one day the jumbled words just spell out G-A-Y...plain as day. One day you'll probably be able to say to him, "I know you're gay, I know you're not ready to admit it, but this can't go on, and this is what I'm going to do."
I hope that helps in some small way my friend. Please feel free to post again if you have additional questions.
Last edited by Séan (April 20, 2017 6:40 pm)
Posted by Lisa4kids ![]() April 20, 2017 7:10 pm | #507 |
Sean thanks so much and I had to laugh because of the scrabble analogy. See, my husband and I used to play scrabble. Quite competitively in fact. He actually proposed on the board. Maybe one day I'll steal the Y from MARRY and finish out the word GAY.
The closest I got to being non chalant about saying it to him was when I asked, he denied, and I said "well I still feel like you are gay or bi... but the point here is really that there is too much hurt from the past for me to ever get past".
I will always love him as a person and I do want him to be happy. But I also love myself and need my happiness now as well. I think I'll set a timeline and try to stick to it.
Posted by Séan ![]() April 23, 2017 7:59 pm | #508 |
Thank you for sharing Lisa. You and the other straight spouses who share here are so incredibly brave and such an example of courage for your children. If there are any other straight spouses who have questions, please feel free to share them here.
Posted by Nutmeg0516 ![]() April 24, 2017 11:34 am | #509 |
Hi Sean! I have a question-how did you people in your situation perform with their wives sexually? Sorry if that's too personal-I am only wondering because that's what threw me I guess. If he didn't seem to enjoy it sometimes or finish I think I would have been more suspicious
Posted by Lisa4kids ![]() April 24, 2017 12:03 pm | #510 |
Nutmeg0516 wrote:
Hi Sean! I have a question-how did you people in your situation perform with their wives sexually? Sorry if that's too personal-I am only wondering because that's what threw me I guess. If he didn't seem to enjoy it sometimes or finish I think I would have been more suspicious
See now, mine just closed his eyes and hurried up. I could have been a blow up doll for all he cared. There wasn't any intimacy or sensual moments. I could see how it would be even more confusing if the sex was good. My husband even acknowledges that the sex wasn't good but he blames me for it. Hahahaha. Funny thing is, I never had any complaints before him.