Scared of running into ex

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Posted by Magnolia
January 14, 2025 4:06 pm

Since the divorce was finalized a few years ago I've been no contact. I'm always a little scared of running into my trans ex-husband when I'm out in certain places. I know he will try to approach me and talk to me; he didn't want to divorce and is the type to always try to be the "nice guy". I suspect it really gets under his skin that I don't want anything to do with him. 
I've already had a close call where I saw him obviously looking for me when we happened to be at the same place (I ran out before he saw me). The thought of him approaching me when I'm out with friends in my new life mortifies me. I don't tell many people about him as I just want to move on and not be associated with him. 

Just venting, I suppose. Angry that this is still a consideration and that I can't trust him to take the hint after years of no contact. 

Posted by OutofHisCloset
January 14, 2025 4:38 pm

I have a similar feeling about my trans (closeted) ex.  I am also no contact with him, and have been since 2019.  I don't want to run into him.  I doubt he would go out of his way to approach me, but just seeing him at a distance is enough to upset me, even though it's been seven years since I left him.  We don't live in the same neighborhood (I moved out), but we do live only a couple of miles apart.  I try to stay out of the area of town where he lives, but I do occasionally shop at the grocery store that is about a half mile from our, now his, house, and where I shopped for over twenty-five years when I lived there.   I always scan the parking lot for his car, and, on the occasions when I have seen it, I turn right around and leave.   A few times I have seen him on the road, driving, including once when I realized his car was just in front of me, and once when he was just behind me.   (He works out in a gym near where I live.)  It's always destabilizing for me.  

It must be far worse for you, knowing your ex would like to force himself on you.

Posted by Magnolia
January 20, 2025 11:56 am

OutofHisCloset wrote:

It's always destabilizing for me. 

Yes, it's the same for me and I hate it. While I've moved across town, it's not as though it's a very large town to begin with so the possibility of running into him is greater than I would like. It's insult to injury that he would even try to speak to me after everything he put me through. 

Posted by brianh
January 22, 2025 11:12 am

Alas, I suspect this isn't uncommon, not that I'm an expert. I was "fortunate" enough to move away (I didn't really have any choice, actually), but recently went back to the area I used to live with my former spouse (15+ years ago) and all those anxieties came roaring back and it came as a bit of a surprise to me.

I don't know if this applies to you all, but these kinds of anxieties can be PTSD from chronic emotional abuse. Therapy may help, if that's an option.

Posted by Rob
January 24, 2025 7:28 am

I can relate..  My GX moved very close and I could always run into her in the supermarket.       But I never felt safe.       I recently moved further away and really do have less anxiety as the chances of running into her are nil.   I took the supermarket as a blessing to maybe get to see my kids.     But if your ex doesnt have the kids with him  it baffling to me what purpose they serve on this earth.

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7
Posted by ReedieTeacher
March 3, 2025 7:00 am

Me too!  Initially, my trans ex-spouse wanted to sit together at our son's band concerts and "be friends."  That person clearly wanted my approval and I refused to give it.  Because that person didn't (and doesn't) deserve it.  

You are not alone and your feelings are valid!

Posted by BirdSolveig
March 3, 2025 4:34 pm

I can definitely identify with that problem. When I learned where my TXH was living, I decided to take a new route  to go many places in town.  I tried to go to a different church but when I saw him there with his appearance and behavior I made the decision never to go back to that church.  And I haven't, except for a funeral of a friend.  It's hard living in the same small town.  

Posted by walkbymyself
Today 9:55 am

I moved 3,000 miles away.  But, when I go to visit my daughter I'm not sure how to handle this situation.

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