Today I shredded my massive journal that I’ve had since 2016. The journal was my safe haven during tumultuous periods and it does not serve a purpose anymore. It is full of gaslighting, lack of respect, confusion, anger, sadness, shame and pain. A want for revenge and the karma bus to arrive. It helped me to unleash raw feelings that scared me, helped with processing and allowed clarification that I wasn’t crazy with specific incidences and confirmed my gut and intuition was spot on. There’s a lot of mindfuckery in it. I included the hoovering tactics after the 2022 no contact.
It comes to a point where, it’s enough! It’s been on a shelf. Now it’s erase. Well, of course it’ will never be forgotten. It reminds me of in 2017 that I shredded every single picture of him in my shredder. Today was a ceremony.