Posted by BetrayalSurvivor23 ![]() November 28, 2023 6:20 pm | #1 |
I am not a native English speaker, so please excuse any grammar or spelling mistakes. I am so glad I found this forum and would like to share my recent experience with you. I'm reaching out because I'm grappling with an extremely difficult situation in my personal life and could use some advice or just a space to share.
I've been in a relationship for 5 years, married for the last 3, which started as a beautiful bond in Vienna. She is from Taiwan and I am originally from Germany. So from the get go we had cultural differences (importance of family: mine sucks a bit, shes really close with hers / different mindset in various things when it comes to work ethic, money, interests and hobbies). However, we were happy together and after three years we decided to get married.
Shortly after we got married we decided to move to Munich together in 12 month.So we quit our jobs and moved to Taiwan for around 6 months, enjoyed the life there with her friends and family. The other half of the year we spent in Vienna, enjoying the last few months before out move. In June we found an apartment and moved back to Munich. The goal was to start our own little family there.
Since we just recently arrived, she had no job yet (going to German classes to become more fluent in German and thus be able to get a better job) meanwhile I started a job in July.After three month I realized the company was utter crap and decided to quit the job and find a new opportunity. We have some savings and a cheap apartment, so this was no problem.
After my wife finished her final German class, she told me she wants to go back to Taiwan “one final time” before starting to look for a job in Munich. She left for 4 weeks.
During the time the calls became less frequent, the messages colder. I had been feeling something was off for a while, particularly after my partner's return to Germany Our communication became sparse and the emotional/physical warmth we shared seemed to disappear.Two weeks later she suddenly mentioned, that she hates Germany and wants to move back to Taiwan, it only added to the strain, as it would greatly impact my life since I don’t speak Mandarin and as the sole breadwinner my career opportunities would be very limited (work as an English teacher maybe or in a coffee shop as a clerk).
In Germany I could make an above average salary and take care of both of us easily – even though she always made her own money in Austria as well. I understood her reasons somewhat (be closer to her parents / cultural difference in Asia where kids are taking care of her parents when they get older).But still, it didn’t seem right to me. She was already in Europe for around 7 years and sometimes got home sick but it was never an ultimatum that we have to leave together or she will go alone. It hurt me deeply.
I was devastated and saw a divorce already on the horizon. I was hurt by her proposal since there was no real discussion about it. It was an “eat or die” kind of proposal. She also didn’t really have a plan how we would survive there monetarily and what the plan b would be in case I find no job.After many fights, tears and reconciliations we agreed to continue to work on our relationship to make her feel more save/home in Germany until February. Then we would decide together if we move, she moves, we separate, etc.I (maybe selfishly) expected her to show me some love again since we agreed to move on together (at least until February).
But the kisses were cold, hugs and touches in the evening (not even sexual in nature) were steadily denied by her. I felt like shit. 24/7. But I didn’t want to lose her – I still loved her.
Quick sidestory: My wife has very many lesbian friends. Maybe that should have been a "pink flag" from the beginning for me but I am very open minded, met most of them personally and found them to be great people. Only one of them I didnt meet in person (foreshadowing much...) For about the last 12-16 months she reconnected with an old "tomboy" friend of hers, that she went to high school with. The girl is deeply troubled, bipolar, suicidal, manipulative and would start texting and talking to her for support. This quickly escalated rather quickly into daily phone calls in the evening for hours. We are talking about 4-5 hours daily in the end. Since my wife always told me about the girl in question and her problems, I knew about her and sometimes felt that she is not a good “company” for my wife. One time they were fighting and my wife cut contact with her. The next 2-3 days she was bombarded by calls from the girl (day 1 around 20/day2 around 50/ day 30 around 80 missed calls). Day 4 – my wife picked up. And they became "friends" again (you know exactly where this is going)
Yesterday I was driven by a weird suspicion and was really curious what they were texting about the whole day. So, I took her iPad while she was out of the house with some friends and checked the messages. I was devastated by what I found: photos of her kissing the other woman and numerous messages where they expressed their love for each other.
They referred to me as "the roommate", took pictures of a ring they gave to each other (my wife took of my wedding ring on those pictures).They discussed how much they love each other in detail, called each other husband and wife, exchanging how much they love each others bodies and were obviously already looking/planning to move in together. They also discussed that my wife should get a divorce (she wanted to wait 1-2 years though?!). And my wife told the girl that she wouldnt even mind if I have sex with other women - this one hurt me in particular, since no loving partner would be able to say something like that. The messages went on for months. I was shaking. Feeling sick. Ready to puke. Hate. Love. Anxiety. Pain.
I confronted her immediately via phone and asked her to for 5 minutes to answer me one question. I asked her: Do you cheat on me with this girl? She denied. I told her that I saw the pictures. She answered they were drunk. I was laughing in that moment since my wife doesn’t have the enzyme to digest alcohol so this was obviously a blatant lie. I sent her the pictures I found and told her that I know everything. That I read the messages and that this means the end of our relationship. Instead of coming home to discuss it, she texted that she would pick up her belongings later, leave the house key, and be gone for good. No sorry, no explanation, no nothing in that moment. I spent the night at my dad’s place, crying, sleeping for 30 minutes and feeling like crap honestly. Anxiety, fear, betrayal, the shitty divorce process rushing through my head the whole night. It was pure hell.
The next day I came back to our apartment and broke down crying. She took all her belongings and is gone. It feels like someone you loved deeply died and suddenly disappeared in thin air. When I saw our wedding picture still hanging at our mirror in the hallway, I felt like I am dying. It just hurt so much. While I'm relieved she left quickly, but the pain is unbearable.
During the last few days, she texted me that she is sorry, that she should have told me when she started developing feelings for this woman and that I am a good guy. She got confused but it was too late to go back. Some "remorse". No real closure (even though she being gone is closure I guess). I winder how long they've been living this double life behind my back. I feel so betrayed. I read so many messages between the two "lovebirds" and looked at so many pictures where they are kissing that are now stuck in my head. The look in the pictures – she once gave it to me. Now her heart belongs the old friend.
Today she moved back to Taiwan (since everything in Munich reminds her of me.... not really sure if its not the call of the new girlfriend making her want to move back so fast ;)).
We agreed to have an "amicable" divorce and I will have the first meeting with the lawyer in Munich tomorrow. She will not want anything from me. I will not want anything from her. We just want to go separate ways. This soothed my anxiety surrounding financial destruction and epic court fights somewhat (even though nothing is signed yet, etc.) I told her, that I will keep her updated and let her know what papers she has to sign, information she has to share and so on. I'm struggling with immense hurt and a sense of betrayal. I guess there is no deeper meaning to this wall of text besides me venting. Any advice or shared experiences would be immensely helpful for my journey. Thank you for reading and for any support you can offer.
PS: Thanks for the amazing podcast, even though there are not so many episodes related to lesbian spouses, the insights by "survivors" are a true treasure chest of amazing advise and insights.
Last edited by BetrayalSurvivor23 (November 28, 2023 6:22 pm)
Posted by Ellexoh_nz ![]() November 28, 2023 10:17 pm | #2 |
BetrayalSurvivor23 wrote:
Welcome to our Forum This is a long journey Survivor23. It doesn't matter how long a r'ship is or has will take however long it takes to work through the pain, confusion, mistrust and anger this will bring into your life.
I think the most important thing about a betrayal like this is to be comfortable talking about it, and I hope, as well as this website you have friends and family you can trust and confide in.
Again....welcome. You're in a good place
Posted by ellierigg ![]() November 29, 2023 11:59 am | #3 |
Hey BetrayalSurvivor23!
Just here to say you are not alone. It hurts. But I hope that in time you will see that this situation doesn’t have to define you or your life. The first thing I thought as I read your post was- I’m happy this guy is out of a bad, messy relationship (I know it seemed perfect for you, but it wasn’t, and it’s not your fault).
I can’t say I am mad at my ex for deciding to be with men instead of me. I am sure he loved me. I lived with him for 13 years and he was always supportive, and shared everything with me- except the one thing he wasn’t even ready to admit to himself. So… I know your situation is shocking, and the change in your life is vey fast. But don’t feel like you were not loved, or like you lost some time in life. You will grieve, and if you let it, the grief will make you stronger and you will find new joys in life.
Write here as much as you need. We are with you.
Posted by BetrayalSurvivor23 ![]() November 29, 2023 1:03 pm | #4 |
Thank you for your kind words. "But don't feel like you were not loved, or like you lost some time in life." this resonates very strongly with me actually. You are right, that framing the relationship as something positive in total... (excluding the terrible ending) is a nice perspective.
Today is only day 5 of this whole nightmare but at least it was the first day i was able to eat some fruit again. Also I talked to the lawyer and the slow process is starting. In close collaboration with my cheating ex which is good and bad at the same time. Good: We can make sure it wont escalate into a divorce fight. Bad: I have constantly texting contact with her to keep her updates, since she "fled" the country.
I will spend the next few days with my close family and leave our old apartment. I think this will be a good change - time to heal some more.
ellierigg wrote:
Hey BetrayalSurvivor23!
Just here to say you are not alone. It hurts. But I hope that in time you will see that this situation doesn’t have to define you or your life. The first thing I thought as I read your post was- I’m happy this guy is out of a bad, messy relationship (I know it seemed perfect for you, but it wasn’t, and it’s not your fault).
I can’t say I am mad at my ex for deciding to be with men instead of me. I am sure he loved me. I lived with him for 13 years and he was always supportive, and shared everything with me- except the one thing he wasn’t even ready to admit to himself. So… I know your situation is shocking, and the change in your life is vey fast. But don’t feel like you were not loved, or like you lost some time in life. You will grieve, and if you let it, the grief will make you stronger and you will find new joys in life.
Write here as much as you need. We are with you.
Last edited by BetrayalSurvivor23 (November 29, 2023 1:03 pm)
Posted by ellierigg ![]() November 29, 2023 5:09 pm | #5 |
You are doing very good considering you’re just 5 days into this. Don’t want to tell you how you will feel, but just know that ups and downs are the most normal thing. I was grareful for everyone here who explained to me that grief is like a rollercoaster (think of a big, bad one in Prater, Vienna )
Day by day. Sometimes minute by minute… you’ll be happy again.