Posted by Anon42 ![]() May 9, 2023 2:26 am | #101 |
Oh, no worries, SamanthaNL, take your time.
Thank you!
Posted by SamanthaNL ![]() May 9, 2023 10:50 am | #102 |
Hi Annon,
I did wanted to answer your post soon. First of all to say I am so sorry you find yourself in this position which you didn’t anticipate nor detected to begin with when you got married.
I sincerely value your inquiry to my advise but want to emphasize I am no counselor! I am just speaking from the experience my husband and I learned during our road through all this, through a land of not knowing where to go. The importance to have (some) people in your life with whom you can be frank and open to talk to about anger, doubt and confusion and ask questions which you yourself don’t have answers too.
So by far…that would be my first advice, try and find someone with whom you can talk to, cry and be just yourself. Have your own inner perspectives straight in what you want and need. Clear your head and feelings, level them out so to speak.
Do not feel limited by your wife with what she feels is the right way to go in what you have to speak about and your inner feelings according to her sexual need and being. Because you need it, maybe even more then she does! Just a few people which you trust!!
I absolutely realize this is a very difficult time for you right now, and the damage this news causes for your marriage, and it’s painfulness of realizing some borders you do not want to cross in the midstream of letting your wife explore her feelings and wanting her to be who she is.
I have read your other post and I am making an educated guess this is not something your wife discovered a few months ago. She probably thought about it for a long time but now told you consequently as a result of being honest and transparent and responsible.
And that is probably even more painful to grasp then accepting your wife’s feelings for women. But being kept in the dark all those years and you being the victim of her secret, not being her main objective of significance the same as you held her. Broken promises and trust.
I don’t know, I am just being candid, because I don’t think you asked me for rosy dubious answers.
And that is probably the main issue first I think. You. Because if you want to pursue a monogamous marriage with your wife it is not at all just about accepting and maintaining her feelings as valuable and being who she is. But it’s about accepting the fact that you both are equal in value and importance as well. If you want to go this road ahead, it is a road together. It’s a bond and unity you share together. It’s accepting both your feelings in the equation and finding away in open and honest desire to have the responsibility to choose for each other as you once promised when you got married. Those promises do not diminish at the crossroad as one side of the marriage demands to earn the right to be herself and makes you choose as it is her awareness and being herself.
If you lose that aspect, then you yourself diminish your value, not only as a husband but also as being a man. That is the whole problem with tunnelvision, the slipstream of deliberation of sexual feelings are considered the sole priority and primary issue and source for every other step one takes, leaving the spouse on the sideline. And downplaying the importance of the value of who she really is as the person she wants to be in the totality of things. Thinking it is alright and for the best for both to set sexual orientation on the first place, but in fact building a gap farther and farther away from each other. Because it is all based on a one (self-seeking) sided need.
She has to acknowledge that fact too in the deepest need she feels obligated to. Not by mere will to be in a household together, paying the bills and accommodate your needs twice a year. But from and with her heart, because that is what a unity, the bond of marriage contains. The essence of love.
If you want to tell her something that has merit: she should not leave the totality of who she is as a whole person. Sexuality doesn’t just hold or keep merely and simply feelings toward…, it is about (in her case) being a woman. Knowing what she is in the totality of her existence. It is so much more, the feelings she has are just a part of that. And moreover, if she knows that fact, she does not have to be a victim of her feelings as if she is out of control when she makes an other choice that comply with her preferences to the whole she wants to be in life. The world and social media is telling every one to obey feelings or otherwise be unhappy and wanting, but that is not so!! For instance, my preference is not my feelings toward woman, although I do have those feelings and acknowledge that fact and accepting myself as a result being in peace and satisfied with myself, knowing and acknowledging that part of who I am. But my actual preference is with my marriage and the love for my husband, wanting that even more and also belongs to me, as a part of who I am. Among a whole bunch of other personality stuff that makes me to whom I am. I have the choice. I am in control of what I want to pursue and fulfills my longings. For it is my will, not my feelings, who run my life and my love for the person I want to share my life with.
This information she should have shared with you (earlier) and be on the table as a mayor issue of why your sex-life or intimacy were not there to begin with as it should have been. Knowledge you should have had a choice about whether you could or would be able to live with that.
For this is not something that will, if controlled and modified correctly, goes away.
So it is important you personally think long and hard (= heart desire to the depth) of what you feel, need and want in life to live in acceptance and accordance to those standard that require all that, but her needs and feelings as well. This is no one(wo)man show and you are the audience.
Going together requires not just acceptance for her, like I said before, which, from what I gather in your story is agreeable to her except going outside the marriage seeking comfort for her feelings. But if you do not comprehend that to the core that’s actually not even the issue in the source, then… how can she? (for instance: If she would have had feelings for a man…would you make this same remark? ) So the core questions involve more than sexual orientation.
Acceptance is good and important, but it is going deeper and further than only accepting her feelings.
Both have to get out of the tunnel-vision that focusses on sexual orientation as the main and central aspect of life and decisions. Letting loose, and then grasp other values that make us a person. That opens up a broader perspective and actual freedom. That is the place to take decisions from. And yes feelings will follow in accordance. Sexual feelings as a result of love instead of the other way around. As such a monogamous MOM gets fulfilling to both.
Do realize well, both have to be willing to go this path, if one doesn’t want it, then it’s simply not an viable option.
Your wife is free to contact me through my personal mail you find on SSN, but like I said…I am on holiday 😉 so not always able to respond immediately.
My thoughts are with you both wishing you a way through this turmoil.
Posted by Anon42 ![]() May 12, 2023 2:15 am | #103 |
Thank you, Samantha for taking time and answering me. I'll see if I can share some of these ideas with my (so far) wife.
Posted by Anon42 ![]() June 23, 2023 3:11 pm | #104 |
Anon42 wrote:
Thank you, Samantha for taking time and answering me. I'll see if I can share some of these ideas with my (so far) wife.
Welp, the wife is not open to any such ideas. She claims she can't see any way of changing her mind, and won't even try to understand what your thinking is, SamanthaNL. Thanks for giving it a try. I would work hard for saving the marriage, but that would require two people thinking that it is possible, and it's not the case unfortunately.
I've basically accepted the inevitable divorce, am feeling pretty much ok and distancing myself from the wife.
Posted by SamanthaNL ![]() June 25, 2023 9:03 pm | #105 |
Hi Anon42, reading your posts I unfortunately already got this impression. Yet, I am sorry to hear that, I am sorry for you. Although I think you have made a lot of rational considerations in dealing with, and signifying what is best for you and your children, to move on. Not getting lost and buried in the staggering emotional rabbit hole you faced anymore. Good for you! Indeed, two people are needed to launch the fundamental necessities to contribute to another participation in the marriage where both feelings must be equally met and the openness to talk and be true to each other.
Personally, I think it is odd that someone does elect sexuality (making preference to the entire sexuality) as ‘I know what I feel, therefor I know myself’, but is reluctant to consider the correlation to everything else that is important in their behavior, character and personality. Hiding behind : ‘I do not understand’….
Rejecting to consider this internal inconsistency.
Neglected to contemplate what that means regarding everything else they say they hold for valuable. Turning themselves into fragile people and all others into the unyielding and dominant opponent.
Shutting down a huge part of who one is, the focus mainly based on what is missed and how to control those “missing” feelings, instead of what they have and are. Decisively pondering on that vision. Feeding it, needing it….
A major error that confines to a life without having a choice, focal point is merely filling a requirement, leaving al other just and valid commitments and promises.
Mainly looking to one particular aspect and making that their authentic being and all-important aspect of who they are.
I am not even (yet) mentioning spouse or children, but things as self-worth, self-esteem, proud of yourself (and I don't mean vanity!!), happy and relaxed with and in your body, content and comfortable and responsible, loyalty, trust, conviction, values and principles … and all those things someone needs to have confidence and strength and real happiness inside…knowing who you want to be. Those usually do not appear to be as genuine and basic elements that also need to be incorporated as much as sexuality, in the same importance.
I don't think that's rocket science...
That is making just a healthy observation developed through own experience.
Posted by SamanthaNL ![]() January 28, 2025 12:05 pm | #106 |
Today we found this video from Joe Kort on youtube.
When discovery/disclosure happens somewhere down the line in marriage, it causes a complex set of initial difficulties and turmoil to overcome (like we ourselves had to work through). Nevertheless the core principles and characteristics of the relation (on the way forward) is very much the same as described in the story in the video. There are so many key points we share with their story. A MOM is not doomed by definition, nor should it be because external opinions say so. Whatever you choose together, be aware you’ve power of choice and free will.