This is my first post--I just found this forum. I have known since day 1 that my husband was bisexual (we have been married 27 years). When we got married, he was committed to a monogamous relationship. He loves me very deeply, is very attracted to me. He had never really worked out his sexuality--all of his relationships with men have been furtive, he's never had a healthy relationship with a man. 6 years ago, he went into recovery for a meth addiction that absolutely shocked me--not something I have any experience with at all. Sex with men went along with it--apparently with his drug dealers. I have come to understand that this isn't all that unusual. He worked really hard at it, changed a lot, really loved his sobriety, and we had the best 5 years of our marriage ever. I learned a lot about addiction and we really worked on our relationship. In January, after a stressful period, he relapsed--meth and sex. He is back in recovery and we are trying to put things back together, each individually working on ourselves and also in couples therapy. But I am wrecked. I'm trying to go to 12 step meetings but feel like I haven't met others in a similar situation. There's so much love in our relationship, and I deeply want this to work, but it's so, so hard. Anyone else with a similar story or helpful support?