Posted by Pyrolysist January 3, 2023 8:05 am | #1 |
I wish I’d found this sooner. I’ve been really struggling with this and have not been the most fun person to be around. My wife had a sexual encounter with a woman this summer that has since blossomed into an intimate emotional and physical affair for them. My wife and I have had brief sexual encounters here and there but no sex in months. This part was hard for a time, but I didn’t marry my wife for the sex, and it’s honestly not even a bother anymore.
What I’ve really been just agonizing over is that my marriage may soon be at an end. No matter how much I try to imagine divorcing my wife, I just can’t. The thought of cutting the time I have with my kids in half just guts me, I can’t fathom not making my wife coffee in the mornings or sleeping in the same bed as her. I’ve been talking to a therapist who advised me I should do what’s best for me and maybe that would be to leave the relationship, but after months of thought and deep dives into the depths of my mind, the best thing for me is to be married to my person, my soulmate.
I’ve been researching mixed orientation relationships, sexual fluidity and non monogamous polyamorous marriages. Anyone have any experience with this? This is all, very very new and unknown waters for me, I’m slowly coming to terms with the way things are and am catching glimpses of happiness through acceptance. Would love to start a conversation about what the near future looks like, and what I can do to be the best spouse for her.
Posted by Ellexoh_nz January 3, 2023 12:24 pm | #2 |
Pyrolysist wrote:
....I’ve been researching mixed orientation relationships, sexual fluidity and non monogamous polyamorous marriages. Anyone have any experience with this?
Welcome to our Forum Pyro
I'm a woman with a bisexual partner so our situations are slightly different but I can tell you about the feelings of being not quite good enough and of having to hold back emotions when he was heading off to "spend time" with somebody else.
I thought I was the one loving him enough to let him go out and express himself when really he cared less about how it was affecting me and more about his own right to do what he wanted.
We're still in this mess of a Mindfuck, everything's fine on the surface but we're both resentful, and neither of us talks about The Elephant in The Room.
Once you choose to enter a mixed orientation r'ship and knowingly welcome others in the dynamics of it change and, if it never does sit quite right with you... it simply becomes unequal.
Once you say "yes" to an open relationship (non-monogamy...what a crock of shiite) the power that was the two of you, the special bond two people think is theirs's gone. And you never feel it again
Posted by Blackie563 January 3, 2023 12:32 pm | #3 |
Ellexoh_nz wrote:
Once you say "yes" to an open relationship (non-monogamy...what a crock of shiite) the power that was the two of you, the special bond two people think is theirs's gone. And you never feel it again
This right here says it all. Agree 1000000%. I don't judge people, if you want an open relationship or MOM, thats your choice. Know what you are getting into. It won't be what you expected and there is a good chance that since you did not arrive at that desire on your own, you dont really want that. Life is short my friend, too short to live with something you dont actually want. Again, to each their own. I know the idea of not having her in your life is devasting, go read my posts from August. I said the exact same I can not image talking to her for any other reason than child arrangements/child based communications. I am otherwise, no contact and it doesnt hurt anymore. Why? BECAUSE SHE WAS THE SOURCE OF THE PAIN! Her years of lying, cheating and lord knows what else, I accepted her BS. "Becasue thats what a marriage is". A marriage isnt abuse or neglect. Its mutual love.
As Maximus said it in Gladiator "This is not it Proximo, this is not it!"
Posted by Pyrolysist January 3, 2023 1:59 pm | #4 |
I hear what you’re saying, and I’m truly sorry to hear that this has been such a negative experience for y’all, hell for all of us.
But I’m a firm believer that love conquers anything. This life is extremely short, who am I to say what she can or can’t do? I was upset because she didn’t choose me or my happiness when she started this, but the desire is so strong for her and the need to see what’s on the other side of this door; how could I ever say that I truly love her if I were to deny her this because it hurts my feelings?
I have too much invested in our lives together to just give up because my mind wants to stay closer to this possibility. I would rather stay married while she figures out what she wants from this life than give up on her right in the middle. And I don’t even know that would be any easier than what I’m doing now, all I know is I want to do everything I can from whatever angle I can to see that my marriage survives. If that means giving her unlimited freedom to explore what she needs to explore, I think I can do that. And honestly, if my marriage doesn’t make it, I’ll be devastated by what that means but I know I’ll be ok. And I’ll know that I did everything I could to keep my dream alive.
I feel the grief of losing what our marriage was, but who knows what the future holds. Who knows if bigger and better things aren’t in store for us down the line!
Posted by lily January 3, 2023 3:29 pm | #5 |
Hi Pyro,
well you have found the right place. we understand how you feel because we've been there too.
Being a firm believer in love (I am too) is all very well but it isn't the same for everyone. Your wife is going to do what she does and at some point you are going to have to take on board that you aren't her soul mate, not from her perspective, she is looking to form a new relationship right now isn't she.
From what I have seen it's usually Mr Lesbian who wants to set up house with Mrs Lesbian while Mrs Lesbian can often vacillate between wanting to keep her marriage and not.
In all of this she is the protagonist. None of this has anything to do with you, it's all about her and her girlfriend.
I have every sympathy for your feeling that you want to do everything you can for your marriage but I can tell you from my experience it ended in a place where I couldn't take the kicking any more - my survival instincts became insistent. I was so broken down - emotional pain is not something to ignore any more than a broken leg is.
I did a lot of going for walks, a lot of curling up on the bed and letting my feelings talk to me. eventually, I got away from him.
Last edited by lily (January 3, 2023 3:34 pm)
Posted by Anon2222 January 3, 2023 4:27 pm | #6 |
Pyrolysist wrote:
I hear what you’re saying, and I’m truly sorry to hear that this has been such a negative experience for y’all, hell for all of us.
But I’m a firm believer that love conquers anything. This life is extremely short, who am I to say what she can or can’t do? I was upset because she didn’t choose me or my happiness when she started this, but the desire is so strong for her and the need to see what’s on the other side of this door; how could I ever say that I truly love her if I were to deny her this because it hurts my feelings?
I have too much invested in our lives together to just give up because my mind wants to stay closer to this possibility. I would rather stay married while she figures out what she wants from this life than give up on her right in the middle. And I don’t even know that would be any easier than what I’m doing now, all I know is I want to do everything I can from whatever angle I can to see that my marriage survives. If that means giving her unlimited freedom to explore what she needs to explore, I think I can do that. And honestly, if my marriage doesn’t make it, I’ll be devastated by what that means but I know I’ll be ok. And I’ll know that I did everything I could to keep my dream alive.
I feel the grief of losing what our marriage was, but who knows what the future holds. Who knows if bigger and better things aren’t in store for us down the line!
Take my advice how you will....but, you're at the beginning of this. You are very new in the process. And I'm gonna be honest with have no idea what you're in for and sound a bit naïve. I'm not trying to be mean, just saying you have a lot ahead of you.
I was you, several years ago. My husband came out as bi. I was so in love. I believed love conquers all. I supported him. Went through counselling. Worked hard on my own opinions and beliefs. I fiercely believed in marriage and monogamy.
Let me tell you......marriage and love conquering all only works if you're BOTH on the same page.
Because, turns out he wasn't. He then decided he was gay. And he sat down beside me and said "I'm gay, I'm divorcing you".
I offered everything - open relationship, poly, even just living as roommates for the emotional support. He was the love of my life. I thought he was my soul mate. I did not want a divorce. He wasn't even open to a conversation about it. Just told me he decided he had 0 attraction to me and didn't love me anymore. And I found out he used the last year or so to detach from me and the marriage.
The whole time I was in it 100%.....and he was just lying and half assing it while making his own decisions that only benefited himself.
Look at it this way....your wife has already cheated on you. Whether you decide that you're ok with this, is up to you. But, it is what it is. I'm assuming she didn't come to you with her feelings and plans and get your approval first? Has she sat down with you and asked how you are doing in all this? Talked openly about what she wants? Has she asked you what you want?
It's insidious. All of this. It beats you down. I honestly believed my husband loved me, wanted to be married to me and saw me as his soulmate. Watching how easily he walked away was gut wrenching. I have yet to pick up the pieces of my life and I consider it a good day if I can just function.
There is a reason that the large majority of these relationships don't work out. And the ones that do, seem to be more about choosing monogamy and working through every step together (and no one cheated).
Like I said, I sounded just like you....once upon a time. Until I learned that "love conquers all" is actually incredibly naïve. You can love someone all you want, but you can't force them to love you back.
Posted by gwendolyn_C January 3, 2023 5:00 pm | #7 |
Pyrolysist wrote:
I wish I’d found this sooner. I’ve been really struggling with this and have not been the most fun person to be around. My wife had a sexual encounter with a woman this summer that has since blossomed into an intimate emotional and physical affair for them. My wife and I have had brief sexual encounters here and there but no sex in months. This part was hard for a time, but I didn’t marry my wife for the sex, and it’s honestly not even a bother anymore.
I’ve been researching mixed orientation relationships, sexual fluidity and non monogamous polyamorous marriages. Anyone have any experience with this?
Pyrolysist: Did your wife ask you if she could have a sexual encounter with this woman? Did your wife ask you if she could develop and nurture an intimate emotional and physical affair with another woman? I hope the answers are 'Yes.' I haven't seen many mixed orientation relationships work, but the ones that remain monogamous and built on trust (read Dutchman's story under MOM). I tried MOM but I realized it started with betrayal and dishonesty. I truly hope it works out for you!
Posted by Rob January 3, 2023 6:09 pm | #8 |
Welcome. When I think of mixed orientation or non-monogomous marriage conceptually I think of her going out with her girlfriend and you going out with your girlfriend and the two of share say a home and kids. I mean I lived it for 2.5 years except I had no girlfriend to meet up with.
Basically it didn't matter what I GX did not want to be married anymore. I mean she liked the money and me as a baby sitter..but .. She did not like that I lived in the house with the kids and she couldn't have sex in front of me with her girlfriend.
No amount of love or money in the world could stop my GX from hurting me over and over.
Wishing you the best.
Posted by Ellexoh_nz January 3, 2023 6:24 pm | #9 |
Pyrolysist wrote:
.....But I’m a firm believer that love conquers anything. .....
This is about the only place, that *I* have found, where the forum members know what I'm talking about so as a place to question, rant and read it's great place to be.
Your challenges will be different, as a man, but there are plenty of men here too, and if you stick it out hopefully you'll be afforded the time and space to collect your thoughts, make some decisions whatever they are and feel stronger in yourself. It's not a sprint it's a marathon
Posted by OutofHisCloset January 3, 2023 7:04 pm | #10 |
Dude, what are you, 12? If love conquered all a whole lot of us would still be married.
Your wife cheated on you; don't let the sex of the person she cheated with obscure this fact. Go visit and get yourself unchumped.