What do outsiders say? impact on kids?

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Posted by private
November 4, 2022 6:53 pm

After I have stated that closeted ex was abusive..
sometimes I don't get the support I'm looking for. Do you find this to be the case for you?

Secondly do you ever worry you child might end up like them or never want a committed relationship in the future?

or just hate gays in general?

Posted by lily
November 4, 2022 7:31 pm

No I am gay friendly.  There was a period where I felt like I'd had enough gay to last a lifetime but it passed and I am back to normal. 

I don't talk about how my ex treated me other than particular friends.  Yes plenty of people show a lack of sympathy towards the straight.

I don't have children so I don't have to worry.

Posted by Victo
November 4, 2022 9:37 pm

Yes and yes.  I’m reluctant to share my story because so many people are now programmed to see homosexuality as a kind of teflon virtue.  That my GID narcissist abuser ex must have felt really awful having to lie about her true sexuality.  And every single time I encounter one of those people, I want to say: she had to lie about her identity on such a scale that she had to marry an unsuspecting straight person and lie to them for decades about who she really was?

But people don’t want to rethink their positions on this stuff.  They have been taught to feel sympathy for homosexual people and feeling anything other than that sympathy is complex and difficult and beyond where most people want to go.

And, yes.  Every time I hear my daughter parroting the attitudes of her mother and her mother’s lover, with whom she lives, I want to scream.

But I don’t.

I have learned to simply internalize all my pain.  It completely sucks. 

I come here to share.

Last edited by Victo (November 4, 2022 9:38 pm)

Posted by walkbymyself
November 28, 2022 2:46 pm

Love that phrase "teflon virtue".  

I have absolutely gotten that reflexive "oh the poor man, to be forced to conceal his sexuality" bullshit.  My daughter (now 27, but 23 when it all came out) gets the same BS.

My ex-inlaws were amazingly loving and open-minded people.  My MIL's youngest brother was gay, and she was extremely supportive in an era when that was very, very unusual.  I get triggered when people insinuate that my XH had to lie about his sexuality because of some narrow-mindedness of his parents.  There are many, many people his age who did the right thing and came out.  He chose his life because he's a twisted, sick fuck who enjoys controling people.

Relinquere fraudator, vitam lucrari.
Posted by Ellexoh_nz
November 28, 2022 5:24 pm

walkbymyself wrote:

....He chose his life because he's a twisted, sick fuck who enjoys controling people.

❤️ Love your honesty


KIA KAHA                       
Posted by Rob
November 29, 2022 11:26 am


Yes you describe my GXs arrogance in deciding she would just marry me and suppress her sexuality for decades.  She would give crumbs of physical affection because..hey I was ok with it and she was a God and had power over the moon and tides.
Another description of what she did was .."not normal".. so sick and the fword are accurate.

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7
Posted by SameDeepWaterAsPhil
December 27, 2022 2:13 am

I've spent the last 1.5 years trying to learn to empathize with the LGBTQ community--their trials, struggles, & difficulties. I worked hard to see the world through the eyes of my LW. I've tried to discern God's plan for her & us. Then she quit on us. She quit on her family. She quit on her faith. Now, I'm left with a real temptation to despise all SSA people, wherever they are. Except, that I recognize my own sinful nature, & I am no better than anyone else. But, I AM really, really, angry.

Posted by Ellexoh_nz
December 27, 2022 1:26 pm

SameDeepWaterAsPhil wrote:

....But, I AM really, really, angry.

Know how you feel. I've actually once spat on a rainbow painted as a crossing on a road. A few years ago when all this was dumped on me.
I've tried really strongly to stop feeling as hateful...since ALL LGBTQ people aren't bad....right?

Then I was thrown a curve ball...my grandson decided he was a female. So that's just added to my own personal pile of Mindfuck. I'm in the middle of the pile and nobody knows I'm in here


KIA KAHA                       
Posted by Anon2222
December 27, 2022 8:51 pm

I really struggle with all of this. I cannot see any physical anything between two men without having actual pain. It's a visceral reaction. It feels like a slap in the face and a punch in the gut at the same time. And it's flipping everywhere. It's always in my face.

And it's funny, because before it never bothered me. I was very much love is love and live your life. I work in direct patient care and I've worked with all groups. Heck, a lot of the times it wouldn't even register. I treat every patient as if they are my family member.

And yet now I am acutely aware and I don't want to see it. It makes me feel sick. I still treat every patient to the best of my ability....but I find it mentally exhausting. Trying to smile and be all cheerful. Pretending I'm completely unaffected. And I'm terrified my face will twitch or something and someone will accuse me of being homophobic. I have seen incredibly outlandish behavior from patients....and I find myself judging in my head. 

Maybe I'm crazy, or there really is an increase, but I just feel like the LGBTQ thing is being shoved down my throat and I can't escape it. I just want a break I guess. And I'm just sick of it being some sort of pass to act however you want, do whatever you want, and heaven help you if you don't agree with something.

Posted by clintonia
January 1, 2023 2:55 am

Anon2222 wrote:

I really struggle with all of this. I cannot see any physical anything between two men without having actual pain. It's a visceral reaction. It feels like a slap in the face and a punch in the gut at the same time. And it's flipping everywhere. It's always in my face.

I just feel like the LGBTQ thing is being shoved down my throat and I can't escape it. I just want a break I guess. And I'm just sick of it being some sort of pass to act however you want, do whatever you want, and heaven help you if you don't agree with something.

I feel similarly-- especially the concept that you must conform with everyone else's view on this or you are "hateful". I have passively smiled at everything the past few years hiding and suppressing what I think is rational, true and honest. (This is a must in how I conduct myself at work too given revised norms.)

I feel that straight people who refuse to ignore LGBTQ people's abuse-- which I've found to be most-- themselves are displaying a streak of violence. If they could acknowledge what a straight partner has endured, they could not with a conscience support the perpetrator of abuse. It seems to me that in this, people don't care about truth, but what conforms to accepted standards and is the easiest path to adopt. Sympathy should only be given if a person hasn't been violent to those around them-- someone who has not spent his/her/their life directly lying to others. I feel like our society simply props up and continues the suppression and abuse of straight partners-- I don't even think it is the abusive individuals themselves, but everyone who supports them, and that that amassed, suppressive view is at least as traumatizing as, and more inescapable than, what the former partner did.

Heartwarming coming out stories sometimes state that although family and friends previously didn't understand the person's suppression, but they "responded with love because they loved me". Yet family and friends, and the general public, *do not* support straight partners, accept them or even acknowledge what the LGBTQ partner did and may continue to be doing. Somehow, straight partners still don't exist and aren't allowed to-- just as they weren't during the active relationship in many ways.

This is the new world to me on this count. One of suppression and supporting of those who abuse, either without realizing or caring that one does it, and being righteous that this support of letting someone else do whatever they want is a reflection of one's kindness. I think everyone should be more critical when a person comes out than to unhesitatingly celebrate and conclude that "love wins". The whole of human history and human nature haven't changed by revised marriage legislation. The phrase "love wins" shouldn't ever be attributed to human beings in my opinion. It's akin to the concept that  the universe revolves around Earth. 

Because of this movement and society's completely uncritical view of LGBTQ people's violence, I feel like society has stepped back from truth and reality in a vast way over the last decade. One can live as one wants if it doesn't harm others; one should not be quick to pat on the back people who've been directly and acutely abusive for decades, or people who've lied to everyone around them about something honestly important for those others to known for years. I resent how little people care about this abuse and lying and call themselves loving. Love can be harsh. Love is honest. It makes an effort to shut down rather than participate in violence.

Last edited by clintonia (January 1, 2023 3:11 am)


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