Lynne, Thanks for the bucking up. I will now think of his telling his new woman that his "trans" stage and cross-dressing behavior was "compensatory behavior" that yeah, it was compensatory, all right: compensatory for being a disordered a-hole.
One of Chump Lady's lessons has been on my mind this morning: "Trust that he sucks." Which he has proven yet again to be a truth usefully understood in relation to his behavior. For him to now characterize what he represented to me as the uncovering and coming out of a long suppressed self, and so important to him that he would torpedo a marriage of thirty-plus years, as just an psychological coping method for a situation now past and therefore unimportant is evidence that yes, he does indeed suck.
And yes, Daryl, my conscience is now clear. I have no doubt my ex has merely retreated deeply into his closet, but that "the itch that is nearly always there," as he once put it to me, is still operating. This new woman will see either the re-emergence of his "trans" persona, with its attendant behavior, or the behaviors he adopts when he is repressing it.
Last edited by OutofHisCloset (October 18, 2022 8:22 am)