Devastatedbylies wrote:
I haven't told him anything about this because I found it in a "wrong way", also I don't want him to change the few passwords that I know or become even sneakier than what he has been all this time (incognito mode, clearing his history, etc.) I don't know what else to do.
I had this exact same shame, at least in the beginning. I was terrified I was going to get caught, even though all I was doing was protecting myself. I also felt like a criminal coming here and posting. There was another online forum where I posted about it in a private thread, but I was terrified I would get caught. When I finally got online access to OUR SHARED JOINT CHECKING ACCOUNT, I was actually sneaking around peeking at my own bank statements as if there was something shameful about it!
When the day finally came that I sat down to talk with him, he tried to pump me for information on how much I knew (probably trying to figure out how he could become a better, more effective liar). I told him directly, he only ever confesses to the stuff that he knows he's already been caught at, so I'm not going to discuss "how much" I'd discovered or how I'd found out.
That stopped him for a moment. But if anyone, ever, anywhere tries to shame me for any of this, my response will be: If you're determined to shame me, I can assure you there's plenty there for you to work with. There's a lot that I feel deeply ashamed about, so you're going to have an easy job of it. But you're going to have an interesting time trying to shame me for the ONE thing I ever did to stand up for myself, to protect myself. Please continue. I'll give you a score, on a scale of one to ten, how ashamed I am. Because of everything I have beat myself up over, going back three decades, you have chosen to try and shame me for the ONE THING I did to stand up for myself and fight back. As Barack Obama once said, "Please proceed, governor."