What an awful situation for you.
The only way you can know for sure what the financial landscape could look like for you is to consult an attorney. You might discover that the picture is brighter than you are imagining. Also, staying married comes with its own financial risks. His behavior might result in a situation in which you are legally or financially liable. And in addition to financial and legal ramifications, there are social ones: my sister's husband was found dead with his pants down around his ankles in a section of a public park that was a notorious gay cruising spot.
Your husband may say "none of [the men] mean anything," and while it may be true that individually they don't mean anything, his behavior says that collectively they mean everything. They mean enough that he can't or won't stop having sex with them; they mean enough that he is willing to lie to you, to deceive you, to break an explicit promise to you, to risk your health and life (the STIs), to risk his social standing (the arrests), to risk his financial future (you might in fact decide to divorce him), to risk his family (I assume you have children).
What you know now is that his behavior is never going to stop, because it's not "a lifestyle" it's a sexual orientation. If you decide that indeed you will stay with him (full disclosure: I divorced my now-ex after 35 years of marriage, when I was 64, with financial consequences, although I did have my own retirement account), you will want to protect yourself as best you can. There are important financial considerations to consider that have nothing to do with retirement income, such as the government requirement one must exhaust savings and assets in order to qualify for government support for assisted living or memory care facilities. Again, please consult an attorney about your options and the best way to protect yourself financially and legally.
Last edited by OutofHisCloset (July 28, 2021 3:19 pm)