Posted by Blue Bear ![]() March 30, 2021 10:26 am | #11 |
Be careful at counseling. My ex-wife and I tried couple's counseling, which became her opportunity to try to justify her bad behavior through pointing out her trivial complaints about me. If I were to do this again (God forbid), I would not attend couple's counseling. I already knew what I needed to know about my ex-wife. She is adulterous, attracted to women and capable of profound, mindfucking deception. I didn't really need a counselor to tell me why I needed to leave.
Posted by Ellexoh_nz ![]() March 30, 2021 1:31 pm | #12 |
OutofHisCloset wrote:
.......Eventually I realized, to use Rob's metaphor, that the ball was ALWAYS in my court. He was never going to act to leave, and he was never going to give me the clarity I thought was needed in order for me to feel ok about leaving. ......... that the job of coming to terms with his sexuality was his and his alone. It became clear that he was not going to act to alleviate my anxieties or to give me clarity,Finally, I realized that if anyone was going to end the impasse, it was going to have to be me.
I have several quotes...from Forum members, that resonate with me. I'm going to add these words to it.
Posted by Rob ![]() March 30, 2021 1:42 pm | #13 |
I like your analogy of the ball the best. It was when I did nothing with the problems my GX created and stood back and observed that I was finally able to get a handle on the problems and see a way out..essentially I began putting a lot of problems in the "not my problem bucket" where would she live...really not my was but it was not a problem I created..I did not have to solve it on any timetable she wanted if at all.
I stopped letting her be amused with my hurt and and anxiety of trying to solve everything. I maintained status quo, my routines, paid the bills etc.. but if she was wondering when I was going to leave our home for example..the answer was never. It was not a problem I created.
I think once you can let go and see that a home is made of the people that live there and not the structure and stuff...that we would all, I think, give it all up to be at peace and be loved..only then can we begin to feel some sense of control and strength to move forward.
I would given up everything for it not be true.
But it was true..and so my response was to stay true to my core character..but to not live with the abuse anymore.
Shame on them for marrying us but hiding and keeping this secret..and then acting superior or hurt when we respond to it in anger or self respect. Shame on them for expecting empathy and support from us when they are actively hurting us.
If they think we have to play ball by their rules they should think again..they are not gods or omnipotent beings. They forfeited all rights and privileges to a fair game the minute they withheld their secrets from us.
For myself with a wife that was cheating she had forfeited all rights and privileges to my problem solving skills or fierce love.
Posted by Upside ![]() March 30, 2021 4:07 pm | #14 |
Great advice and support in here.
Seconding avoiding counseling. You have said you cannot get past this. You want a separation. You have tried counseling and it didn't work.
He is manipulating you. Talking about his unclear feelings only extends his chance to manipulate. I lost an extra year of my life to this tactic. Nothing is gained but more pain.
I would have your lawyer do the talking now. Your husband can figure himself out on his own time.
Stay strong, AuroraMoon.
Posted by Soaplife ![]() March 31, 2021 10:57 am | #15 |
Rob and LongWayHome, you are exactly right. When we place the problem where it belongs - with them and not with us - the way forward becomes much clearer. We have to do what is best for ourselves and our children if there are any. Aurora Moon I hope you are doing ok. I wish you strength and courage for the tough walk away.
Posted by AuroraMoon ![]() March 31, 2021 7:30 pm | #16 |
I don't know what I would do without your support, incredible insight and advice. I feel like I'm stumbling through thick, dark fog, grasping at smoke and pulling back ghosts. Then I read your posts and its like I hear a bell ringing. Quiet at first then louder and clearer. I feel like I would be here trapped in the fog forever if it weren't for you. Thank god for you all.
He did a mind fuck on me again last night but I stayed strong. He told me all the things he thinks I want to hear, but I told him I don't believe him. I don't trust him anymore. I downloaded a sample of a book someone posted here. The Other Side of the Closet. He saw the book on his kindle (everything is shared on our Kindles). Apparently he read a sample and was hurt by the description of the deceitful gay spouse. How they live a secret life. He tried to convince me that he didn't know any of this before a year ago. He forgets the truths he told me (when he felt "safe") sharing with me. The same sex attraction in high school. The trans porn he started watching years ago while wearing my underwear. He even denied last night that he asked me why I can't get past it! Why do I keep bringing it up? This again? He pretty much told me I made it up. This is the first time I realized, in the moment, that he was gaslighting me!
The ball is in my court. I'll let you know how counseling goes
Posted by Julian_Stone ![]() March 31, 2021 8:53 pm | #17 |
I just wanted to say (in case I haven't yet) how incredibly strong I think you are...and resilient and empathetic.
Posted by AuroraMoon ![]() April 1, 2021 7:03 pm | #18 |
Julian_Stone wrote:
I just wanted to say (in case I haven't yet) how incredibly strong I think you are...and resilient and empathetic.
Thank you ❤❤❤
Posted by Soaplife ![]() April 2, 2021 8:43 pm | #19 |
AuroraMoon, you wrote: "He tried to convince me that he didn't know any of this before a year ago. He forgets the truths he told me (when he felt "safe") sharing with me. The same sex attraction in high school. The trans porn he started watching years ago while wearing my underwear. He even denied last night that he asked me why I can't get past it! Why do I keep bringing it up? This again? He pretty much told me I made it up. This is the first time I realized, in the moment, that he was gaslighting me!"
This is a classic abuser tactic called DARVO - Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender.
Great that you are recognising and naming the ongoing abuse. The question only you can answer is "Is this acceptable to me?"
Stay strong and keep safe
Posted by AuroraMoon ![]() April 6, 2021 8:19 pm | #20 |
So we had marriage counseling last night. It was awful. I could tell the therapist is not experienced with this. I was by myself at first because my husband was not home from work yet. She told me that he did not fill out his part the intake forms so she only had my side of the situation. I was not surprised that he didn't do it. I told her I'm trying to stop helping him or reminding him of things he needs to do.
The first bit was him explaining his side of things. That always sucks because its jlike "hey! Remember what I did to you?" also I'm really confused about it but sure I love you and want to make it work.
Then I said some things and she's pretty much like, "well he seems like he wants so to make it work so what's the problem?" I totally shut down. So now my feelings are being invalidated by him and the therapist. I started crying and I got a horrible stomach ache. I went to my go to of saying ok over and over. One of the things i said ok to was giving therapy a couple months before separating.
She told me that his sexuality is something he needs to figure out and I have to stop helping him figure it out. I have to stop taking on his stuff because then I make it my stuff. Something about how we all have "baskets" and they are filled with stuff from our parents and other people in our lives . I have his stuff in my basket and I need to take it out. Duh. Thats why im trying to leave him. Get out of my basket!
It ended and I went to bed and cried some more. My husband pretty much ignored me the rest of the night. I've never felt so alone. I did a healing meditation. Then I tried to watch something to distract myself. Eventually I took my anxiety medication and went to sleep.
So yeah, total waste of time and I feel worse. Yay