When he tries blaming me

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Posted by MillennialMess
March 10, 2021 9:29 pm

My soon to be ex keeps saying “but you initiated it” - just because I was the one who filed for divorce and chose not to work on things. He lied for so long and cheated with men behind my back- but now it’s my fault I actually filed the papers?!! This is insanity and infuriating. Anyone else have this experience? It’s all I can do to stay cordial until everything is untangled

Posted by Rob
March 10, 2021 10:35 pm

No, I had the opposite. I was about a week or 2 away from filing when my GX filed first.  Being she was doing everything she could to destroy the marriage it was not surprising.  I think she did it because she wanted to be with her girlfriend so badly, and perhaps she wanted to make it look like I was bad and she could say she left me? 

The truth is, and the lawyers will agree, it makes little difference who files first.   I think your stbx is just whining because you showed him there on consequences to his actions..consequences he knew.
To say you didn't try is just blame shifting.. we tried for years with authentic fierce love...did he? They have no concept of the hurt, fear and infinite mistrust they caused.

This is not us leaving them, this is them rejecting us.

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7
Posted by MyExodus
March 11, 2021 10:02 am

"My soon to be ex keeps saying “but you initiated it” - just because I was the one who filed for divorce and chose not to work on things. He lied for so long and cheated with men behind my back- but now it’s my fault I actually filed the papers?!! This is insanity and infuriating. Anyone else have this experience? It’s all I can do to stay cordial until everything is untangled." -Millenial Mess

Ya know, MM, cordial and amicable is the goal; but my STBX and I just had a very circular arguement AGAIN just the other night. I say circlar because we keep coming back and saying the exact same things. It's maddening and infuriating!  He says I moved on and gave up without a fight. If you read my story in the "Our Stories" section, you'd know that I forgave him the "only one" indiscretion back in 2003 and last year discovered there were multiple more lies, multiple hookups/indiscretions and cover-ups that he never revealed and that he was back to watching gay porn and in gay chat rooms as dealing with his SSA...that was his "therapy." They were his resources instead of counselling, books or talking to me about our relationship.  He SAYS he takes responsibility for his actions, that he is the cause for our divorce; but then he wants me to talk about what I could have done better. I tell him the things that I DO take ownership of and he wants to press on the little things I didn't do.  He goes on about how I didn't show him I wanted him enough; I didn't desire him, so he turned to his SSA. After begging him to sleep in my bed for 22 years, I'm the fault. My initiating sex was just not good enough proof of my desire. He rejected me numerous times and I allegedly didn't show him enough desire! LOL  I ask him how else should I have shown him more desire. Should I have grovelled??? Silence. He takes ownership and then tries to pass it back to me.  I tell him he's trying to blame-shift me to lessen his load. I empathize with the weight of his shame; but I did not lie, I did not seek acceptance outside of our marriage and I did not (need to) cover up my behaviors. I will not take the consequences of his actions. That's the blame-shift game.

It is flirting with insanity which is why I said that I will not discuss our issues within our marriage anymore with him, only details of the divorce and moving forward. We do not get anywhere with those conversations; I just get emotionally abused. I get told I just gave up when I had given him 19 more years to get therapy to figure this out, forgave him and had his children. He gave up on therapy 18 years ago and now I'm the one who gave up. I fear this may get worse as we progress through the divorce.

Hold your ground MM. You have been in this forum enough to know how these narcisists work. I call the lies, minimizing, blame-shifting and gaslighting what they are with him when he he utilizes them. It makes him mad; but it proves my point. What did your husband do to save the marriage? What books has he read? What sacrifices/choices has he made?

Know your truths, own them and tell them when he tries to blame you.

You are not alone!!!

Posted by Ellexoh_nz
March 11, 2021 2:19 pm

MillennialMess wrote:

My soon to be ex keeps saying “but you initiated it” - just because I was the one who filed for divorce and chose not to work on things. He lied for so long and cheated with men behind my back- but now it’s my fault I actually filed the papers?!! This is insanity and infuriating. Anyone else have this experience? It’s all I can do to stay cordial until everything is untangled


I'm not up to the point you are MM....but have already emotionally detached from my partner, and although I can't say whether or not it'll be easy..I do think it'll be easier to have that detachment in my back pocket if or when the time is right. 
Your soon to be ex sounds like a bit of a prima donna. Chin up, eyes forward....keep looking at the light at the end of the tunnel


KIA KAHA                       
Posted by Upside
March 11, 2021 3:38 pm

Yes, I had the same experience MM.

I confronted her with tangible evidence of her affairs. She said "You file". I did. Then she blamed me for "giving up on our family".

I let my spouse get under my skin and we got back together. She cheated with other women within a few weeks. Once a cheater, always a cheater. Don't be me.

Reminds me of the Narcissist's Prayer:
That didn't happen.
And if it did, it wasn't that bad.
And if it was, that's not a big deal.
And if it is, that's not my fault.
And if it was, I didn't mean it.
And if I did...
You deserved it.

Take this as a sign to run faster away from them. Gray rock them. And never look back.

Last edited by Upside (March 11, 2021 3:41 pm)

Posted by Blue Bear
March 12, 2021 2:57 pm

The Narcissist's Prayer above is amazing.

I think this is pretty common, MilennialMess.  My ex-wife blamed me for "this".  After I discovered her secret, same-sex affair, she gave me a laundry list of my alleged faults that...somehow turned her into a deceptive, abusive, adulterous lesbian?  She made zero sense.

I felt a lot better when I stopped believing anything my ex-wife was telling me.  I could recognize most of what she was saying for what it actually was -- garbage.  It's tough to go from a place of your spouse being the person you trust the most to the person you should trust the least.

Posted by lily
March 12, 2021 5:07 pm

yes, the narcissist's prayer is fab.

and so is the line in your post - "It's tough to go from a place of your spouse being the person you trust the most to the person you should trust the least."

Yes, it's a tough journey.  I think part of the denial straight spouses go into is because subconsciously we can feel the trouble we're in.

MM - stay cordial, as much as you want to.  you can do it.  Listen carefully to what he says, once you are safely at a distance emotionally you will be able to read what it is he really wants, ie it isn't about it being your fault, it's about what he wants.   

Last edited by lily (March 12, 2021 5:20 pm)

Posted by MillennialMess
March 15, 2021 7:39 pm

Thank you all for the support. Seems like many of us have experienced this blame-shifting. I am staying strong and have to remind myself I know the truth- it’s not easy though. I find the worse he is to me- the worse I feel about myself. Like I should have seen his true colors before now...just how narcissistic, cruel and manipulative he is.

Posted by Blue Bear
March 15, 2021 9:43 pm

MM:  I found it helpful to write down the truth.  For example, my ex-wife confessed to me that she had known about her same-sex attraction for over 20 years, which was before we had even met.  I wrote down that conversation and all of its relevant details.  When I reminded my ex-wife about that conversation, she denied that conversation had ever happened.  (Apparently, this is common.  Lucky us.)

Having the written record was another way to help reinforce what was real and what wasn't when my ex-wife turned on the gas.

Posted by MyExodus
March 16, 2021 9:17 am

"Having the written record was another way to help reinforce what was real and what wasn't when my ex-wife turned on the gas. - Blue Bear

I will second the journaling. It has saved my sanity. He denies things, changes details and, my favorite, the, "I don't know why I said that" or "I don't remember doing that."  I tell him that the "fact" that  he doesn't know or remember does not make him unaccountable for what he's said or done. If it was significant to me, I wrote it down; I'm sorry if it didn't mean that much to him to remember.  "You promised me this was your one and only encounter; but the scenerio that you just described is different from what you told me 18 years ago." One and only encounter...LOL! He has now told me of several other encounters. I have suggested to him he start journaling...pisses him off!  😆

Jounaling has helped me know my own truth and validate my feelings. It has also helped me "prove" his lies to him, leaves him speechless sometimes. Know and own your story and don't let him snow you, MM.


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