Thank you. I’m still trying to find a counselor or therapist. I just need someone to talk to. I have two very dear friends that I have leaned on throughout this. They have been wonderful but can’t direct me from a place they haven’t been. Pandemic isn’t helping the situation. I am safe and not in the same home as he is. That is a blessing.
I caught him. Actually had no idea, thought he was involved in drugs due to his behavior. He actually tried to blame me for where I found him. Gaslighting. Ha! Didn’t even realize that is what it was called all these years! Then he felt bad, never admitted or was completely honest. Then he changed his story that he had a porn addiction. I don’t know if I believed that or wanted to believe that. Regardless, he lied. He’s lied for a long time. It’s been 3 months since my world exploded. A tiger doesn’t change his stripes, behaviors are coming back. Before I was to accept and have compassion for his inability to connect and his ER. I did. Now I supposed to have sympathy for how hard his therapy is.
I’m not and I won’t! He has apologized to the kids for never being there. Has given me all the credit for raising them. I don’t need his credit and they don’t need to be told that, they lived it. He Wasn’t honest in the least about anything else, just said I found him in a place that he should not have been and he was ashamed. What he needs to be ashamed about is his deception, the way he treated me and our children.. He’s ashamed of himself, which is the entire problem.
He used me and them as a cloak. He couldn’t face himself, be honest with himself and lied to me. He knew I had commitment to him, our marriage and family. He knew the truth all along. Had I known the truth I would have left long ago.
I’m trying to prepare the house to sell, get divorced and be done!!
There is no turning back.