Posted by Deceivedandsad January 14, 2021 9:51 am | #1 |
My husband is fighting tooth and nail to "save our marriage from my SSA sin and addiction." And I am just... blah. It's like I have realized that if I stay, I fade to nothing. If I leave, I will lose everyone and everything.
So which hell is easier to live in? I am just completely numb to everything...
I try to fight and say what I am feeling and how this isn't how I want life... and yet... he can say just the right things to make me question every single thought I have. And I keep telling him it feels like manipulation, like he is just trying to save our marriage to have his cake and eat it too... and he is just SO DAMN insistent that it's for our love, for our kids, for the Glory of God to save our marriage.
So damned if I do, and damned if I don't.
This whole situation sucks.
Last edited by Deceivedandsad (January 14, 2021 3:24 pm)
Posted by inkundermyskin January 14, 2021 11:37 am | #2 |
deceived- i don't have all the answers and i'm sure others with more relatable stories will help more..
"And I keep telling him it feels like manipulation, like he is just trying to save our marriage to have his cake and eat it too.".- in my opinion the non straight spouse will try to manipulate, regafless on intentional or not., its how they have lived their life. lies, deception, manipulation. of course they want to be "who they really" but not lose anything,
"So damned if I do, and damned if I don't. "-so then don't. our spouse have destroyed most of us to the point of maybe never fully recovering. this isn't just an affair with opposite sex. this is a life on false pretense. all about them. gain the strength, and do for YOU.
Posted by Abby January 14, 2021 11:50 am | #3 |
I am a now-divorced straight woman who grew up in a conservative Christian church. Men were the leaders and expected to be the authority in the home as well. When my family left that church and I was exposed to the broader world it took a lot of time to fully acknowledge that what a man wants we do not have to accept. Why was it drummed into us to say "no" to sex before marriage and expected that afterwards we would lose our voices?
I was lucky in that my husband after 30+ years of marriage finally said he was gay and wanted a divorce. By then his grandparents and parents were deceased and he had found the man of his dreams. He came from a conservative Christian background and he did not want to be the way he was. He may have thought that marrying me would push away these thoughts but it didn't. Praying away the gay does not work.
You cannot get him through this and you are not required to sacrifice your mental and physical health trying. I encourage you to find a counselor who can help you through this crisis. Suicide is never the answer.
Posted by ThisTooShallPass January 14, 2021 3:43 pm | #4 |
It is manipulation. Anything that he is saying/doing to make you think you are "wrong" or "crazy" or make you doubt yourself or to get you to change your manipulation. I think Ink is right, in that some of the non-straight spouses don't even realize they are doing it. It's a self-preservation habit for many of them.
My husband grew up in a conservative Christian family, and a conservative community in general. He says he knows he was born this way and he says he does not believe it is a sin, but I can tell he still struggles to reconcile everything he was taught with how he feels.
I was raised in a home that....wasn't particularly religious, though I did have religious influence growing up from outside sources.
I struggled with the idea of divorce at first, because...divorce! I thought I had a "good" marriage, and I was blindsided by my husband's admission that he was attracted to men, so divorce was never on my radar. Of course, the fear of being a single mother/starting over alone was intimidating, and yes, I struggled because of religious influence. I don't think either my husband or I truly associated divorce with eternal damnation, but certainly the underlying message in his family was you only divorce for sexual affairs or abandonment. (And even then, a lot of people stayed together despite affairs.)
I know his family is going to argue for us to stay married, because "it's a sin" and I'm his "hedge of protection" and his job is to provide for his wife and kids, and on and on. I have thought about this a lot because I want to sort it out for my own peace of mind, and I know I will have to formulate an argument if we get divorced and their calls start, paritcularly if I pull the trigger. If he initiates divorce, they'll support me and say he's abandoning me. But if I initiate, I think they'll try to pressure me into staying. I am not a biblical scholar by any stretch of the imagination, but here's where I have concluded. "Sexual immorality" is more than just sexual intercourse. Sexual betrayal is immoral. If his behaviors are considered betrayal, than he has committed sexual immorality, which is often the only espoused "grounds for divorce" and I can stop there. But....there is plenty more about what a marriage is, how a husband should treat a wife, what a married sex life should entail, and how a believer should separate themselves from certain people--including those who are sexually immoral, abusive, selfish, etc. If God does not tolerate these behaviors, why should a spouse?
Do not let him guilt you. Do not let other people's beliefs box you into a marriage that is unsustainable. Only you know what goes on inside your marriage. Stand up for yourself and your needs.
Take care of yourself. Someone has to do it.
Last edited by ThisTooShallPass (January 14, 2021 3:45 pm)
Posted by lily January 14, 2021 4:24 pm | #5 |
Deceivedandsad wrote:
..And I am just... blah. It's like I have realized that if I stay, I fade to nothing. If I leave, I will lose everyone and everything.
So which hell is easier to live in? I am just completely numb to everything...
wow. I just have to repeat it "if I stay, I fade to nothing. If I leave, I will lose everyone and everything."
It is so painfully true numb is okay. It's first aid, like putting ice on a swelling. it doesn't last but it helps as you look your situation in the face.
For me it wasn't too much of a question, I so needed me. I remember walking to the bathroom and I was doing this calculation of how much I could end up with worse case scenario and as I looked at myself in the mirror I arrived at the answer of just enough to high-tail it to Tasmania on the Southern edge of this continent, next stop Antarctica and buy a little house...
Posted by Rob January 14, 2021 4:46 pm | #6 |
My GX clearly did not want the marriage anymore with her blatant cheating..she also filed the divorce..but if she had not I would have..
So I'm not versed in a gay spouse trying to save the was more like a bad movie in how she was destroying it.
During that time I was talking to my priest and while they don't like divorce he could clearly see my marriage was not what God intended for myself or my kids. The blatant abuse.
The hurt and trauma I was under.
So I have to say I dont think God intended for us to live an abusive or hurtful marriage. I will say most priest and pastors will say save your marriage at all cost, forgive etc..but..they have no concept of the trauma when your spouse has same sex idea that they can now not be trusted if they meet a friend for a drink be it male or female now.
Like others mentioned..the important thing is do you feel safe and secure in the marriage? Free of hurt and fear he will betray you again?
Do not worry what others think..they will never understand the horrible truth..just know that you can decide to stay or go. These spouses broke their vows and promises long ago..your leaving, if you do, is pomp and circumstance. If you stay he has a lot of proofs on his shoulders ..proofs of faithfulness and fidelity and trust and care that he may not be able to give or maintain. Because if none of this is your is all him.
Posted by Backpackerdad January 14, 2021 6:00 pm | #7 |
I am in a similar spot. My wife wants to stay in our marriage for financial and family reasons. At least until our youngest child finishes high school in 3 years. It took me a while to get to the place I am now of wanting to file for divorce. I thought I was giving up on someone who I love and the happy memories I have with her. The thing that has helped me is talking to her about why she wants to stay in the marriage. I would encourage you to listen very closely to the reasoning your husband is using. In my case, my wife acknowledges her SSA and that the marriage is broken. I listen very carefully when we talk about the marriage and her reasoning is all based on her comfort. Her parents are extremely homophobic and religious. She says she is just getting "her feet under her" and doesn't want to change things too much now. Also, she doesn't what to lose financial stability. The other day she said to me when I brought up divorce "you don't want to live in a crappy apartment do you." I thought wow, that would not be my first reaction and I would rather be poor than unhappy. On the other hand, she says that she realizes the marriage will not be fulfilling to me. Some others on this forum pointed out to me that those are not reasons I would marry for so why should those be reasons to stay. I think that is an important focus to have as you consider things. Do you feel like the marriage is meeting your needs and/or that you and your husband are truly working on the marriage? Otherwise, you might be in the situation where you are merely a shield that will be cast aside once he feels he no longer needs it.
I wish you all the best and hope you find all of the peace and strength you need.
Posted by Ellexoh_nz January 14, 2021 6:34 pm | #8 |
lily wrote: high-tail it to Tasmania on the Southern edge of this continent, next stop Antarctica and buy a little house..
Hahahahahaha you mean an igloo...
Posted by lily January 14, 2021 6:45 pm | #9 |
yeah, pretty much!
Posted by Zenobia January 14, 2021 7:43 pm | #10 |
Deceivedandsad I’ve seen that type of manipulation called “future faking” so that may be another term to look up and see if you feel it applies to what is happening to you.