Posted by walkbymyself ![]() February 12, 2020 11:34 am | #1 |
I am in a very dark place today. Please, if you respond, please don't do that reflexive thing where you insist, against all evidence, that I have so much to live for. It only forces me to argue with you endlessly and forces me to dwell in great detail on how bad things really are.
They're that bad.
I am not planning to go through with it. I have two reasons. My daughter would never recover. And, my death would end my husband's support obligation, which is the ONLY price he is paying for what he did to me, and I'm not going to reward him like that.
I need permission to comfort myself with thoughts of suicide. If it gets really bad, it's in my power to end it. It's the only thing I feel I have left. Every other decision is out of my control. I have no options open to me to make my life better -- only options to try and minimize how much worse it's going to get, and the problem for me is that it's already beyond what I can bear. So ANY course I take going forward is going to make things worse.
I can't believe how my lawyer sold me out. There's no way to get out of it now, in a legal sense. Every opportunity he had to drop the ball, he managed to drop the ball, and now I have a divorce settlement that leaves me with a small fraction of what I should have gotten. But, "incompetence" doesn't translate to "malpractice" so I'm stuck with it.
If I have no cheerful past to look back on, and no promising future to look forward to, I'm not sure what I'm doing staying alive. This is no way to live, but the only thing that keeps me going is the knowledge that my suicide would only reward my husband, and punish my daughter.
Posted by Ellexoh_nz ![]() February 12, 2020 1:06 pm | #2 |
walkbymyself wrote:
I am in a very dark place today. Please, if you respond, please don't do that reflexive thing where you insist, against all evidence, that I have so much to live for. It only forces me to argue with you endlessly and forces me to dwell in great detail on how bad things really are.
They're that bad.
I am not planning to go through with it. I have two reasons. My daughter would never recover. And, my death would end my husband's support obligation, which is the ONLY price he is paying for what he did to me, and I'm not going to reward him like that.
I need permission to comfort myself with thoughts of suicide. If it gets really bad, it's in my power to end it. It's the only thing I feel I have left. .
This morning when I woke I checked my phone for the time then (I don't usually do this) scanned through the new posts on the Forum and saw yours Walk. My heart screamed out for you and I wanted to open my laptop and reply immediately.....but I held back because if my partner had walked in and seen me at my laptop he would have raised his eyes to the ceiling, maybe tsk'd or looked at me scornfully. He still has this weird hold over me, and it's all about how I see myself through his eyes...if that makes sense!
It's 6.30am, he's gone to work and I can now reply
I myself gave myself permission to have dark thoughts, comforting thoughts of driving off a cliff, or throwing myself in front of a freight train. The freight train would be the quickest way but then I'm plagued by thoughts of the anguish of the train-driver. And my grandchildren! and what they would never get to know about me.
So often I did exactly what you've obviously done...sat in anguish and sadness. And listened to music. Do you know? when you feel stuck and alone every single song you listen to is sad, or you pick the few chords of a song that sticks a knife into your heart and that's what that song represents.
I don't think I'd have survived this long if my emotions hadn't sunk to the depths I'd allowed them to go
As an aside to the suicidal thoughts, and this only occured to me much later into this Mindfuck.....the fact I've written a new will, made it representative of the present, and have added a personal letter to my children with a copy of the mind-blowing email sent to me by my partner 3 years ago makes me feel if anything happens to me nobody will be left in the dark.
I wish you peace but most of all I wish you strength Walk xx
Posted by Duped ![]() February 12, 2020 1:07 pm | #3 |
Walk, please will you call SSN or a suicide hotline. I don’t have any US numbers, does anyone else have them to hand?
There is a future for you, but it’s completely understandable that you can’t see past the present.
Please, please talk to someone.
Posted by lily ![]() February 12, 2020 1:12 pm | #4 |
Good for you, Walk for talking about it. We all tend to go up and down. I remember my mother, she was in an awful position, unkindness from within the family and physically helpless after a bad stroke and she had every right to be suicidal and she was. she said to me that she had turned to the wall but was a bit annoyed to find she still liked eating!
We still went on to have some very happy times. She was such a lovely person, trustworthy loving and a lot of fun to be with and I treasure all those memories of her.
Posted by Abby ![]() February 12, 2020 1:13 pm | #5 |
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline National Suicide Prevention HotlineCall 1-800-273-8255Available 24 hours everyday
Posted by Rob ![]() February 12, 2020 1:36 pm | #6 |
Yes your daughter needs you..maybe not now but in the future..these kids will need us in the end. It May be , God forbid, when they are our age and having to divorce..being there for them is something we need to do.
For myself i signed the settlement that made sense at the time but if its any comfort ..even the most experienced and thorough lawyer cannot think of all expenses or things that may come up. I think we all have things we wish we settled differently.
Our kids bind us to this earth. I can say, like you,while i was going through this death was an option sure...I longed for a better place. In my GXs abuse it would have been easy. I even called the suicide hotline the one night I was shaking uncontrollably as she was out cheating.
Know though that we dont know what our future holds..things may work out better than you expect.
Some days i get depressed about the financials..and some days I remind myself that it is priceless..worth millions of dollars..worth living in a box on the street to be away from GX.
Give it all to God..believe that God is looking down and sees the difference between wrong and right. In this life and the next know that you did your best. And that is something these spouses can never say.
PM me if you want.
Prayers and ehugs
Posted by Whirligig ![]() February 12, 2020 2:32 pm | #7 |
I have been there as well. I used to dream of supernovas exploding and taking me with them, going to bed I would pray I wouldn't wake up, hope that my heart would give out like with 'broken-heart' syndrome, be careless when crossing the street. It's so very hard to feel that way and not talk about it. People are often concerned and don't know how to help so they offer encouragement but it feels terrible. Like yet another denial of your reality. So you again stay silent. I can only say that if you need someone we are here. IM me as well if you need to talk.
Posted by walkbymyself ![]() February 13, 2020 9:46 am | #8 |
ok so now I'm crying.
About a week or so ago, i found a YouTube clip of Stephen Colbert, in the beginning of his show he takes questions from the audience but that part doesn't get filmed, and someone had asked him about how he'd met his wife. And he got all excited like a little kid, talking about how he'd literally seen her in a crowded room and known right away she was going to be his wife. It was so incredibly sweet, and I texted the link to my daughter, and she called me the next day and told me how much she loved seeing that, and how much she really wanted to know a man who could love her like that..
And it just breaks my heart, because the example I lived, I denied myself real love for this fraudster. He never openly displayed affection (now we know why) and it always bothered my daughter. When she was little, she used to say to him "Daddy, put your arm around Mamma." and try to stage-manage him so that he would act the way she saw other fathers act towards women they loved. And it was so awkward, because my husband always claimed he hated "public displays of affection" but in reality when I found his texts, he was texting his gay boyfriend with pet names like "Hon" and "babe" and signing off with a casual "love you, babe" that I never got in two and a half decades of marriage, plus another eight years of dating and living together before that.
Just watching that clip of Colbert, I felt like, why is this so complicated? Here's a guy who is straight and loves his wife, and he's actually proud to show it.
Posted by HurtAndConfused ![]() February 13, 2020 12:58 pm | #9 |
Hey walk,
Dont beat yourself up about it. I'm in a similiar position as you, 2 kids with a gay man, awkwardness in the relationship and lack of affection. Once we heal, I have no doubt that we will be able to attract someone who will be good for us in our lives. The hardest part about this whole situation is picking up the pieces. I'm also gearing up for a divorce and wish I had chosen a better partner. But then I realize that there are ppl who go through terrible things like us and find peace and love afterwards. It's very hard to see now because weve still got some healing to do. What helps healing? I dont know to be honest as I'm going through it too but there is potential for a different, better ending. What I've started to do was create a routine for myself, every week I chose a day to go out (this helped me because I used to be glued to my bed in the dark not wanting to talk or see anyone) so I go out and do random small things like find a nice coffee shop, sit there and really enjoy my coffee and a treat while reading or listening to music.. then the next week I stumbled upon a bistro..did the same thing sat there, picked a meal and stayed there to enjoy sounds silly but I found myself starting to come back..the following week and actually thought about my outfit (sounds crazy but I was coming from a place of wearing the same clothes for 2-3 days or staying in my pjs) then the next week I put on a little perfume as I used to do before being traumatized. As I started to feel better, I found that people gravitated toward me to make small talk and not even in a sexual way. It allowed me to practice opening up again, at least a little. I'm no where near what I used to be and still have lots of healing to do but it allowed me to see the light at the end of the tunnel. What are some things that you enjoy or used to enjoy?
Posted by walkbymyself ![]() February 13, 2020 1:18 pm | #10 |
I think I enjoyed getting out and walking around, like you're describing. Where I used to live (with my husband), I'd met my neighbors just because I had a morning routine that involved going for a walk at the same time every day, and I started to meet the same dog-walkers and neighbors that way, and bit by bit we all built a group of really close friends. So I think if I can get myself to go out and walk near my apartment, if I do it at the same time every day, I'll start to see the same dog-walkers and mothers taking toddlers to the playground, and at least get a nodding acquaintance with people who live here.