In almost all,situations i highly recommend against mediation..i think mediation works if you have a normal reasonable spouse.
Does anyone on this board,think they have normal,reasonable, spouse?
You dont have to justify here or to anyone why you stay ..we get it.
I think your plan is a checking account..squirrel away money..gather strength. You will know when you cant take it anymore and its worth selling your organs to get away. I look back and dont know,how I was able to tolerate what i family thought i was crazy..but i was maintaining status quo..gathering strength.
If i had to,do it over again, I think I would have filed sooner..maybe stood up for myself more. But in the end it didnt really was pomp and circumstance..whether it takes 2 months, 2 years or 5 years its important to come,to terms,with the fact they they have destoyed the marriage and one person cannot fix it. We are not gods with omnipotent powers..but neither are they.