Posted by Nitsud ![]() January 14, 2020 12:39 pm | #1 |
My wife and I just hit our 2 year anniversary on December 2nd. For a little back story before getting into details about the present.
Around February 2018, my wife had told me that she was interested in experimenting with females. I took that as in she was curious about them in bed. So we talked about it and decided to invite other females into bed with us. But only for the pleasure. I mean, what guy wouldn’t say yes to his wife asking him to bring other females into the bedroom. It wasn’t a weekly thing. But more like once every few weeks. And in every instance, once the bedroom fun was over, these girls would leave and it would just be my wife and I showering or hanging out on the couch watching a movie or cuddling in bed. Never once did she question herself or question if she was gay. The last time we had another female join us in bed was around November 2018 or so.
Fast forward to May 1st, 2019. I leave for a 7 month deployment. Before I left I told her that if she wanted to she could go do her own thing so long as there wasn’t a guy involved. She agreed and promised no guys. I leave and yeah, the 7 months apart were hard and I missed her like crazy. But the thought of coming home to her made everything okay. The entire time I was gone, I constantly got emails and letters from her telling me how much she missed me and how much she couldn’t wait for me to be home. Talking about having kids and about our future together when I got home. Fast forward again to about November 15th 2019. I’m in Hawaii for our last stop before getting home to San Diego on the 21st. She’s still telling me she wants my babies and that she loves me and that she’s excited for me to come home. She’s got a outfit picked out, getting her nails done, getting her hair done, getting waxed.
I get home the 21st and she meets me so I can put all my gear in the bed of my truck. Before I even reach the truck she’s running to me with tears in her eyes saying that she loved me and missed me so much and was happy I was finally home. I held her and she held me. We got in the truck and sat there for a while because I had to hang out for a few hours until everyone else got back as well. So we decided to hop in the back seat for a little high school era fun and we had sex in the back seat. First time we had sex in 7 months and it was great. She was into it. We finally got to leave a few hours later and got home and got in the shower and had sex again which then made its way to the bed. After which we cuddled and fell asleep. Between November 21st and the afternoon of December 6th everything was fine. The night of the 6th is when everything turned upside down.
I had found out that while I was gone, she met this one gay girl and they became friends. Over time this girl caught feelings for my wife and told her. I’m assuming after 7 months of them hanging out my wife got attached to her as well. Because that’s how she is, she gets attached easily to people. Once I found out though. She stopped having sex with me. She doesn’t kiss me. She doesn’t tell me she loves me first. And I’ll explain that more in details.
So I’ll tell her that I love her. And she’ll say it back. But she won’t say it first. I’ll kiss her and she’ll accept the kisses, but she won’t initiate them. We still sleep in the same bed and she cuddles up to me every night. She tells me she loves me and that she still wants our marriage and that she’s still happy with me. But at the same time she basically refuses to delete the pictures of her and this other girl or get rid of her on all social media. But then will turn around and swear up and down that our marriage and myself are the most important things to her. I’m trying everything I possibly can to save our marriage and she says she’s trying as well. But it’s hard for her to love me because she’s struggling. And to me, from my point of view, I can’t help but think maybe she’s not gay. That maybe she’s just telling herself that because she got attached to this other girl. And that maybe this other girl sort of manipulated her into thinking she was full blown gay. Because to me, I don’t understand how she can go from one day saying she wants babies with me and wants forever with me. To the next saying she’s gay and that’s she’s trying.
And I’m also confused because like I said, she said that she 100% wants this marriage and that she wants me. That she loves me and enjoys being with me. That she likes my kisses. She says all of this. But doesn’t actively do any of it.
Sorry for this being so long. But having no one to talk to in person and finally finding a place where I can just let everything out just kind of gets the mind flowing. Thank you to anyone who actually reads this all the way through.
Posted by Rob ![]() January 14, 2020 3:45 pm | #2 |
So sorry,
Yes..many of us know the sudden physical rejection.
It is not right, not humane or moral. In no world is what these spouses doing right.
You need to ask yourself that if one person be it woman or man can sway your wife away from you how strong or sincere were they in marrying you. If this other person can make them physically reject you, to hurt you.. What kind of person is your spouse.
For myself the answers to these questions are brutally known..the pedestistal my then wife was on proved to be extremely false.
This is not us leaving them, this is them rejecting us..
Posted by Daryl ![]() January 14, 2020 8:30 pm | #3 |
I'm sorry to read what you are going through but I have to wonder if your importance is primarily in terms of potential children? What happens after that? I think many people here can attest that paying attention to someones actions is more important than to their words.Your spouse says she's in this but her actions don't show much in the way of effort. Having been in a somewhat similar situation, I think your spouse should seek some counseling. The uncertainty in your relationship is not good for either of you. Hope this helps. As you've said, sometimes it helps to write this stuff down.
Posted by Whirligig ![]() January 14, 2020 8:50 pm | #4 |
So I'm just going to put this out there. No straight woman is interested in sex with other women. Much less being the one to suggest it. For comparison, as a straight man would you suggest including another guy? Be receptive to participating? I'm going to guess no. Why would a straight woman feel differently? Probably your first red flag. I get that it's a fantasy for some guys but it's not something I personally think a woman would willingly participate in. Unless she's pressured into it by her partner there's just no interest there. Doesn't sound like the case for you so that means there's another reason. One you aren't able to accept.
I think ADSJ suggested in another thread that these threesome ideas are a way for them to engage in this same sex activity while keeping the illusion going that they're straight and so they can get what they want without giving up their closet or their relationships. I know you are clinging to hope but I think that's all it is. Sadly. We've all been there. I wanted to believe I had a chance too. Sometimes I still do. It's hard. It hurts. I loved this person. But I wanted him to love me back and that's not possible. Accepting reality means I have a chance to heal. I think you'd be better off doing the same but that's up to you.
Posted by lily ![]() January 14, 2020 11:34 pm | #5 |
Hi, goodness what a story. Let me get this right - two months after you were married she says to you she's interested in experimenting with women. And you talk about it, it sounds like a lot of fun and you do it every few weeks for about 9 months - about 13 times - and now it looks like she's gotten interested in a woman and is noticeably cooler with you but still wants to keep the marriage and chance at a family intact?
So - I mean 2 months after you get married? why not 2 months before you got married!
Please, go out and find a straight woman who can love you back.
Yes she is gay. omg. You are wondering if she is being manipulated by her girlfriend, but to me it sounds a lot like she could be manipulating her girlfriend, as well as you, to get what she wants.
Do you think that's possible, that she wants to two-time you both?
My observation of the bisexuals - gay women who want a husband as well, is that they go after the best men.
wishing you all the best, Lily
Posted by UserNada ![]() January 23, 2020 9:53 pm | #6 |
For what it is worth, I would discourage you from even risking pregnancy for at least a year or two. I am speaking not just as a straight spouse, but as someone who works for a divorce law firm. If your marriage can last, without any hanky panky from the outside for two years and you two draw closer together, not further apart, then maybe your love can take responsibility of bringing life into the world and your marriage. These are just my two cents, friend. You probably know what's smart, not just what would satisfy.
Last edited by UserNada (January 24, 2020 7:53 am)