Blue Bear wrote:
Chump Lady nailed it. She gave me the name “Beard Boy” when I told her to summon her creative muse for a name for me.
I also encourage you to read through the lengthy comments. The Chump Nation has some great insights and a sharp sense of humor.
I thanked her, and she gave me some more great and brief advice. “Hang in there. Do the hard things. Life is so much better on the other side of a fucktwit.”
That is some pretty good advice.. I concur, thumbs up.
I'm sitting here looking at the evening sky, drinking a darn good beer, and thinking how much better my life horribly I was treated divorcing my hurtful and lying GX, How hard it was at the time demonic. But, now , how much better I am with.kind, honest people in my life. I say walk forward, stay the course, and get to a life where abuse is an abnormal thing of the past..