Told the kids tonight, and others without my knowledge.

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Posted by jkc1214
June 26, 2019 9:08 pm

So we sat down to tell the kids we are divorcing tonight and the reason why. It was going fine as they weren't surprised about the divorce since we've been separated for 6 months now. But, while he was telling them, he mentioned that they could keep it a secret if they wanted to but that "some" other people already knew. I asked who he had told. 

He told our entire friend group and MY brother and sister in law without telling me. He never even asked how I would feel about him revealing private details of our marriage to our friends. The worst part is that not one of these friends, including my own brother has reached out to me since learning the truth. None of them has even checked in to see if I'm doing okay. 

I had moved past the anger stage and into acceptance and now I'm right back into angry. I'm so hurt and angry I can't even see straight. 

I knew our friends had chosen him in the divorce but for not even one of them to give me even a small thought about what I might be going through hurts more than I can say. My sister says that I'm expecting too much of people "It's just so uncomfortable, people don't know what to say, nobody would say anything" 

I cry bullshit. If a friend of mine was going through something as difficult as this I would check in and see how they were doing. These are friends that have been like family to me for 15 years, hell 2 of them are my family. And they invite my STBX over all the time but not me. 

 It's just one more thing he's stolen from me. 

My kids were totally nonplussed by the whole thing, never even thought for a moment about me and what it's meant for me.  Nobody considers me at all in this. Nobody. I told one person at work, and she told me my ex was very brave. Yeah...too bad he wasn't brave 25 years ago before he pulled me into his dysfunction and ruined my life. 

I told him I was disappointed he didn't think to consider telling or asking me about telling other people since he's also outing me with this and God help me, I know it was petty but I followed it up with "since we're revealing all kinds of things tonight, I should tell you that I'm seeing someone." 

I hadn't meant to tell him that way but I was so mad I just wanted to hurt him. I have no idea if it even did hurt him. Probably not, but it did take him by surprise. At least there's that. I'm not usually so petty but I just couldn't help myself. He's stolen my entire life from me and he doesn't even see it. 

I just needed to vent somewhere where someone won't tell me I'm wrong to feel this way or that I am expecting too much from long time friends/family. I won't make that mistake again. I think I'm done with all of them.

Posted by walkbymyself
June 27, 2019 11:51 am

It sounds to me as if he may have told these people pre-emptively in order to manipulate them.  Telling someone a "secret" they've never asked to hear, is a way of getting people to appear to be on your side even if they had no agency in the conversation.

I would be angry, too, because it leaves you without a support network precisely when you're most in need of it.  

As far as your kids go -- remember, it's normal for kids to experience this entire situation as being all about them, not all about you.  My daughter is 23, and is convinced that she herself is the primary victim here.  There is quite a bit of truth to that, and it's a hard lesson for a mother to hear but the truth is always better, even when it's painful.  I should have protected here, and I didn't.  This is her origin story; for me the gaslighting has been going on for half of my life and that feels like a long, long time -- but for her, it's been her entire life.  

Relinquere fraudator, vitam lucrari.
Posted by OnMyOwnTwoFeet
June 27, 2019 12:53 pm

This idea of "one more thing he has stolen from me" is something I understand!  Different things, but yes.  It seems to go on and on and on and on.

For example, the children.  One thing that has really bothered me lately is this idea of my husband wanting to use my body but not to love it.  In lots more ways than sexual or affection.  Just to have me work work work work work (work work work work), but then not wanting to take me to the doctor when I had fainted, had been running a fever of 103.5 for a few days, and had a rash all over my body.  (I'm pretty sure I've writtne that example on here before.)  Just less allowance for me to even take care of my own body than the attention we give to maintain a car. 

And the children are part of that—using my body to bear them and for the work of raising them, but despising me. 

I had a stream of consciousness rant here but removed it.  I should have known better than to post all that.  But basically, I did almost all the work of raising the children.  He was a very uninvolved father except for the oldest when a baby.  He became more distant and critical, especially toward the younger children, and he was also very critical of me as a mother in particular and of all the “domestic” things I loved to do. 

But now that the kids are older teens and young adults, my husband is very proud of them and enjoys their company.  And he is being Super Dad, using the money—which he will always have more of because I gave up my career to raise our children—to do Super Things and buy cool gear and fund fabulous travel.

AND!  I also understand how incredibly angry I can get--so surprised by it sometimes. I am sorry you had to face this betrayal of trust and consideration from him, when you had sacrificed yourself to keep his secret for so long.

I am sorry your kids seem not to care.  The kids really do have to walk a vulnerable path of seeking to love both parents and stay connected to both parents.  And I agree:  it is all about them at this stage. They also have a lot to process, and may not be showing it.  My  therapist reminds me that the kids need a safe parent, and they will often work harder to connect with the unsafe parent and rage at the safe parent.  But they know you are safe for them.  And eventually—if you can stay safe, and let them forge their own way through the pain, without them feeling they have to take care of you, then they will want to be with you more and more, and eventually will understand your pain.  As you show them empathy, they will learn this and return it to you.

It occurred to me that--maybe--your friends have not said anything to you because of how your husband presented it to them.  And maybe they really don't know all that much.  Maybe he said they had to keep it a secret.  You only know what he told you he told them.  I am not really justifying him at all--just allowing that your friends and family might not really understand much.

Best to you.  It is awful.

Last edited by OnMyOwnTwoFeet (June 27, 2019 7:08 pm)

Posted by OutofHisCloset
June 27, 2019 2:55 pm

   It might be that, as OMOTF says, your husband told your friends that you did not know he was telling them. It might be worth it to say to them, when you see them, something like this: "X has recently let me know he told you of his homosexuality.  I didn't know he'd told you, and he'd asked me not to say anything.  But I'm glad it's out in the open now, because it's been a terrific strain to live in his closet."  It is also entirely possible that he wanted that "coming out" "aren't you brave" sympathy.  And it is possible that the situation has put them in the difficult position of wanting to applaud his coming out but knowing that this has been painful for you--and people don't like to be put in difficult positions.   
  I have to say, those people I have told have all universally been immediately and genuinely sympathetic to the pain my ex has caused me, and they all immediately grasped how difficult it has been to continue to work alongside a closeted husband/ex.  
  I also have to say, that when I read here, or over on Chump Lady, about those who want to "preemptively" manage the response to their favor, I cringe, because I fear someone might accuse me of doing/having done this, or, worse, fear that I am doing just that, and that I am as a result a very bad person. 
    But how can it not be ok for me to tell the truth of what has happened?  Others make assumptions about why we're splitting up, and their responses to our divorce are conditioned by the assumptions they make. Sometimes I can tell what they're assuming, and as they are way, way off, this pains me.  I don't announce the reason to all and sundry in every conversation I have, but I have told the people I consider my friends.  It's important to me that the people I count my friends know the truth.  How can they otherwise know me?  How can our interactions be genuine, if I allow them misperceptions and hide basic facts about my life?  It makes me feel like a liar and bad friend to do so. 
    One of the most damaging aspects of the whole sorry four-plus years' long episode from disclosure through to divorce and retirement (which fully severed daily contact with him) was that I felt I was unwillingly living a lie to keep his secret, walking around under a bell jar, not being able to look my friends in the eye, or to let them know what was happening in my life.  I'm simply not willing to do this any more.  I'm sure, however, that my ex would be FURIOUS if he knew I've told people, and accuse me of "outing" him or seeking to turn people against him.  My feeling about that is that although he may wish to live a secret life, I wish to be honest with my friends, and that he does not have the right to legislate what I can say about my own life. 

Posted by a_dads_straight_journey
June 27, 2019 3:55 pm

JKC, Don’t give up on your friends and family YET. They are still processing and don’t know what to say so they say nothing. Also. it’s unusual and foreign to them  (TGT) and it’s awkward.   

I agree with OOHC. Simply tell them your story and see how they respond. I/we had friends that responded differently. Some were loyal to my ex for being brave, one couple has managed to remain friends with both of us but they empathize and understand the shit sandwich my ex gave me ( they’ve had their own experiences with her narcissism prior to her coming out but remained friends in spite of it so this was just one more item on the narc list for them). Another couple, I work with the husband, my ex plays hockey with the wife - same thing. The husband lost respect for my ex, the wife - we don’t discuss it.  Other friends have taken sides. My ex’s favorite  cousin, nothing but sorrow and respect for me. My siblings - mixed- some get my experience more, some get it less. My mother - furious as hell at the ex for taking 25 years from her son, BUT, she still interacts with ex on FB enough to keep up with her grandkids.   The more objective info they have of your loss the more they can decide how to respond.  But do not allow him to control your narrative. It is your story now, not his.  You can also create a tone in the narrative where they don’t feel they have to pick sides.  If they know the whole story they can decide but don’t lead them to a ‘side’.

Lastly, I don’t recall if your STBX cheated before coming out, but IMO  it’s unfair to you if he did and they don’t know that.  Not sure how to handle that disclosure.

Sorry if my tone is too direct given your grief at the moment, but don’t let him control your narrative. If you need to write a script to get it precise, do so.

Wishing you much strength and courage....

All the best.


Posted by walkbymyself
June 27, 2019 7:25 pm

OMO2F: thanks for articulating that “safe parent” idea. I’m dealing with my daughter’s anger a lot, and that’s a really helpful way to remain calm.

Relinquere fraudator, vitam lucrari.
Posted by Whirligig
June 27, 2019 7:49 pm

Ah, Switzerland friends, how I loathe thee! My perspective is different. Cut them off! If you can't do it completely you just revoke their access to you in any meaningful way. If they ask why? You tell them the truth: that you couldn't rely on them for support through one of the most devastating experiences of your life.

I had a friend like that who chose to lie to me when they knew the truth and could have saved me the agony of this whole experience. They are no longer a part of my life. If you love these people too much to do this, I suggest as a practical matter to never discuss this with them to protect yourself and your feelings. They will not understand and it will be fresh pain if you don't place boundaries on your interactions. You will get awful advice like 'maybe you can be best friends!' and so forth which just makes it harder for the emotional hemorrhage to stop.

Find new friends. Rely on the family that supports you. Limit your interactions with the ones you love and don't want to lose to neutral subjects. This was the worst experience for me aside from the original pain. To realize it wasn't just one betrayal. I couldn't trust people I considered friends to care about me enough to tell me the truth. Nothing like realizing you mean so little to those who mean so much to you. Rage rant over. Give it some thought and do what you feel is best for you. But it's certainly okay for you to choose who you allow in your life.

Posted by StraightSpouse1979
June 28, 2019 8:50 am

I know how you feel. I have been with my husband for almost twenty years and since i have hardly any family to speak of his family is essentially my family and not reached out to me once to see how I am doing with all of this. He at one point changed his status publicly to transgender without telling me then said he does not know how to change settings so he just deleted it but not before someone saw it and told me. Thankfully they already knew but he has my work friend and some of my family on there so they could have seen that. They have not said anything but could be same scenario where they dont know what to say. I think we are the forgotten ones in all of this. We get well everyone deserves to be happy. He is doing what he has to do finally to be himself. Well, as you said he could have done this years ago since he knew when he was a child and prevented 20 years of life together and a 5 year old daughter now that I have to see what is more beneficial to her. 

Posted by jkc1214
June 28, 2019 9:39 am

Thanks everyone for your replies. I'm feeling much better today. I spent last evening with my boyfriend (still feels weird to say that!) and he let me talk it all out and gave me some similar perspectives as to what you are all saying here.  I'm very lucky that he doesn't shy away from emotional discussions. He talked about some of his own feelings during his divorce and it helped to know that some of what I'm feeling is just regular divorce stuff. It might sound stupid, but I've felt like everything is always about his homosexuality and that it's all about him but it turns out some of it is just regular crap that comes with getting divorced. That made me feel like a little less of a freak of nature married to the gay guy.

I actually ended up telling a couple of close coworkers yesterday and low and behold, they expressed sympathy and concern for ME...not him. I didn't hear once about how brave he is and how horrible it must have been for him for years living that lie. They wanted to know how I am dealing with things and what they can do to help. It was SO refreshing to not feel so invisible for once. 
And this morning, I was chatting with my daughter's boyfriend. They've been together for almost 3 years and he has always called me "Mrs. ____" even though I've asked him to call me by my first name. It's a sign of respect from him, just how he was raised.  He started to call me that again and stopped and used my first name instead. I smiled and said "In light of the recent revelations that have some to light in our family, I really need you not to call me Mrs. ____ anymore." He gave me a knowing look and said "I get it, I will try really hard not to"  I told him he could start calling me Ms. my maiden name and he got excited, gave me a fist pump and said "you go girl!!!" And gave me a hug. To me, he was acknowledging that life with my ex has been hard and he saw it as a positive I'm taking my life back and he's happy for me. That too, felt great. He's a 19 yo kid and he got it much better than many of the adults in my life.  

And the funny thing is that when I'm feeling ok I can acknowledge how hard it must have been for my STBX and I do feel for his situation. But I just want some acknowledgement that it's been pretty damn hard for me too.  I feel like I'm back to that today. 

So thank you!!!!


Posted by jkc1214
June 28, 2019 9:52 am

walkbymyself wrote:

It sounds to me as if he may have told these people pre-emptively in order to manipulate them.  Telling someone a "secret" they've never asked to hear, is a way of getting people to appear to be on your side even if they had no agency in the conversation.

I would be angry, too, because it leaves you without a support network precisely when you're most in need of it.  

As far as your kids go -- remember, it's normal for kids to experience this entire situation as being all about them, not all about you.  My daughter is 23, and is convinced that she herself is the primary victim here.  There is quite a bit of truth to that, and it's a hard lesson for a mother to hear but the truth is always better, even when it's painful.  I should have protected here, and I didn't.  This is her origin story; for me the gaslighting has been going on for half of my life and that feels like a long, long time -- but for her, it's been her entire life.  

That's so hard. My girls have only known for a day so things might change but they basically said they didn't care, they still love him and it's fine. I haven't gotten any anger from them. I'd think it would be pretty damn hard not to counter back on my kids if they threw any anger my way. I've made a point to never talk their father down to them and I'd have a hard time maintaining that principle if they were angry with me over it. I hope your daughter comes around soon.

And I don't think he was trying to manipulate them or the situation, I think he just wants to finally be honest and they are his friends so he started with them but never gave a single thought as to the fact that I might have some feelings about them all knowing my private marital business. He seemed shocked at first when I told him I was upset and then he seemed guilty and apologized. This doesn't really surprise me, but my "friends" lack of support to me surprised me and I'm branching out to new friends and leaving them behind. I think it's just best for everyone if I go off quietly into the night. I obviously can't count on them and I don't need friends like that in my life.


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