Love needs reciprocity, Zoso. The abundance of love you give has to be matched on the part your mate. You believed it was, you depended on that belief to feel safe and secure in your marriage. Giving love makes us vulnerable; we have to have trust in the person we're partnered with, that that person will not hurt us, but will accept our love and reciprocate it. We need this belief, this dynamic, a belief in this dynamic, in order to feel safe and secure, and able to continue expressing our love and our trust. When our partners/spouses sever the connection, cease to act reciprocally to us, and declare they are unable to do that because they are unable to desire us in the way that makes them feel fully committed, it is devastating. But you can't, so to speak, keep throwing good money after bad. You committed through no fault of your own to someone who couldn't reciprocate; continuing to demonstrate to her your willingness to commit, your commitment, is not going to change her or her position, and although she may out of kindness or love or guilt give you some small satisfactions, it's not going to salvage the situation or change her mind/sexuality.
Pretty soon you will remember that losing this chance to love and to receive love does not mean you will never have it again. Losing this relationship is not the end of your ability to find love. Yes, this isn't a junior high breakup, but it's not the definitive end of loving, either.