I felt for YazPistachio; so chirpily invested in making it work. Such a happy little cheerleader for giggly laughs before sex, and so very understanding of HIS pain, never considering that she, too, has a sexuality, and has equal rights and need to have it satisfied.
A lot of us have been there, in denial, and I've been in her shoes, trying to control the outcomes by participating eagerly in his sexuality, and patting myself on the back for it. But the spectre of becoming a YazPistachio kept nagging at me. Some people make their sexuality their focus in life (what my oldest and best friend, a lesbian, calls "a professional gay person," as opposed to a person who lives their life and for which their gayness is just one aspect of life), and I didn't want to have my stbx's sexuality take over and become the focus of my life.
Seems that most of us don't have honest partners who are willing to engage us in open and honest conversations about their sexuality and its implications for our marriages. Yaz seems to think she does; perhaps she does. At any rate, it's her choice to make and her life to live. I read that thread, but I mostly stay out of it; I've made a different choice.
At any rate, I think, like Lynne, that now that we've got that thread, it's here to stay.
Last edited by OutofHisCloset (July 23, 2018 7:52 pm)