Posted by justwokeup ![]() May 16, 2018 1:19 pm | #11 |
Thank you, I appreciate you and your words. I was doing really well for the last month, not really breaking down that much but I still had that nagging wonder of what you call this specific situation we were in: a divorce due to my "non-gay husband liking only to SPEAK with transvestites online" how could I find ANYONE to relate to my EXACT situation. I was so fixated on that and felt terribly alone because I was still believing his story. Turns out I found LOTS of people in my situation, on this website. Waking up to the fact that my husband is gay in denial has definitely made me digress this week. I needed it to heal though, it was like I had this gaping wound that I'm now able to allow to dry up and scab over. Here we go... Thanks again
OutofHisCloset wrote:
One of the inevitable results of having had the "disclosure/discovery" moment is that you begin looking at the past with new eyes, and each realization you have--for example, about the camper/air mattress--re-traumatizes you. So go easy on yourself. It takes time to process this trauma. Processing it, though, will make you into a stronger, wiser, more centered person with a highly developed understanding of your values and an ability to set healthy boundaries with others. Trust and love are not out of reach for you--or for any of us--in the future.
Posted by justwokeup ![]() May 16, 2018 1:30 pm | #12 |
Thank you Lena for writing to me, I really appreciate it. I'm trying to be patient with myself, it's difficult as I don't normally allow myself to get swallowed up by emotion. Lots of years of living in dysfunction, from birth to today. But this situation did finally drive me to a therapist so that's good.yeah, I was told by him because I didn't like him going down on me that's why he needed to resort to porn and because I got stressed out sometimes. Never mind the fact that I was stressed because he never helped me with anything. But yes, my fault, I, yeah your ex's definition of friend is much different from mine. It's amazing the stories they tell and seem to believe themselves. I'm looking forward to the divorce, I have been obsessed with looking at houses out of state, I want to run away so badly but I'm afraid that won't solve anything. I'm so sorry for your struggle and I'm here if you need to chat. Thank you for the hugs, right back at you 🤗
Lena wrote:
It will get better.First 6 months I was like a robot barely fullfilling my job at work. With kids was different (they are very young- I had to be strong for them), they gave me strenght and being around them helped me a lot.
Eventually, I opened more to people and told my story to the closest one. It helped me a lot. It took my shame off my shoulders. I finally understood none of this was my fault. I was used in the worst possible way.
Of course like most of us here, I heard that it was my fault, I was too cold, then that I gave him too much freedom, that he is not gay, then that maybe he is bi, then he is none of these, that he was just looking for a friend ( all gay and with all those friends he needed to have sex, lol, what type of friendship definition in his dictionary he has?!). Finally, when I put a stop sign and requesed a divorce, he is finally not denying it.
I have been in divorcing process for some time. Cannot wait for the final. I want that peace, although I know it won't be easy. We have young kids.
I too like you, was very protective of him and diminishing his false, but his game, tricks and actions finally opened my eyes.
Think of yourself First. Most of those gay spouses are very manipulative and tend to make victims of themselves and they do not take responsibility for the burden they have created and dumped on us.
You may not fall in love that easy anymore, but as OutOfHisCloset mentioned, this process make us stronger, wiser and patient. Time heals as well.
E-hugs to you.
Posted by Ellexoh_nz ![]() May 16, 2018 1:45 pm | #13 |
In your "Our Stories" entry you wrote
"I feel so alone, I promised him I won't tell anyone. But I can't make sense of it"
But....what you absolutely need to not keep this to yourself.
It will eat you up if you keep his secret inside
Warm empathy/stay strong
Posted by justwokeup ![]() May 16, 2018 2:31 pm | #14 |
Thank you! I appreciate your wisdom through this process. The affirmation I've been receiving on muttled mind has been life saving. Thank you, Thank you 🤗
Posted by justwokeup ![]() May 21, 2018 10:57 pm | #15 |
Totally. Last week was REALLY hard. It was like since I made the discovery in January, I knew the truth but it was easier to believe his lies. I mean I knew our relationship was over but the extent of the truth was so terrifying to me so I was living in this fantasy world for a couple of months. Last Monday when I found this sight, reality socked me in the face! You guys really helped me through what I can honestly say was the toughest thing I've gone through. Luckily I had a meeting with my therapist on Thursday and I lucked out with a SSN meeting in my neighborhood on Saturday. What a wonderful group of people I met. Have you been to one? I was super nervous but felt comfortable right away. I feel so much stronger now that I've accepted the truth. But at the same time feel like a broken human being. Right now I am not sad. I am disgusted and humiliated. I am afraid of the future but I know I will come out okay, even if I decide to stay alone. I saw the butthead on Sunday and he admitted to being bisexual but today I found a profile of his on Grindr calling himself downlowdick. How are you faring? What is going on?
Thanks for chatting with me
Posted by OutofHisCloset ![]() May 22, 2018 5:56 am | #16 |
"downlowdick"? Pathetic. Doesn't even have an imagination. And he probably thinks he's so clever. I know, the least of what you write about, but it just struck me, the way their lives are so compartmentalized, their psyches so unintegrated/fragmented.
Posted by justwokeup ![]() May 22, 2018 6:16 pm | #17 |
Thank you for your support