As much as we women want to think that our men's first attraction to us is our personality and other mental strengths, that's just not how they work. The first thing out of their mouth will always be your looks. Maybe something very specific. "What do you like about me?" "YOUR BOOBS!" It sounds so cliche, but it's simply..... true. Men don't fall in love the same way women do - they like the outside appearance first, and then they get to know the full package. But #1 on their mind is still and will always be your body - for a straight man.
Men may have a deep respect for someone whom they really like, admire and respect. They my even feel love for that woman - be she a cherished relative, a coworker, or a friend. But they won't be IN love with them if they're not attracted to them. The attractiveness can build once they get to know the woman, or it can shrink. But first and foremost is attraction. If a man's talking about your personality first and foremost (unless he thinks that's what you want to hear), he's not a straight dude in love with you. He may like your personality - of that there is no doubt. And I think that is true more as time passes and our looks fade. But for a straight young man in love with a woman? Looks first. Even if we don't like that.
Guys....... am I right?