Posted by TangledOil March 10, 2021 10:43 pm | #21 |
I completely agree. All this is part of “woke” culture and is being rammed down our children’s throats In the media. A 7th grade girl I know recently declared she’s “demisexual pansexual, and trans.” She can’t have it all figured out yet she tells everyone she knows.
Posted by SusanneH March 11, 2021 11:28 am | #22 |
TangledOil wrote:
I completely agree. All this is part of “woke” culture and is being rammed down our children’s throats In the media. A 7th grade girl I know recently declared she’s “demisexual pansexual, and trans.” She can’t have it all figured out yet she tells everyone she knows.
Heck, I never even heard two of those terms until I got on these forums! & I still had to look up pansexua again last week. I can’t imagine truly knowing what that means in the 7th grade. I didn’t even have a firm grasp on straight sex at that time. And, it is being pushed down their throats in the media. From what I hear (I don’t have children in school, so correct me if I’m wrong), they’re starting to teach these things realllly early. Too early for them to understand what in the world they’re talking about, and, not to mention.....they are CHILDREN, and it isn’t something they should be having to deal with yet. They should be playing.....I realize 7th grade girls are starting to grow up & think about boys (I know I was, but it wasn’t mutual, and we weren’t doing anything yet!. I guess by now they already are by 7h grade? I’m old & it was a long time ago ....LOL). .....
Oh well, I guess it’s out of my ‘old’ hands anyway.
Posted by TangledOil March 11, 2021 1:23 pm | #23 |
I seriously doubt this 7th grade girl has any experience. I think in her case it may be largely for attention getting. I think she thinks saying she’s pan sounds wonderful in her mind because it shows she loves everyone potentially and gender isn’t at all a consideration (she doesn’t see or recognize gender). I think it’s very misguided and these kids certainly can’t grasp what they’re spewing. It’s pretty scary.
Last edited by TangledOil (March 11, 2021 1:24 pm)
Posted by Upside March 11, 2021 1:33 pm | #24 |
@ Lily - Yes, the situations are different, but I have to believe that happiness is still out there for all of us! There are so many people filled with love on this little planet who won't cause us harm. Please don't give up hope in trying (if you want)!
Watched this documentary recently: Growing up Trans.
I can't imagine how hard this must be for individuals experiencing identity dysphoria, parents, and spouses here on the Network. But I also find the use of drugs so early as a genuine concern. Many of these kids are taking drugs which begin irreversible physical changes. We don't allow kids to make their own medical decisions for a reason.
As an example, I've known many women who swore they would never have children. As they reached their mid to late 30's this changed, with them eventually becoming amazing mothers. People often change on key issues. In fact, that's the mark of someone smart enough to learn and grow. To allow a minor to say "I will never have kids" and allow them to medically ensure that at 12 is doing harm, in my opinion.
And on naming, I personally think calling out specifics on gender or sexuality is helpful. The challenge is when we use these labels to judge or divide. Sadly, there's a "with us or against us" vibe that I find exhausting. How about I don't care what you are, I'm happy you're happy, and please go be a good person? Being a label doesn't excuse anyone from crappy behavior that many of us have experienced.
Last edited by Upside (March 11, 2021 1:38 pm)