Hi PittGuy,
Thanks for posting. I'm new to this site, and participating here really does help. I hope things are going better for you. Keep up that forward progression!
Thanks for posting gives me hope. I'm only recently divorced and lock my doors at night for fear she'll come back to rage at me. I don't think we'll ever be friends. Right now there is still so much hurt she is capable of
..maybe when the kids are grown and independent.
I long for peace and the ability to love again. In the mean time the kids need a sane and stable dad and that's all I do for now.
Rob, keep the faith. Find peace in all of the small things, and know that love, first for yourself, then your kids, and then someone who deserves you.
I promise, it's there if you look for it. What you are doing for your kids is amazing and brave. That's a big something, remember that when everything else seems dark.
The rage I fully understand. The irony is the rage directed towards the ones left behind is not for them.
I wish you all the best in your healing and do know that it will happen.