OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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August 8, 2024 8:59 pm  #1

Using the kids

Hey everyone! Just a quick update so you all, regardless of which stage you're at, stay alert. M ex-narc wife, who I went very low contact 1.5 years ago has cycled through the same process of reaching out. With fake kindness, faux apology, then followed by anger and mocking. I never respond and the cycle repeats. I ignore it, no issues. But she has just escalated to using the kids. She told them they would not have health insurance because she was switching jobs, then tried to dump it on me, but keep her alimony and child support payments the same. (Thats not how it works in my state). 

Long story short, I asked her to provide the court required documentation for proof. She didnt and told the kids they dont have insurance. I contacted my lawyer who sent a very detailed request to her lawyer. Guess what showed up the next day? The new insurance cards. Guess what the effective date on the cards was? The day she said they no longer had insurance. They had it the entire time. She used it to create an emergency to get me to contact her. Further, my oldest who is in college delayed treatment for a painful condition due to this. This woman has no shame at all and is absolutely disgusting. I share this not because it bothered me, but to show you what some of these people are capable of. She gets a ton of money from me and makes a lot of her own. Money isnt the issue. She is simply unhappy, despite being in a relationship with her next g/f (not the affair partner). 

Stay frosty folks. These people seem to never go away, even when I literally ignore her at every turn. 


September 23, 2024 12:53 pm  #2

Re: Using the kids

Wow, that’s unbelievable and selfish! How old is your youngest? I am already looking forward to having no contact with my Ex (my youngest is 7). It is crazy how you used to be in love with this person, and now you would be banished from your life if possible.


September 27, 2024 2:58 pm  #3

Re: Using the kids

My oldest is 19, soph in college. My other girls are 14 (twins). No/low contact is amazing, it provided me clarity, healing and fixed my vision. (LOL). you're right, how I loved such a person is odd to me now, but the version of me that loved her so much, did not respect myself at all. No other way I would have accepted what she gave, which was barely the bare minimum. She treated me like dirt the entire 23 years, but always gave me enough to hang on. How much life has improved is immeasurable. Found myself and I am a pretty good guy Be well!

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October 4, 2024 11:33 am  #4

Re: Using the kids

Blackie - that's great news! I NOW understand how I would have chosen differently if I had a relationship with my Father. I now realize that I would have not chosen my GID Ex if  I experience loved from my Father. I commend you for being a good Father! 

On a brighter note, I'm with a  respectable man that have set the standards high! I I now understand and feel how a woman should be treated! I'm grateful that I get to experience reciprocity in this lifetime! 


October 7, 2024 9:54 am  #5

Re: Using the kids

Blackie Gwen,

Congrats.   Yes I have self respect now and am horrified how I let myself get treated.   Always the bare minimum indeed...

To this day she considers me the horrible one in the marriage and thay she was wonderful...I thank God I got away from such morality.

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7

October 7, 2024 4:17 pm  #6

Re: Using the kids

gwendolyn - so glad you are in the right type of relationship and are getting what you deserve, someone that loves you for you, you are MORE than enough, we all are. Our exes didn't think so, which is why they treated us the way they did. Happy for you too!

Rob - same man. She tells anyone who will listen how hard it is, and its all my fault and I "hate" her because she left me....I dont hate her, I am completely indifferent. She interprets that as hate because for 23 years I gave all of myself to her and received nothing in return. My gf now? Opposite. Never knew a relationship could be give and take vs. all give. 

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