OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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October 6, 2023 12:36 pm  #1



Last edited by Canary2 (December 5, 2023 4:21 pm)


October 6, 2023 1:40 pm  #2

Re: Therapy

Wow, it sounds like a pretty unprofessional therapist.  I also feel that there are unique aspects to our experience that require a little extra training on the part of a therapist.  

My first therapist was a nice enough guy, but kind of out of his league with my situation.  I ended up moving cross-country and starting over with a really excellent psychiatrist.  When I eventually switched to Medicare, she couldn't continue with me.  I've learned the hard way, there are very long waiting lists for mental health practitioners who accept Medicare.  

I don't think most practitioners are aware of the kind of person who drags an innocent person into a situation like this, so all too frequently they'll presume the gay spouse was trying to deal with a homophobic family or job situation, or something like that.  They miss the point: these people can be cruel.

For one thing, sex wasn't the only way my gay ex was cheating.  It was only when we were well into the divorce process that I discovered his financial cheating as well.  

Relinquere fraudator, vitam lucrari.

October 6, 2023 2:51 pm  #3

Re: Therapy

Canary2 wrote:

....So my question to the group - how do you find someone or screen a therapist who understands both the LGBTQ stuff AND what we are going through?.......

In the end I relied on my intuition, because even counsellors have secrets, and finding what you think is a good therapist then finding it's a bad fit for you....is better than the run-around this weirdo counsellor of yours has been. I agree with Walk. Unprofessional....like the woman is going through her own issues and using her clients as a soundingboard, which is crazy...along with the lack of response to your enquiries!

My first therapist was a weirdo with strange methods, like 'discovering your fear' by covering yourself with a sheet/blanket and.....lol

In the end Canary...if it feels wrong, if you're being given the run-around (no contact or response) just walk away, do your research, delve deep into reviews of the people you find. And don't be afraid to ask questions about them before you sit down with them


KIA KAHA                       

October 6, 2023 4:03 pm  #4

Re: Therapy

Have you looked into any of the available online alternatives? They have several out there that you can "interview" the therapists to find a good fit, pay a weekly or monthly fee and have different levels of service. This way you aren't necessarily stuck with someone in your specific area.

It has taken a very long time in my life to find any affective therapists. The one I was seeing when my gay ex pranced out also was more sympathetic to him than to me. And I got the same push back....that wasn't my emotions/hurt/pain etc more related to my own homophobic ideals than what he actually had done *eye roll*

I had actually done a good chunk of research into LGBTQ groups receiving care and ran some seminars for my employer on proper accommodations, treatment, and ways to overcome internal bias and provide superior care for LGBTQ, homeless populations, minorities, on and on. I am so bloody tired of people acting like my problem is with him being gay.....no, it's with him being gay and marrying a straight woman!


October 7, 2023 6:06 pm  #5

Re: Therapy

Hi Canary!

My therapist is someone I followed on social media for a few years due to her work around talking to your young children about sex and porn and keeping them safe online. She is a sex therapist, but all of that was my interest in following her (before I was disclosed to). Through perfect timing, the night my husband disclosed his sexuality to me, this therapist posted a reel to her social media about betrayal trauma which surprised me as I thought she only did sex therapy. I clicked on her bio and saw that yes she is a sex therapist, who ALSO specialises in betrayal trauma therapy. So I booked to see her the next day and she has been an incredible match for me. And I feel like her sex therapy field of knowledge will be an incredible help when the time comes for me to deal with all of that, and I love that she will have walked me through the betrayal and healing all the way through to a new relationship whenever that comes into my life.

So my recommendation would be to look specifically for a betrayal trauma specialist as to me, that’s the key issue here. My therapist doesn’t necessarily have much experience in the LGBTQ scene, but she is very specialised in betrayal, and has been interested to learn as much as she can around my particular sexuality betrayal trauma.

I wish you the best of luck in finding the right match!


October 10, 2023 2:45 pm  #6

Re: Therapy


My first therapist through all this was helpful.  She was a straight woman.  I know cause I asked.   I found this to be important..to talk to a normal straight woman...because my GX was not straight and definitely not normal.

So I can see your wariness with a therapist that suddenly changed sexuality ..its not that we're ho mophobes but rather we need to need to talk someone that we can identify with.

An example of my therapist's subtle but never direct advice; "  your wife is gay..do think that is something you can fix?"

You know know you are not the problem when you're in therapy, the kids therapy, the dog is in therapy but your spouse is happy and thinks nothing is wrong with themselves.

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7

October 10, 2023 2:51 pm  #7

Re: Therapy

Rob wrote:

You know know you are not the problem when you're in therapy, the kids therapy, the dog is in therapy but your spouse is happy and thinks nothing is wrong with themselves.

This hits the nail on the head 😂 and exactly why I told my ex that he needs to see a therapist. Not for my benefit, but for the kids and his own benefit.


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