OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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August 7, 2023 5:14 pm  #1

Trans Women Husband

This is my first time to this site and I hope I can find comfort in some way. My husband and I have been together 26 years and have three daughters who finally launched from college over the last couple of years. About ten years ago he/they began withdrawing from me physically and emotionally. At that time I tried to figure out what was going on by talking to him (I am going to refer to he/him for now) with an assumption that it was due to my Menopause and painful sex. I did everything I could to deal with this but nothing changed. Finally about four years ago he came out to me as Non-binary/Gender fluid. He still likes women (not men) but I think because I'm straight he was no longer attracted to me. I didn't fully grasp what that all meant but he said they were going for an Androgenous vibe as he realized that at this late stage of the game (he was 53) it would be weird to take it further. While blown away, I tried my best to be open minded and supportive as best I could but deep down in side I was struggling. He expected me to keep this secret until he was ready to come out to people and I did my best but ultimately I did confide in my closest girl friends that I knew would be supportive and kind. I also have a therapist. It was really difficult for me to keep this from our daughter's though and so I encouraged him to come out to them. He finally came out to them Feb 2022 and while they knew something was going on (they were thinking one of us had an affair) they were surprised and shocked. As we grew further apart he finally decided to come fully out as trans this past Nov 2023 and announced that he had wanted to separate, get his own place and live as a women. They are now on HRT and plan on many other procedures to accomplish their goal. Mean while I've been left feeling traumatized. It seems like they have just moved on and are not looking back. There seems to be no empathy or compassion emanating from them towards me as to what I might be going through or even gratitude for the things we have shared during our time together. They are giving themselves a new name and I'm not sure why but it feels like they are just erasing the past that they shared with me and now I feel myself spiraling down the hole. One doesn't just stop loving but at the same time I am not attracted to them any longer in their new identity. It's more that I'm trying to deal with the total loss of them as they were and who I fell in love with. I know it is what it is and am doing my best to move on with my life but I'm 65 now (he is 57). I'm in pretty good shape and all but I'm sort of bereft at this point and don't know what the future holds for me. I feel like I have been left to deal with all of the work associated with separating and possibly divorcing now and I am just overwhelmed and paralyzed. 


August 7, 2023 5:33 pm  #2

Re: Trans Women Husband

Hi Lightingirl,

I am so sorry that you are going through this. It's such a difficult situation and I'm sure it raises so many feelings. The best you can do is what you are already doing - move on with your life. And I know that's easier said than done. It will take time. 

It's already so good that you have a therapist, and that you confided in your close friends and have them for support. It's also great that your kids know. You're way ahead of the game.

Separation and divorce are so scary, especially later in life. Post here for support and understanding. And take very good care of yourself. It's hard enough to  face separation without this added, often confusing dimension.

I wish you well,

Anon 765


August 7, 2023 5:48 pm  #3

Re: Trans Women Husband

So sorry Lightingirl - It's an awful experience, its invalidating, painful, on some days will take your breath away. I have been there. I am exactly 1 year out from discovery and  I can share with certainty, I am a new person entirely. Initially I felt I lost 24 years of my life with someone I loved very much. And in some regards, I did. That said, I am healthy for the first time in my adult life I can leave the house without xanax. I have been dating a wonderful woman from my high school who I did not talk with for about 25-30 years. Life is good. It will take care, and I encourage you to do what seems impossible, face every emotion and live in it. The only way to the other side is through the pain. 
If you can, and I KNOW you can, the other side is beautiful. It does not erase your past, but provides a blueprint for the future. Hang in there, early days are tough. It does get better. I improved exponentially once I went very low contact with her, I had to protect my own mental health. You do the same. Its YOU time


August 7, 2023 9:53 pm  #4

Re: Trans Women Husband

Welcome Lightingirl

I get away with it by calling my transgender grandson by the letter of his first name, which makes it M.....or Em, which could be construed as a female name right?

Y'know....I'd be more okay with this if my grandson engaged in conversation/discussion with me, the Abuelita he's known since forever. But he doesn't (he's 17)
I would find it difficult to call him "they"
He's one person as far as I'm concerned.



KIA KAHA                       

August 8, 2023 7:34 am  #5

Re: Trans Women Husband


Welcome to our friendly forum.    I do not have experience with Trans  only a gay ex (GX).

As a straight middle aged guy Im confounded as you with the physics of transitioning so late in life...  At this age  guys join the colonoscopy and urologist club... to avoid health problem.   I can't fathom  introducing health problem as this age in one's life..  

You'll find it a fairly  common theme here that these spouses seem to drop the bomb when the kids reach teen age years...especially when one goes off to college..   Its like they want to be teenagers again.

All I can say is do not think you have spend the future with the anxiety and stress of a husband that cares more himself than you.   That stress and anxiety can cause health problems..   I do not think that is what a spouse is supposed to do to you.    As I look back on my marriage and where I am now...  Im shocked.. my marriage that I though was ok or normal ...was so hard...  it should not have been so hard... and now I know why it was.

Wishing you strength and courage.

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7

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