New here. I have been married to my wife for almost 9 years and together with her for just over 11. We have 4 young kids together and used to be in a picture perfect marriage. About 3 years ago we started to lose our physical connection but with 4 kids that was understandable. As they got older she started with excuses of the baby is in our room. He was then moved. You never got your vasectomy checked and I don't want more kids. Went and got it checked out. Our house isn't big enough. Sold and bought bigger. And after all of this, she finally hits me last summer with the idea that she needed a female on the side for only physical side as she has had relationships with women before. This I knew going into the marriage but at the time I was told she was done with that. I agreed to allow someone on the side, physical only, no being a family, no labels, no being super open about it due to our families not knowing, and no taking time away from us to go elsewhere. Then in February of this year I get told that she no longer has physical attraction to me and only wants her. Now we get to where the other party stays at our house multiple nights per week, I caught them posting online about being the best girlfriends....etc, and they make more plans with each other than with me. At a couple points my wife and I had small arguments and I caught the other person saying that if she were with my wife she wouldn't treat her that way.
At this point I lost my cool. Told the wife exactly how I felt and that I did not want to see the other person anymore. She is not allowed at the house. I'm done with the whole situation and hurt that I have been resorted to what my wife now calls a life partner. Like most of you she wants to remain in a Co parenting relationship together because she says she loves me but simply cannot control who she is attracted too.
Because of the new house and the kids and all the debt we have accumulated over the years I truly cannot afford to divorce.financially, physically with child care, tax bracket changes, etc we simply cannot afford to divorce. I feel trapped in a situation I didn't choose and while I do love her and am happy she is the mother to my kids.....I hate the situation and do not know how or what to think or do
I'm truly sorry this is happening to you, Redhondahx!
Everyone here understands what you're going through.
Redhondahx wrote:
And after all of this, she finally hits me last summer with the idea that she needed a female on the side for only physical side as she has had relationships with women before. This I knew going into the marriage but at the time I was told she was done with that. I agreed to allow someone on the side, physical only, no being a family, no labels, no being super open about it due to our families not knowing, and no taking time away from us to go elsewhere. Then in February of this year I get told that she no longer has physical attraction to me and only wants her.
Yeah, my wife also suggested this to me. However, thinking about how this would unfold I could not see how this would improve our relationships, and the scenario here is something that I thought would happen to me too.
We are getting the divorce, and will coparent, so unfortunately I can't give a good advice on what to do (and it's not like divorce is a "good" option anyway, just the best of the bad ones I guess).
Redhondahx wrote:
Because of the new house and the kids and all the debt we have accumulated over the years I truly cannot afford to divorce.financially, physically with child care, tax bracket changes, etc we simply cannot afford to divorce. I feel trapped in a situation I didn't choose and while I do love her and am happy she is the mother to my kids.....I hate the situation and do not know how or what to think or do
I mean, of course you know your situation better than anyone here. I could probably just advise to consider all your options again. For example, maybe selling this big house (which she wanted!) and settling for something smaller + getting a divorce would now seem like a viable choice. Though of course the market right now is pretty bad. Just a though.
You can get through this though!
"..At a couple points my wife and I had small arguments and I caught the other person saying that if she were with my wife she wouldn't treat her that way..."
Yes I've been through this...its a sick evil dynamic.. Any mouse peep standing up for ourselves in a normal moral way is seen as "bad treatment" eggshells..we the horrible husbands/spouses. My GX's would often tell me how horrible her girlfriends husband was (yes they are both home wreckers) and
she would like project this onto me... I was a horrible husband also, I mistreated also.. It was a mindfuck and it took me sometime to realize that I was none of those things...her speaking those words and projecting them did not make them true.
I also think the girlfriends husband was some poor straight spouse like me and perhaps he said something about his wife and my wife being out till 2am and, thus, he was a horrible husband. A sick way they twist
words and actions... you left the toilet seat up aka what a horrible husband.
In terms of your situation now... Try to think of it as a are in the big house with her..for now. You maybe cant sell ..for now.. It may be hell on earth living with her...for now.. Small baby steps though as you plan and decide what you want the future to be like. You will be there for kids now and it may take super strength (or pills in my case) but it is not your final destination or home. During this time I was kind but made sure I made my presence known..there was no way my GX would bring her girlfriend to the house when I was there.. You may find, as I did (barely), that you outlast your wife in this arrangement ..
Wishing you strength and stoicism..
Thanks everyone. Oddly enough the wife and I still get along really well. We still talk, we still have dates, we still work together on everything and she is very open and very genuine in being upset herself that she feels this way. Doesn't make the feelings I have hurt any less, and makes it very difficult to discuss it with her because I really hate venting and feeling like such a terrible person for being so mad and frustrated and upset.....but she understand why it feel that way and has not said or done anything to make me feel worse. She knows the current situation is messed up and that she is the problem. I think I may be one of the few in this situation where the spouse agrees that they are the problem, they don't like the fact they feel this welly, are willing to go to therapy for it, and actually truly seem to feel bad for making things so difficult.
I like the idea of it being a season or a phase. Just have to get through this section and then can decide what the future holds. I'm currently working on using all bonuses and extra income to pay off the debts in order to make things easier if divorce is the final answer. If that's the route we go I want to be able to function and find a new place without much struggle so trying to prepare for that
Your wife has truly put you in the back cupboard hasn't she. Finally you put your foot down, I won't be treated this way, you say.
What you don't say is how she replied to that. The next post is to say how well you are getting along.
sounds like cupboard love to me.
sorry. Hope you can find your way away from her. It sounds to me like you are having to bottle up your feelings to a painful degree - separate bedrooms might be good for both of you.
Last edited by lily (July 22, 2023 4:36 pm)
Hi Redhondahx,
I'm sorry you're in this situation. It sounds like you've been very understanding and accommodating.
I hope you have someone (or several people) that you can vent to who are not your spouse. I know money's tight, so I hate to suggest therapy to help you sort out what you want/need in all of this. But it's really hard to try to rely on the person who hurt you for emotional support, even if she is open and genuine.
Your feelings in all of this are not "terrible" and you're not a "terrible person". Wherever this goes for you, I hope you can understand that. You're off to a good start by getting your finances in order!
Hang in there,
Anon 765
Hi Redhondahx,
I am really sorry to hear you are finding yourself in such a difficult place. My ex wife came out to me in 2020. We had been married for 3 years, together for 6. It was the second marriage for both of us and we had a blended family (I have a son, she has 2 and we all got along so well - picture perfect family). It was the first conversation we ever had about her not being straight. We always had sex up to that point (she knew from the beginning a sexless relationship was a deal breaker for me). She was my best friend and the love of my life. In that conversation she told me not only that she was not straight, but our relationship was over and she wanted to keep the house (my son was about to leave for college, hers were 3 and 5 years younger than him). It was the middle of the pandemic (not even vaccines yet) and we agreed to wait until my son left 8 months later. I was so shocked and blindsided by it (I got actually a series of medical problems after disclosure). I didn’t know where to start. I had a good therapist and family to talk to (although they were overseas). Friends were not entirely helpful as family since they had conflicting feelings due to her vulnerable situation coming out. She is highly educated with a very successful career and had always been liberal politically. I found SSN (Our Path) at the time but I was so afraid I would find hate and didn’t want to impact my best friendship and I still loved her. We separated as planned and only around that time I started reading about narcissism. I kept asking myself why, how? It is impossible for someone to become lesbian in 1 month but I always gave her the benefit of the doubt. 1 year after I left we were still friends, separated and she proposed we have an open MOM (mixed orientation marriage, living together). I haven’t had a single relationship after leaving (I am choosing singlehood for now). I seriously considered the MOM and we eventually talked more about how she learned she was lesbian. After a while she finally confessed she was in a “very dark place” when we got married, indicating she knew something was wrong with her sexuality but she had never shared with me. She did not enjoy talking about the past and wanted me to move on. After she confessed she was in a dark place from very early on in our relationship, my feelings for her and the memories I had of us and our family started readjusting somewhat slowly in an conscious and unconscious manner. After a few months I told her a MOM wouldn’t work for me. A couple of months ago I finally had the courage to delve into Our Path, the podcast and Sean’s thread (a wealth of information). In hindsight, there were so many red flags (but I could only see them with knowledge I didn’t have at the time). It’s been almost 3 years from disclosure and I have finally started emotionally detaching myself from her with love. I can’t be intimate or a close friend to her knowing what I know now and I can’t unknow it. Our Path showed me that the stories of many of us straight spouses here have a lot of similarities.
It was a long post but hope this helps. Maybe this helps you progress faster and I am glad you found this place. I have a lot of gratitude for everyone sharing their stories here. I learned so much in a way that would have never been possible with books, family, friends or a very good therapist I still see.
Good luck,
Redhondahx wrote:
.... she is very open and very genuine in being upset herself that she feels this way.
My friend I am sorry you are going through this. What you describe was my situation in the very beginning. I will be ZERO attention to her words, only her actions. My ex would go on and on about how "angry" she was and apologize "for the situation" and "for how she felt", but never apologized to me for HER ACTIONS and her actions never changed. Actions always speak louder than words. THE key definition that set me free....words not matching action is by definition, manipulation.
I am not saying this is what is happening. Everyone's journey is there own. Listen not to your emotions, but your body. My body told me for 20 years she is pure toxic. 7+ months going low/no contact? I am completely healed all 100% of aliments that plagued my life for the entire 24 years of us being together.
Best of luck, stay strong, you can and will make it.
Blackie, yes me too. I can't believe how much stress my whole being came under in my long horrible marriage. And how quickly I improved once away from him.