OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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January 4, 2022 3:10 am  #31

Re: My husband turned my life upside down

Soaplife: I never said anything about ADHD. Autism is something different. He would like to have an official diagnosis, we tried to find some options, but in our country it is only possible to diagnose autism in children. Adults are simply left to cope with it any way they can. It's sad.
I've met several people with NPD, I know the symptoms and (as much as my non-professional opinion is worth) this is not it, either.
I'm not so sure about BPD, but the only matching symptom seems to be the distorted sense of self.
Past trauma is the thing. He has a lots and lots of it.
I agree these things are not any kind of excuse. 


January 4, 2022 11:43 pm  #32

Re: My husband turned my life upside down

Marianne my apologies for my mistake, I'm sorry if I upset you.


January 5, 2022 5:25 am  #33

Re: My husband turned my life upside down

It's all right, Soaplife. I was not upset, just confused at the sudden change of topic

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January 10, 2022 10:46 am  #34

Re: My husband turned my life upside down

I’m so sorry that it’s so hard. That is a lot of different stages to go through. Sounds like there could be away to make it work since you still care about each other but will probably need a lot of therapy to adjust <3 hugs to you


January 11, 2022 3:52 pm  #35

Re: My husband turned my life upside down

awholenewworld: Thank you for your kind words. If only I could find some way how to make it work!
Yes, we still care about each other. But we also managed to hurt each other very seriously during last year.
And I have to admit that I cringe when I see him in female clothes. I don't know if that is something I can adjust to.

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