OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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July 27, 2021 3:30 pm  #11

Re: Just needing to work through some questions n emotions today

Hi newtotheclub - the word toxic jumped out at me and not just because of the capitals - it really is for real.  My ex went toxic on me too, it's detrimental to your health, like living next door to a toxic waste dump!  Is it possible to make a space for yourself inside the house?  ie have your own bedroom and he stays out of it.  The other way I made space was by going for walks. 

Not doing his laundry, not cooking or eating together - that didn't happen until the divorce was underway but it was a relief when it did.

Hi PattyKay - I find it hard to write this, it is so far from my reality now but at the time of splitting I wanted to stay friends with my ex.  We exchanged emails on our birthdays, I let him stop first and that was that.  we also had lunch together a couple of times - it was my cat who got up one evening, we were sitting in the living room watching tv I did not know he was gay, I did not understand he had gone toxic I just felt the effects and so did my cat, she got up, looked at me like I was an idiot stuck her tail up in the air like a follow me flag and walked out the front door and across the garden to my studio and I did, I followed her!  but then here we are in our new home and she still was wondering where he was and was so pleased to see him when he walked in the door.  we were both glad to see him go though.

I like Daryl's suggestion - put his stuff on the kerb.  and mine is to buy a lovely flowering plant and find a spot for it in the garden.

all the best, Lily



July 27, 2021 8:19 pm  #12

Re: Just needing to work through some questions n emotions today

When my husband came out to me i wanted to be friends and I felt compassion.... and then the layers and layers of lies and deception started peeling off and I am not sure if we will be friends. Simply put, i dont trust him in the same room .. let alone farther than i can see them.  Not qualities i look for in friends.

It was not just that he lied about his orientation during the marriage... its that he had started to explore being gay and doing things that are outside of the marriage and that is adding lying to betrayal to deception and do i really know this man.  I started watching Dr. Ramini's videos on narcissism and I am blown away at what i see.  He blew this marriage wide open and he acts like the victim when i am not lovely and affectionate with him(which i will not be.. i am just waiting to get out). 

I can't be sure right now, but most likely once I can get a divorce.. i will just deal with the parenting aspect of our son. 


July 28, 2021 9:46 pm  #13

Re: Just needing to work through some questions n emotions today

Hi all, sorry I needed a small break from talking about what’s going on here. Sometimes it does my head in more then getting it off my chest does. So yesterday I helped my parents cut down a dead tree in their yard which made me sick because I’m not eating but it was still better than dealing with my emotions for a few hours. I watch the olympics everyday. Idk what the hell I’ll do when that’s over as it’s the only thing I can actually pay attention to. I do enjoy painting as well. In better days I enjoyed painting crafts and I draw on the computer. I love to listen to music but have avoided that as it elicits too much emotions in me. I love heavy metal but also super dark n sad music too so not good. Negative feelings come out. Either sadness or anger. Both bad in me. When I draw I need inspiration. Music inspires me n my life inspires me. When my life is off balance I find it hard to enjoy drawing. I suffer from bipolar disorder. My moods change a lot anyway but when I’m stressed or have bad things going on I have a hard time dealing with my lows.  Right now I’m finding it hard to feel any calm inside of myself. In the past I would use bad coping mechanisms to feel better in these types of situations so I’m trying hard to not fall back into that space again. When things get bad in my life I tend to destroy myself as much as possible to match how I feel inside. So I’m working super hard to try n not get to that point again.

My GX left the day he told me he was gay. He was afraid to tell me. He told me while he was driving to another state. He didn’t even know where he was going yet. He was afraid of what my reaction would be. I was and am hurt he did not give me the chance to react in person but this I can’t change now. I’m actually afraid to see him in person as I know I will cry. He has reached out to ppl in his support groups and his parents for help as to how to see me. He will be picking his things up in august. I won’t be destroying his things as I don’t feel I need to be vindictive against him. I have anger for what he’s done but I can’t change who he is and destroying the things of a man I still love won’t help me feel better. He treated me with nothing but love for years so I try and remember that when I get really angry with him. He was never cruel or mean to me and he didn’t leave me to be with anyone else. He has said he thought it would have been better if he had stayed with me as he is unhappy but his parents told him it would be unfair to us both to have done that. Deep inside I know this is true but I wish he never left as stupid as that may sound to everyone. It hurts me in my heart that I still have to come to terms with the fact I can’t marry the man I love.

Tomorrow I may b very angry at him idk yet. Today I just miss him terribly. I miss him by my side. I know u all say it’s best he’s not here but he n I did everything together. We never got sick of each other’s company. You could lock us in a room together for a week n we’d b fine with that. So idk how we will both feel in the future about talking. I cant say as my future plans never seem to go as I plan them anyway. For now we r still trying to talk the best we can. Just for the simple fact we’ve always loved just talking to each other.

I hope u all found some kind of comfort or peace inside you today at some point. I’m still trying to find mine.

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July 28, 2021 10:46 pm  #14

Re: Just needing to work through some questions n emotions today

PattyKay, if you are managing  bipolar during this major crisis I would definitely advise you check in with a medical professional. Its a lot to try to deal with on your own. ((Hugs))

A lot of us have needed professional support of one kind ir another through this soul-searing experience.


July 29, 2021 8:03 am  #15

Re: Just needing to work through some questions n emotions today

This is the roller coaster. I think we all took that ride. Over time, the peaks and the dips become less steep. The trick is managing those ups and downs. Everyone has their own strategy to deal with it. The challenge is for you to find yours, those good coping mechanisms. (Friends usually help.) Glad to hear he is going to reclaim all his stuff. I would normally say, make him do the packing, but perhaps you'd prefer as short a time transaction as possible? If so, and you can handle it, box it, stack it, make it a quick u-haul load. Once it's out of your way, plan on some redecorating and furniture rearranging. Make it your new space.

Last edited by Daryl (July 29, 2021 8:03 am)

“The future is unwritten.”
― Joe Strummer

July 31, 2021 12:09 am  #16

Re: Just needing to work through some questions n emotions today

Hi all, I hope everyone is doing alright today. I’ve been… here. That’s about it really. I wish I could elicit an emotion that’s not negative just once. I have sarcasm but it’s not making me laugh like it usually does. No, it’s not easy to deal with bipolar disorder n all this at the same time. I still have to call the dr but I don’t wanna talk to them cuz I’ll have to tell them everything n they all like him there. That in itself gives me anxiety.

He’s supposed to b coming to get his things in the middle of august. He will b helping pack. I don’t want to b buttered up until then tho just because his things r here still. Because in the long run I am a human being with feelings n his things r just things. If he wants to talk to me i hope it’s genuine because he already has karma walking behind him at this point so nows the time for him to start making amends.

I have been trying to force food down myself. It’s a work in progress. I have to turn my brain off n stare at the tv n force the shit in until I feel I need a puke. It’s all I can manage at this point. I do make sure to drink water n tea throughout the day though now.  I will try n get some of the boost tho. I have drank them b4. I am trying to work on clearing my mind as much as I can. I know a therapist would help more n I’m glad u all have gone that route. I hope I can take that step too. Trust. I really need to find it. I’ve had quite a few ppl enter my life who have given me not much reason to trust so going to a stranger face to face n telling them all my secrets again does not give me a good feeling. I truly wish I had some close friends to confide in. I don’t though. I’m quite introverted n shy. I have ppl I’ve known for years on my Facebook but honestly I really can not imagine messaging one of my old girlfriends out of the blue n asking to hang out n then have to tell her why. I’d have to b drunk already. I reached out to my sister but she seemed uninterested n only said “oh wow, I’m sorry, that’s crazy” she never responded to my other text to her even though I expressed to her how much I really could use talking to her as I was not doing well. That was 4 days ago. My brother told me today that he can’t look at me anymore as I’m too depressing, he can’t even be around me it’s too depressing n I should put on some make up or something. This does not help me. In fact it made me feel worse as I already feel shitty about my looks because my GX left me cuz he’s attracted to trans women. He likes men that look like a woman. I’m a real woman n I’m not as good as a fake one. It’s made me feel like an ogre. A bridge troll. I feel hideous. I’m just gross.  I just don’t think ppl understand sometimes what this does to your self esteem.  I am actually desperate for just some man to notice me n think I’m pretty at this point just so I know I’m not horrid. I don’t even care who it is I just need to hear it cuz each day that passes n I see myself in the mirror I feel uglier. It’s making me cry now cuz no one should have to feel like this. I have a big heart n I’m so tired of it being broken. I don’t think I can’t handle much more. There’s not gonna b much room left in my heart that’s not stone or ice after this.

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July 31, 2021 9:52 am  #17

Re: Just needing to work through some questions n emotions today

Patty, Longway offers some great advice there. Be gentle and kind to yourself. You have been tremendously hurt.

Hang in there.  These early days are the worst, really really shattering.

Girl, you are still standing. That is strength right there.


August 1, 2021 12:27 am  #18

Re: Just needing to work through some questions n emotions today

Hello all. Today I’ve had a bit of anxiety so I finished up a Bloody Mary to try n relax a bit while I watched the olympics. I am trying to tell myself that I am the true woman and I’m worth something still. The trans topic is a very touchy subject for me and I don’t like talking about them. I don’t understand them or the obsession with them n anytime I see one on tv now I try hard to not put a fist through the wall.  It’s hard to get that shit out of my brain. Hence the Bloody Mary I had. If I could just pull crap from my brain to delete that would b the first thing to go. Right now I just want someone to appreciate the fact I am a real woman and everything about my being a woman. It’s not something I ever really felt the need to think so much about before and I don’t like the fact I am thinking so much about it. I cant help it. I actually feel less feminine. Isn’t that crazy?! Like I need to be more girly or sexy or something! I already AM super feminine as it is! I love frilly lacy bows and stuff. I don’t how much girlier I could be. Yet I still feel like I’ve been made less feminine by all this. It’s crazy right? I mean I’m no better than anyone else for sure but I don’t ever wanna feel I have to compete with anyone especially something fake. This is obviously something that’s gonna take me a looooong time to deal with. I don’t like it at all. It’s haunting my brain n specific events from the past involving them n cross dressers. I cant believe I’m not an alcoholic or addicted to drugs with some shit that plays through my mind. Maybe we can all say that though idk.

Anywho i digress. That stuff is hard to talk about in public, even on here.

I think seeing him will be a mix of emotions. I will cry once he leaves again but I need to see him face to face. When I broke up with the guy I was with before my GX I saw him several times afterwards. I had to get some things from him such as ferret supplies. We met for dinner to talk a couple times. We had dinner a couple times 2 years after we broke up too. Was it hard? Hell yes! But I needed to do it. We talked sometimes for 7 yrs after we broke up. He changed a lot for the better over those years. I’m glad he changed. He needed to. He was a liar. I needed to see him face to face when I talked to him so I could tell if he was being honest with me. Face to face is the only way I can tell if someone is being themselves with me. I cant tell that from a text. I have thousands of miles of distance between me and my GX right now. We only talk through text and on the phone. I have not seen his face since the day he left. We don’t talk all the time. Is it easy not to talk all the time? No it’s not. We used to be around each other all day. I long for that connection again n I have to fight with myself to not constantly reach out to him. I miss him terribly n he truly was my best friend. My only friend. I have no other friends. The person I hung out with when my other ex broke up with me killed himself around 6 1/2 years ago. He was like my brother. He would call n text n take me out as much as I needed. He’d come over n sit with me or invite me over n we’d watch movies or we’d just go for drives just to get me out of the house. Even as down as I was he could make me laugh. I don’t have a good friend like that anymore. My best friend left me almost 3 weeks ago. I like to have ppl around that I feel comfortable with and it’s hard for me to find many ppl like that. I keep losing them.

My mom says, you know lots of ppl are very happy living a life alone. Your aunt Peggy did. You can be like her. I was like oh ffs mom I don’t wanna b like aunt Peggy! First off I’m 44, but my great aunt Peggy was an eccentric artist who became a recluse. She had one long fang in her mouth n she wore the same pair of broken glasses that were taped around the nose area with white tape since before I was born til the day she died even tho she had lots of money. No thank you! I don’t wanna be alone forever. I like having a significant other. I don’t wanna live n die alone.

And I like ducks too. We have some in the pond across the street here. I didn’t know they mate for life. We have geese in the pond to that come back ever year to have babies. The same couple. We know they’re the same cuz the female is missing a leg. The male stands guard while they all eat. Now they are a great couple!

     Thread Starter

August 1, 2021 11:36 pm  #19

Re: Just needing to work through some questions n emotions today

Hey longwayhome. I am truly trying but I just don’t know what to do with myself. I like alone time but damn I barely talk at all anymore. I cried last night but today I held it in. Every time I felt I needed to cry I swallowed it back down. I fed the outside animals n then sat by the pool for awhile.  I actually don’t talk to anyone on my Facebook either so no worries there..I already know they r not real friends as I already had a problem in the past with fake friends on Facebook so I do not reach out to ppl on there especially ppl  i don’t know. I read articles on mine. I’ve never actually been good at making new friends in person. So that’s why I have none currently. I wish I did though as right now it would be a great help.

I’m trying to not think too much yet about him picking up his stuff. If I think about it too much I get anxiety. I worry myself too much. I’m trying to just keep it in the back of my head until the time is closer when he’s coming.

I’m not a huge shopper myself either. It does feel nice though to get something new for yourself. I don’t go out anywhere to wear any of my cute stuff. I have gift cards n bday money. Mayb a day I feel on the upper side of things I’ll go out n get myself something too.

I’m just over this horrid feeling every damn day. It’s the same every time I wake up. I already know it takes time but I don’t wanna deal with it anymore. I actually started to tell u way more n erased it all. I know this is the place to spill the beans on the secrets. Idk why I still can’t just write it on here. Not like u all dont already have similar things happen. I’m working on it. I’ll get it out.

I hope ur doing alright on your end! Enjoy your duckies in the morning!

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August 2, 2021 9:18 am  #20

Re: Just needing to work through some questions n emotions today

Hobbies? Something you loved but stopped doing some time ago? Seen something and thought 'That look's cool. I'd like to try that.'? Now is the time! Most people I know, who partake in hobbies, love having new members.

“The future is unwritten.”
― Joe Strummer

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