OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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June 9, 2021 4:11 pm  #71

Re: Can we make SSN more hospitable to people on varying paths?

longwayhome, thank you for your response. I had some very hurtful things said to me more than once. That is why I do not put my personal story on here.
  I am in other internet groups and sometimes people join to cause problems. They are given three chances if they are unkind to another member and then they are removed from the group.
  You appear to be a decent person.


June 10, 2021 11:15 am  #72

Re: Can we make SSN more hospitable to people on varying paths?

Back to the original topic of this thread: Can we make SSN more hospitable to people on varying paths?

Answer: Yes. It's in the works!

Hi - I'm Kelly Hollimon, SSN's Executive Director. We've been working hard on fostering more neutrality moving forward. The Straight Partner journey is very individual and unique to the people involved in it. We come to this journey with our own personalities, upbringings, belief systems, religious beliefs, experiences, and capabilities. What's right for us will not necessarily be what's right for everyone else (it just feels that way!). The path you yourself have chosen is likely seen as wrong by many others. But you are the only one who needs to be fully in agreement with your choices.

Every Straight Partner or Partner of a Trans Person has the right to make the decisions that are best for them and their life. And they have the right to make those decisions in their own time. We may think that someone else just needs to rip the band-aid off already. Maybe a few years down the road, they'll agree that they should have made some hard decisions earlier than they did. But that's their journey, and they have a right to make the decisions about their own life. Just like you have the right to make the decisions about yours.

SSN, at its heart, is a peer support network. We offer compassion, empathy and support. We offer a shoulder to cry on. We are hear so that others can lean on us when they feel their knees growing weak. We understand the complex emotions and trials that our brothers and sisters are experiencing - in a way that only those who share the experience can. We are good listeners, we encourage one another, and we are cheerleaders for others on this path with us. We can give hard truths, but we must do so kindly - with compassion, and the intention of helping. We do one another no good when we shout our truths at them. People rarely absorb truths that way. Instead, we ask questions that help others to realize their own truths and desired outcomes. We must not tell people to "come back when you're ready to accept the truth". They will likely not come back at all. And then we have lost the opportunity to support one of our own. We have thrown them out into the world, rudderless.

We also must not attack the LGBT+ population as a whole. We have every right to be angry at our own partner, and what was done to us. Anger is part of healthy healing, and we absolutely encourage and allow it. But attacking the LBGT+ community will not be tolerated. It's actually counter-productive. We all wound up in our closets because an LGBT+ person didn't feel safe being themselves in the first place. We have no hope of eliminating closets if there are not equal rights and acceptance for LGBT+ peoples. You don't need to be an ally. You don't need to march in a parade, or be happy for your partner. But we must not be harmful to ending closets, either. Will gay rights and acceptance fully end closets? No. But there is no hope to stop Straight Partners being unwittingly made without ending the need for people to go into closets in the first place.

SSN has a new website coming this summer - hopefully in August. I'm biased, but it's a GREAT site, with lots more resources and much easier navigation. Our Open Forum will reside on the new site. Everything will finally be easy to read on hand-held devices! We have made areas of support for specific demographics - Straight Partners, Partners of Trans People, Mixed Orientation Relationships, and more. Because we all deserve to be supported in our choices. We all deserve to walk our own path.

Last edited by Kel (June 10, 2021 11:18 am)

You are not required to set yourself on fire to keep other people warm.

June 10, 2021 11:54 am  #73

Re: Can we make SSN more hospitable to people on varying paths?

In regards to those here “not having a PHD”. Yeah that is the point of a peer support forum. This is not paid therapy and not a panel of PHDs to submit questions to.

The other straight spouses here are not your paid therapist. We are individuals who have had experience with this situation for a varied amount of time. We have straight spouses who just found out and ones that found out 30 years ago. Some who have had this happen once and some where they have found themselves in a similar spot more than once or have had those close to them go through this in addition to going through it themselves. Some that are very distressed about what has happened and some that enjoy what has happened. None of us are in exactly to the detail the same situation but there are a lot of patterns that repeat and trends that start to emerge.

For *any* topic out there a peer support forum is not going to be the place to get 100% all the time rosy rainbows and sunshine feedback. This is a difficult topic and a difficult situation (even for those stay in the situation otherwise it would be unlikely to seek out support).

It is not reasonable to expect for this topic that no one ever mentions a negative outcome being possible. Many that are going through this not only have TTT/TGT happening but also emotional manipulation. We get quite enough “nothing is wrong, it’s all in your head”.

When people tell their stories and seek feedback one or more people will see in that limited information parts that are similar to what they have gone through. The feedback they give will typically include that information. Patterns tend to repeat. I don’t see people here telling someone “This is 100% guarantee what terrible thing will happen and I have cameras inside your personal life and so it is totally 100% exactly in your life as I am telling you”.  The person getting the feedback can take a look at the patterns and stories presented to them. It gives them an awareness of multiple possibilities for their situation which likely has a lot of unknowns.

Yeah it is painful that some of those possibilities aren’t nice. But people don’t need one more place to be lied to and told there is 0 chance of anything difficult coming at them.

It is peer support telling someone “hey based on your side of things and the parts you chose to tell here how something like it unfolded for me so be aware these things can happen and here are some ways to prepare/handle that which worked for others”.

In my TTT situation I have seen parts of my exact situation play out the same in multiple stories here and in other groups I am in to deal with this. Parts of my exact experience are different from others. Had I not been made aware of these patterns that dozens of other women have gone through and only got “nice” feedback that everything will always be a-ok I would be left feeling I was losing my mind and that I was broken and “bad” for not being comfortable in my situation. Women particularly get that quite enough to be “nice” and let their boundaries be violated over and over so the other person doesn’t feel bad. Did it suck to hear things about how I may need to get my finances in order and assets and to watch out for way escalated behaviors? Yes of course! Did it help me take a better look at what was happening  and make choices? Yes. Did I have to make the exact choices peer support people said? No. Have I? A mix. Some things really lined up with my situation and some not really. Was it “mean” to see advice/information that didn’t pertain to my situation (some parts of my situation are not as extreme as others)? No, because people have their own experiences and are just telling what they have seen and what patterns are possible.

Someone comes here and lays out a situation that is a lot like mine early on when I ignored red flags yes I am going to let them know how things went for me. It doesn’t mean that it will happen to them as well but that awareness could help them look at a red flag in their situation and really evaluate what I’d best for them and consider what their personal boundaries are. That may well better equip them to hold their personal boundaries better as they are aware of the possibilities and have had time to think ahead about what their limits are instead of being surprised.

My situation escalated several times. Had I come here to peer support earlier I bet some feedback would be spot on to what wound up happening and some would have missed the mark. For both it would have helped prepare me and maybe I’d have taken the time think about my feelings and have been able to hold/set a boundary since I was aware of the patterns possible. If instead I had come here and got only “nice” oh everything will be fine I’m sure it is all fine don’t even worry I’d be no better off than I am now having never reached out early on.

A lot of the support here also isn’t even about TTT/TGT but helping the straight spouse see their own worth. Worth that is not diminished by a difficult situation. A building UP of the straight spouse and advice to self-reflect and make choices that are best for them.

If someone gives you feedback here that doesn’t hit the mark then it didn’t hit the mark. If you say “well the sky was a mix of red and blue” and someone tells you “hey sounds like the sky is purple”  you can see where they came to that conclusion. If you then look at the sky again and see it is NOT purple but more a section of red then a section of blue  they aren’t being “mean” to you by saying it’s purple. The only info they had was what you said and their own experience of what a mix of red and blue is.


June 10, 2021 12:13 pm  #74

Re: Can we make SSN more hospitable to people on varying paths?

  I don't know how to send you a private message but if you send me one I will tell you what happened.


June 10, 2021 12:35 pm  #75

Re: Can we make SSN more hospitable to people on varying paths?

I think this is a great idea -- how people decide to navigate this is deeply, deeply personal.

I do worry about some of the newbies who come to the board, desperately grasping for the MOM as the way to fix everything.  I was one of them, even though my ex-wife immediately wanted out of the marriage when I discovered her same-sex affair, told me she loved her female side hustle more than she loved me, and proclaimed that she wanted to marry her side hustle.  And I also found my ex-wife's infidelity, same-sex attraction and profound dishonesty to be boundary-crossing deal breakers.  In other words, a healthy MOM was impossible.  I think most newly minted straight spouses are in similar straits, but certainly not all of them.

I think it would be good to point newbies to a resource about MOMs so they could better understand what a healthy MOM requires and reach conclusions themselves based upon their individual circumstances.  This might be a validating exercise for those in healthy MOMs, too.


June 10, 2021 12:51 pm  #76

Re: Can we make SSN more hospitable to people on varying paths?

Thank you so much for your response, Kel. 

I no longer spend much time here as the MOM section is rather inactive and that’s primarily where my interests lie. I appreciate that changes are being made. It can only be to the benefit of everyone who chooses to post on SSN. Maybe I’ll check back when the new website is up and running. At this time I don’t typically feel SSN is a good resource for those I come into contact with, but I’d love to see that change. I’d love to feel confident suggesting people check out SSN. 

Thank you again, 



Last edited by TangledOil (June 10, 2021 12:52 pm)

     Thread Starter

June 10, 2021 12:54 pm  #77

Re: Can we make SSN more hospitable to people on varying paths?

MJM017 wrote:

Hi Kel,

I hope it offers a bit more privacy.

Hi Maria. I can't say that the new Open Forum will offer more privacy. The entire point of an Open Forum is that it's open to.... the public. It's difficult to vet registered users in a public forum. We do remove posters who we feel give clues to them being an authentic Straight Partner. And you users also do an excellent job of sniffing out a counterfeit.

We are absolutely putting more thought into rules for the future Open Forum. Typical rules for our groups are:
- Do not post identifying information about yourself.
- Do not post identifying information about your partner.
- No belittling, shaming or insulting others.
- No bashing of the general LGBT+ community.
- Religious topics are allowed, but insulting another's beliefs is not (nor is proselytizing).
- No sexual harassment or unwanted communication.
- No solicitation of funds, or promotion of goods or services.
- No doxxing.
- Repeat offenders or large offenses will result in the user retaining posting rights.

The rest is a lot stickier! People have different interpretations of what is considered inhospitable or rude. Intentions and inflection can easily be misread. Disagreement with an opinion can be viewed as an attack. We are in a public space - it's not going to be tidy. People will weigh in on what others post - it's the nature of the beast.

As for active moderators - part of the issue with having an all-volunteer organization is that most of the volunteers have day jobs, families, and other priorities. We cannot reasonably expect that such individuals will be available to us at all times. They give what they can offer, and we gratefully accept that. We would LOVE to have a few people step up and offer to become trained moderators! Once the new site launches with our new SEO, we will get more traffic than ever. And we will have need for more volunteers. We are a collaborative group of individuals that work together seamlessly as a team. We'd love to add some new moderators to our ranks! To offer your services, please contact me via private message here on the forum.

Last edited by Kel (June 10, 2021 1:00 pm)

You are not required to set yourself on fire to keep other people warm.

February 27, 2024 9:10 pm  #78

Re: Can we make SSN more hospitable to people on varying paths?

TangledOil wrote:

I’m in contact with many straight spouses who landed at SSN initially after learning of their spouses orientation. I’m mostly in communication with those with bi spouses and a few with gay spouses. I’ve heard time and time again how unsettling it is to be confronted with... “your spouse is gay, not bi,” they are cheating,”  “you should consider divorce,” etc... as is commonly communicated to newcomers here. There are other places that these folks eventually leave SSN for and that’s fine. They are finding communities elsewhere that are more in tune with what’s going on in their reality. Reddit and Discord are picking up where SSN is falling short for these people. Since this is the spot most initially land, is there any possible way to better support them too? 

The "strategies for MOM's" section occasionally gets hit with hostile posts by people who aren't perusing a MOM which can be particularly frustrating for those pursuing a MOM. 

Thank you for any insight and ideas. 


This is exactly what I'm finding. My husband has recently came out as bi and while I fully except he might GID after being closeted for 40+ years, I also want to take his words at face value. I don't have any reason to not trust him, he never displayed any cheating behaviours. He also doesn't want any physical contact with men (at least for now) and isn't asking for open relationship (i have offered multiple times), he just wants me to know who he really is. He is also not trying to hide this from the outside world, so i don't see any reason for him to be in denial. It is hard already to navigate my own feelings and "what now?" without people suggesting he's gay.

If you can suggest some positive examples/groups I would really appreciate it! I'm not on Facebook but considering joining, I ordered the "Bisexual Married men" book. I just want a couple of positive examples where MoM worked!


February 29, 2024 2:44 pm  #79

Re: Can we make SSN more hospitable to people on varying paths?

Alex, I'm sorry you find yourself here.  

I try not to force feed advice here, especially to people who are trying to adjust to the new reality, because I do remember exactly how I felt when I started making these discoveries, and I would have just quit the site entirely if I'd felt people were trying to push me to do something I wasn't ready for.  I also had friends IRL who were also eager to take control of my life and tell me what to do, for that matter.  It was really important at the time for me to feel in control, and feel confidence in my own decisions.

We carry our own baggage, though.  My husband fed me carefully crafted doses of reality for a long time, trying to hoard the truth.  It's a pattern we do see a lot here, and it may not be the pattern of your marriage.  

Relinquere fraudator, vitam lucrari.

February 29, 2024 10:01 pm  #80

Re: Can we make SSN more hospitable to people on varying paths?

Thank you walkbymyself. I do appreciate that we could be only seeing the tip of the iceberg at this stage and even he may not be aware of all of his needs/desires. It is unsettling to wait, but I don't want to program the outcome here. Thank you for your support and sorry you had to go through years of deception. I think our society is so screwed up that our men have to build giant walls around their sexuality and live in denial for years just to protect themselves. I feel for them,but I also feel for us...


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