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This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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May 3, 2021 2:07 pm  #11

Re: I'm so lost, please

razing_arizona wrote:

.........The drive is actually no problem as I'd be more than happy with no sex. That's my normal........
I'm older than Pac-man. ....... 


You said "A parallel problem that we're having is that I want sex too much and additionally I do not take rejection well" 
Now you say you'd "be more than happy with no sex" Are you using a need for sex to keep yourself relevant to him and is this keeping your emotions/guilt/apprehension on high alert? 
Tell him you're not interested in sex with him anymore. tell him he doesn't give you what you need and just not be there for him. These men use us to make themselves look heterosexual, all the while living a seperate life. Don't let him waste your future

I know when I was confused and unhappy about my relationship, upset because I didn't know what was happening to us....I used sex to get love (stability, proof of my love for him) but this only made my inner turmoil worse and his lack of closeness made me try even harder to make him love me. Well....I realised I wasn't going to get the love *I* wanted from a man who doesn't have it to give. Best thing I ever did was stop giving him something that wasn't making me happy. It gave me time to think

I'm 32 years older than Pacman



KIA KAHA                       

May 3, 2021 2:21 pm  #12

Re: I'm so lost, please

lily wrote:

..............I have to say it seems to me that who you fantasise about in order to masturbate is the gold standard benchmark for determining your sexuality................. 


If that's the benchmark...omg Lily, I only think of myself....Lmao!


KIA KAHA                       

May 3, 2021 2:45 pm  #13

Re: I'm so lost, please

lily wrote:

I have to say it seems to me that who you fantasise about in order to masturbate is the gold standard benchmark for determining your sexuality.  and I can't see how sexual abuse is going to change that.  I really can't.  Technically I can think okay think about a woman but my mind won't even go there.  If I want to feel sexy I need to think about the man I love. 

Great point, but that's easy to explain. It's like if you're overexposed to something, especially as a developing child, your limits have to be pushed. So the reasoning behind that, especially alone with no contact from another person, is that it has to feel wrong and thinking of women does that. It's not at all the same feeling as being turned on with him, for example.

The bi thing is from having to deal with my mom possibly being bi, as I'd found something as a child that made me suspect that, and then learning about the Kinsey scale later.

Ellexoh_nz wrote:

You said "A parallel problem that we're having is that I want sex too much and additionally I do not take rejection well" 
Now you say you'd "be more than happy with no sex" Are you using a need for sex to keep yourself relevant to him and is this keeping your emotions/guilt/apprehension on high alert? 
Tell him you're not interested in sex with him anymore. tell him he doesn't give you what you need and just not be there for him. These men use us to make themselves look heterosexual, all the while living a seperate life. Don't let him waste your future 

It's tricky. I'm not using sex as a tool with him, though part of me thinks that keeping him 'good and laid' would be beneficial to everyone's confusion, but that's just trying to find the humor in the situation. I am actually just extremely attracted to him and have a high desire for him; I feel desire for him more often than I feel hunger. But sex itself, eh, I could do without. 

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May 3, 2021 4:31 pm  #14

Re: I'm so lost, please

razing_arizona wrote:

. I am actually just extremely attracted to him and have a high desire for him; I feel desire for him more often than I feel hunger. But sex itself, eh, I could do without. 

Are you seeing your situation from the point of view of how you save you as a couple... Not you as an individual..?

KIA KAHA                       

May 3, 2021 8:09 pm  #15

Re: I'm so lost, please

Ellexoh_nz wrote:

Are you seeing your situation from the point of view of how you save you as a couple... Not you as an individual..?

I'm not even sure. I've packed a dozen times over the year but walked back from it. Very recently I got shingles and the doc asked if I was stressed because I was too young for it. I was drowning but now am treading water at the moment, thanks to this board. 

Last edited by razing_arizona (May 3, 2021 8:10 pm)

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May 4, 2021 11:02 pm  #16

Re: I'm so lost, please

RA - sorry but I didn't really follow your easy explanation - isn't the easy explanation genetics?

If I understand you correctly you are saying the turn on factor, due to having been abused, is it has to feel wrong and so thinking about women is wrong and gives you a turn on.  

sexual abuse is commonplace, and the general experience is that it doesn't change your orientation.  It didn't change mine -I  get the doing wrong or naughty aspect, I get the needing to be in love but my mind just does not go in that way towards women.  

On the assumption that masturbation includes climaxing then - well see for yourself what works!  

ps - Alfred Kinsey was gay.  He had treatment to rid himself of his gay urges when he was a young man but it didn't work and he ended up married with children and still gay.  Then he developed that scale.  It doesn't really work. 

A straight woman can be a bit tomboyish or a bit girlish but it doesn't change the 100% fact that she remains oriented to men.  


Last edited by lily (May 4, 2021 11:04 pm)


May 5, 2021 12:21 am  #17

Re: I'm so lost, please

lily wrote:

RA - sorry but I didn't really follow your easy explanation - isn't the easy explanation genetics?

If I understand you correctly you are saying the turn on factor, due to having been abused, is it has to feel wrong and so thinking about women is wrong and gives you a turn on.  

sexual abuse is commonplace, and the general experience is that it doesn't change your orientation.  It didn't change mine -I  get the doing wrong or naughty aspect, I get the needing to be in love but my mind just does not go in that way towards women.  

On the assumption that masturbation includes climaxing then - well see for yourself what works!  

ps - Alfred Kinsey was gay.  He had treatment to rid himself of his gay urges when he was a young man but it didn't work and he ended up married with children and still gay.  Then he developed that scale.  It doesn't really work. 

A straight woman can be a bit tomboyish or a bit girlish but it doesn't change the 100% fact that she remains oriented to men.  


Eh, everyone's different. I know myself very well and started crushing on men around 3-4, with the Fonz, etc. I'm confident in my sexuality. It is specifically because it feels wrong. It's also not the only thing in my bank, but the one thing I shared with him in the beginning that flabbergasts me that he didn't use to open up about himself. I don't even know why I shared it with him, but perhaps I was perceiving something about him even at that point. 

Right, Kinsey declared himself a bisexual. I actually just took a Human Sexuality course, thanks to my life. Masters and Johnson found that a large percentage(?) of women become aroused by watching any sexual activity, of any sort, no matter their orientation. Could give you the number if I still had the book. D:

What do you think about bisexuality?

Last edited by razing_arizona (May 5, 2021 12:32 am)

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May 5, 2021 8:18 pm  #18

Re: I'm so lost, please

a large number of women are not straight.

bisexual is tricky isn't it.  I think it is disingenuous because it gives the impression of being both sexes and though, from what I have read, there are people born with one testes and one ovary it is less than one percent - so bisexual is not literally both sexes, also it doesn't include intersex in general but probably rubs along the edges of it.  say you are the child of one of these women who produce more testosterone in the womb so that it affects the physical as well as mental and emotional attributes of the baby - I think sometimes they get included but the ones I have met don't really seem to want to call themselves bisexual more than decide what sex they are though on a chromosomal level they are female.   Transgender doesn't fit in the bisexual category either though they are the ones who will sometimes say I feel masculine some of the time and feminine some of the time, they also are one sex or the other at a chromosomal level.  

so what does bisexual mean?  It means something for sure.  These are the people who like the Kinsey scale, it means something to them.  So, I don't want to be presumptive in saying what it means not being one myself but I can make observations.  There are different types who identify as bisexual.  so now I am going to have to go down another alley - sexuality is multi-factored.

without putting a lot of thought into it I'll go with 3 major switches.  Orientation.  Dominant/submissive.  Monogamy.

Your basic straight woman is oriented to men, submissive, monogamous.  Your basic straight male is into women, dominant, monogamous.  They fit together.   I am more tomboy than girly but that doesn't affect any of those switches, still basic model.  My ex was oriented to men, submissive, and I don't know about the monogamy, surface appearance yes but he did not form a bond with me, it was all one way, me to him.  He loved himself, he loved his closet more than any person.  so maybe not monogamous, maybe what he really wanted was to be a bit of a diva and have a whole string of dominant gay men panting at his feet.

Now sorry but those switches can't be switched both ways.  any more than Schroedinger's cat can actually be both dead and alive. 

ie from my perspective I consider all women who are oriented to women as basically gay and those who want a husband as bisexual - there seems to be a trend where the more a bisexual woman has sex with women and becomes emotionally involved with them the less she will want or be able to have sex with a man.  



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