So my husband (?) has been discussing his desire to be a woman for a while. I've seen the changes, little things, like frilly underwear, shaving everything, long hair, lip balm, etc. But today, after checking the mail and finding hormones, he admitted to seeing a doctor online that specializes in hormone therapy for trans persons. He has started an estrogen regimen. This is sort of my wake up call that says he's super serious about this, and that our marriage as I knew it is over. I was sort of calm, weirdly. After all the lies and hiding things, it's good to finally know what the deal is. If I think too much on it I'm mad as hell. Now to try and move forward. I don't want to stay married long term, but as I've said before it's a necessity right now due to financial reasons. How do any of you cope knowing your relationship is over due to nothing you have done?
It sounds like your moment arrived. That calm realization of "I don't want this" is a perfect description. Your vows never included a promise to watch him bloom into a new gender.
If you can, get a therapist. They can help so much. You may need to try a few until you find a good fit.
But personally, I spent about two years in a state of sheer rage. There was a guttural, animal scream in my heart that only went away with time. The faster you can get out, get away, and start a new the better chance you have of shortening this timeframe.
Stay strong.
Can I say done/that's a great point in your journey
I'm financially constrained as you are but only have an in-the-closet bisexual to contend with. He's fairly easy to get along with so I stay and wait change in the plateau we're currently on.
I try to keep my days busy but I'm retired, in a new city so don't know many people and I'll admit to being lonely sometimes but it's nothing a walk or bit of housework doesn't fix.
The mindset change I had means I've accepted the end of the closeness my partner and I had, I'm confident things will never be the same again, (I don't mean just my personal r'ship)....and my life has to become different if I want the next years to be happy ones
"How do any of you cope knowing your relationship is over due to nothing you have done?" - Hello Britty
I'm sorry you have to be here. That's a really hard hump to get over and I'm not over it yet, probably won't entirely for a long while. I was so very angry and bitter for a long while; but I'm moving forward. What's really helped me a lot is all of the baby steps. They seem so insignificant sometimes; but they're really important. Every little thing that I have done to start my new life is a baby step. You can find some of them on the First Aid thread. Little things like secretly making copies of our financials, removing him as a signer on my credit card, making copies of my proof/validations, getting a safe box, getting things for my new place once I got it, making copies of pictures, cleaning my files off of our computer, etc. I'm living between the marital home and my new home to be near my girls now. I have dinner there and sleep in my new home. It's a weird state of being; but I don't think we are far from the divorce being finalized. Wow! All of those baby steps have helped me build my new life. I didn't want to do them; but in hindsight I am so glad I did. Focusing on the lies, cheating, betrayals brings you down; focusing on your new life edifies you. And I know that in the beginning we really need to focus on the lies, cheating and betrayals for a while to validate them. That's a part of this journey. What little things do you need to focus on now that you know your marriage will be ending? What can you do?
Also, journaling is a great help. It validates me, proves he's been lying and helps me see how all the little things changed the big things. I would cry until I couldn't cry any more and then got down to work. What work can you do to begin your post-divorce life?
Think: Not what happened to me; but what is going to happen to me. You take ownership. You can't control his actions; but you can take ownership of yours. I say all this; but I will have a good cry sometime before my head hits the pillow tonight. Preaching to the choir. LOL
It is 10:54PM and I have not cried; but my head has not hit the pillow yet either. So I was driving home from my marital home and realized something about myself and maybe it will help you.; I hope it will help you. I have been angry and lamenting that he stole 22 years of my prime. I have cried and bawled and thrown things and walked miles and miles and miles trying to work that out. Well, no he didn't. My prime is yet to come. I'm still taking baby steps; but I know my best is yet to come. He will get to see that he missed out on the very best years of my life. They were not with a lying, cheater, I'm working on making the next 52 my best. Hope this helps.
MyExodus wrote:
It is 10:54PM and I have not cried............
The relief when crying was no longer my default setting was palpable.
(do some deep breathing when you're lying in bed. Concentrate on your breathing and
make it like counting sheep)
I'm sorry to hear your husband is escalating and hiding these things. But sadly I can relate. Keep in mind that unless you want to be married to a woman or be forced to divorce one, you might want to start making arrangements to file sooner rather than later. Once my stbx started down the path, I put in motion filing for divorce because I do not wish to be married to a woman and there is nothing to stop him from changing his legal identity before a divorce can be finalized. I know of other women who have had to divorce a "wife" instead of a husband and that wasn't going to be me.
Thanks so much, everyone. I appreciate all the good advice.
Yes, part of him not wanting a separate living arrangement is his worry about not being able to lay for therapy and hormones. He has given my needs no thought at all. Literally.