I'm not proud of myself. I was snooping in his backpack and found a book. It looked like a normal fantasy book that he would read. Wizards, elves, magic, that kind of thing. I looked it up online and found that its an LGBTQ book with two gay characters in a will they, won't they relationship. I burst into tears. He has been going to three different counselors trying to figure out what he is (trans, bi, gay, non binary ) who knows. When I found the book I was like ok, gay it is. Maybe that's simplifying it too much.
Honestly though, I think I've been looking for something I can use as an excuse for separation. I really need time to think and take care of myself. Put my needs first. I know he does too. He should do the therapy and exploration without worrying how I feel about it.
Its been almost 1 year since disclosure and I cannot get past it. It comes up again and again. I've found him therapists and support groups which he put off for months. I understand that he is scared to face this. He said he would be ok with not exploring the feelings, that he regrets telling me. He just wants to stay together. Again and again we go around and around. I bring up concerns, he convinces me to stay. Over and over. I feel like I've been falling off a cliff for almost a year and I'd rather hit the ground than keep falling.
I’m so sorry it’s come to this. It looks like you’re right about needing to take time to yourself as well as for him to do the figure things out. It may be better when you are on your own/by yourself to be able to think with a clearer head. We almost split during all of this, for the same have the time to clear our heads....who knows where it will lead, but at least maybe you won’t fee like your falling off a cliff.......maybe getting your foothold.
I wish you all the best.
Aurora Moon,
You can't "get past it" because it's still ongoing. He's given you plenty of evidence that he isn't willing to engage; he should be the one locating therapists and support groups, but instead he puts off going to those you've found, and wants to return to the old status quo. Given that these are his actions, I'd say that you are fully justified in asking for a period of separation so you can engage in some self care, and indeed, that you are long overdue to seek it for yourself. I don't remember if you seeing a therapist who is schooled in this kind of relationship/betrayal trauma caused by a hidden sexual orientation in one's partner, but contacting one to see while you are separated would I'm sure help you going forward.
Longwayhome posted a link to an Omar Minwalla article under the "general" section above this one. I'll bet if you read it you will recognize a lot of your situation in it.
AuroraMoon wrote:
,........Honestly though, I think I've been looking for something I can use as an excuse for separation. .......
Me too. Although I think it'll probably mean me suggesting separation.... As a stepping stone to divorce. I am in a safe place, all needs met, with a man not ever expecting sex with me ever again. And as far as that goes for all I know he may be in the same place as me, comfortable (relieved?) with no sexual connection. Except he'll never verbalize those thoughts and I won't ask... Lol
What a fucked up couple we are!
It's hard..these spouses have no concept of the anxiety and stress they cause.. what you are feeling is the awful and horrible weight of TGT.
I thought about this a lot and it boils down to distrust and fear..when they go out with a friend is it two friends getting together or is it a date. I recall my GX would say "we're just friends" and "what is your problem, you go out with friends" (but I'm not having sex with my friends)..
I used to physically shake from the distrust and trauma. The anxiety and doubt permeated every minute of my life.
Know that your feelings are real and even if you can rationalize it away your body may still react to his keeping things from you.. I think it is our bodies trying to protect us even when our mind is not..
It is sad...and unless your husband is an extraordinary person I honestly don't know what proofs he or any spouse can offer to regain our trust from this.. (one reason I don't frequent the MOM section).
The fact that they dont understand how much they hurt us or, in some cases like mine , really don't care is not something we can somehow fix...separation or divorce is really like saving or protecting yourself from the anxiety and mistrust.. so you have something left of you for you and your kids.
I lived as a roommate with GX for 2.5 years while divorcing and we certainly didn't want sex with each other. She was a horrible roommate though..incredibly mean and angry. It was as toxic and F uped situation as it gets. If you're getting along with yours to some degree you're doing better than many..
Last edited by Rob (March 15, 2021 9:48 am)
Stay strong, AuroraMoon.
If he can't identify his sexual orientation he is leaving you in a perpetual state of worry and fear. While you feel you are looking for reasons to leave, he's fostering reasons for you leave him to make his decision easier. Not choosing is its own choice.
Separation sounds like a smart move. It is time to focus on your happiness, away from his indecision.
Wishing you happiness ahead.
Last edited by Upside (March 15, 2021 10:41 am)
Rob wrote:
"Know that your feelings are real and even if you can rationalize it away your body may still react to his keeping things from you.. I think it is our bodies trying to protect us even when our mind is not.."
The Omar Minwalla article that Longwayhome posted a link to addresses this specifically. It says that living in this inherently abusive situation we sometimes do rationalize away the feelings that we have.
Here's a quote from the article [my emphasis in bold type]:
2. Erosion of Enteric System and Second Brain Injury.
During the covert phase, partners are likely to detect (consciously or subconsciously) threats in their environment; they are likely to subtly detect the presence of a secret sexual basement, even though they are not aware of it on a conscious level. However, these individuals often are not sure about where these feelings originate from. There is a fundamental incongruence between the victim’s gut instincts and their partner’s definitions of reality. As a result, victims may experience confusion and chaos. They may struggle to understand what is happening to them and to make sense of their second brain signals and survival impulses.
In addition, partners are often gaslighted by their abusers (Jason, 2009; Jason & Minwalla, 2009). Gaslighting (Dorpat, 1994, 1996; Gass & Nichols, 1988) is the process in which the abuser intentionally manipulates their partner’s reality in order to protect reality and the truth from becoming known or discovered by their partner (Jason, 2009). If the victim decides to trust their partner’s definitions of reality, the victim learns (over time) to distrust and ignore their healthy survival gut instincts. The victim loses their ability to depend on their internal system of detecting threats and propelling instincts to survive. In addition, they may eventually become generally hypervigilant and distrusting. Sometimes victims even become reliant on the perpetrator’s reality and use it as an adapted “survival instinct.” If the ability to utilize one’s own intuition is so compromised and abused and/or if the victim has been manipulated into deep dependency and reliance on the perpetrator’s definition and mandate of reality, then the victim may not be able to generate or act on emancipation impulses (so the idea of “just leaving” is not reality-based for some partners).
Last edited by OutofHisCloset (March 15, 2021 10:45 am)
OutofHisCloset wrote:
I don't remember if you seeing a therapist who is schooled in this kind of relationship/betrayal trauma caused by a hidden sexual orientation in one's partner, but contacting one to see while you are separated would I'm sure help you going forward.
I need to find a new therapist for sure. During our session today she asked me why I can't just accept that he isn't straight. She made it sound like since he is trying so hard to make it work I need to meet him in the middle and I was at fault for feeling the way I feel. Like its a deficit in character that I don't want a MOM. Why should I have to defend why I don't want to live like this anymore? I think its doing more harm than good.
AuroraMoon: Your therapist sucks. Your therapist sounds like they are telling you to suck it up and live in the closet with a gay man so you can provide a nice beard for him. Your therapist is telling you that you should make your needs small for a dishonest man who is utterly using you. That is INSANE.
You are exactly right. You should NOT have to defend why you don't want to be married to a man who isn't straight, and lied to you about that fact.