Hi, I'm new here. I guess I'm just looking to be able to verbalize what I'm going through. I've read some posts and I can see there are people on here going through similar issues that I am. So my husband and I have been married for 2 years and he told me last July that he wanted a boyfriend, I kinda brushed it off bc he's teased about stuff like that in the past but never let on that he was serious until then. He texted me one night and said that he wanted a boyfriend and I had 4 months to decide whether or not I was going to let him have a boyfriend. When the time came I didn't say anything, he didn't say anything and now 3 months after that date he has mentioned it again. I can't ignore it anymore. I can't talk to him about it straight out because I have trouble communicating while crying. I can't control my emotions. I have been trying to write him a letter expressing my thoughts and feelings but its difficult for me to get my emotions onto paper as well. My head is just spinning and he is being confusing. We had planned on trying to buy a house and trying to have a baby. I figured once he mentioned this issue that those goals were put on hold - but he seems to still want them. But I don't understand....He wants a third person in our relationship but I do not. Im far too jealous of a person to have someone else involved. I'm also worried about diseases and commitment. What if he falls in love with this person? Who gets Valentines Day? What if the new guy and I don't get along? What if my answer is no? Is he gonna leave me or is he going to secede? I new he was bi when I met him but I did my due diligence and explained to him that I couldn't provide what he needed from a man and was he going to be ok with that and still want to be with me. Now 4 years later we are dealing with this issue again. I'm sorry if this isn't making sense to people, my mind is just an absolute mess and I don't know where to go from here. If anyone has advice or has been in this situation and can let me know how you dealt with it that would be great. I'm seeing a therapist but its just not the same. Thank you.
You're not crazy, Queen. Most of us don't get married thinking our husband is going to one day text us that he wants a boyfriend...THAT is crazy. We get so wrapped up in the sexual orientation business...but the bottom line is: You're just incompatible. The letter might be therapeutic (even if you don't send it). Do you have a close friend you can talk to? This is some heavy shouldn't have to deal with it alone.
Your reaction is far from crazy. It's normal. You have invested in this marriage and bonded with your husband. Now he is telling you he wants the marriage to change and he wants to seek a relationship with another person. It is good that you are thinking about the risk of STIs and the logistics of how it could even be possible to work a relationship like this (the Valentine's problem). So you are reacting appropriately with both your heart (emotions) and your head (your logic).
You did not sign up for a marriage with three people in it. You even specifically asked your boyfriend before you married him whether he would be satisfied in a monogamous relationship with you and he said yes. Now he wants to change the terms of your marriage, by means of a demand: "you have four months." (I have to ask: What's behind this implied threat/ultimatum? Divorce? He'll find a boyfriend anyway?)
You were honest from the beginning. You told your then boyfriend what your values were and what your boundaries were: "I want a monogamous relationship." You asked if he could live with that. He said yes, but then started in to weaken your resolve and shift your boundaries. All that "joking" was him, softening you up (manipulating you), testing your reaction ("How strong are her boundaries? What can I get away with?") First he lied to you about being ok with monogamy, and finally he made an frontal assault on your values and boundary and issued his threat/ultimatum.
I agree with Julian Stone: you want a monogamous marriage (the normal kind). Your spouse does not. Your values are not compatible. Now you have to act to protect your values. Is his getting a boyfriend--or a series of them--acceptable to you? Is this the marriage you want? Is this kind of arrangement one into which you want to have a child? From what you say above, the answer is no.
Edited to add:
If this were a dating situation, we would be talking about "consent." You would have stated to the man what you were comfortable with (given consent for "this" and not "that"). If he didn't respect your boundaries, and began pressuring you, or had the attitude that "'no' means 'yes'", or started "joking" about what he wanted and kept it up throughout the date ("You're going to have sex with me, right?") and then went ahead and forced sex on you anyway, or threatened you in order to get you to comply ("If you don't give in, I'll leave you by the side of the road and you can walk home"), we would all have no hesitation condemning--and naming--his behavior.
It's no different in your case. He's ignoring your boundaries and acting like an entitled asshole. He doesn't care what you want, only what he wants, and he's going to demand you agree--or else. I don't know what he thinks the "or else" is, but it seems like divorce. Take a page from B'rer Rabbit--he of "throw me in that briar patch"--and take back your power. Because divorce is not a threat to you--it's the only way you are going to be able to live a life consistent with your values. "So you'll divorce me if I don't agree to your having a boyfriend/fucking men on the side? Well, I'll divorce you if you do. In fact, as you don't seem to respect my values or share them, I'm divorcing you anyway."
Last edited by OutofHisCloset (February 19, 2021 8:21 am)
A warm welcome.
Having gone through this with a wife cheating with her girlfriend I have come to the conclusion that , somehow in their warped morality, they think since its the same sex its somehow ok . I do not think we will ever understand it.. its not monogamous be it a man, woman or other creature. But somehow they think its ok.
It is not.. and even if you or he can somehow convince yourself that a third person is ok, your body will tell you it is wrong with anxiety, fear, depression etc. One can feel the moral violation in one's bones.
No you are not crazy. Tell him NO. Anything he says or does after that should tell you all you need to know..
I’m faced with a similar situation. My husband and I have been together for over 20 years though and I just recently discovered he’s been unfaithful at different times over the years we’ve been married. He’s stopped everything and we are going to therapy now. Therapy might be a good idea for you too. Since my whole world has been turned upside down I’m seeing a therapist that specializes in infidelity trauma, and we use her as a couples counselor as well. My husband is about to pick a sex therapist to help him find his truth. He says he’s bisexual but we haven’t been intimate in 3.5 years until just recently. So our dilemma is getting the bottom of that all, is it our connection, has his sexual orientation changed etc.,,which you may want to contemplate as well....sexual orientation CAN change over the course of someone’s life. Especially in bisexuals. My husband always enjoyed me/woman more the majority of his life (except in highschool he had strong urges and a boyfriend) but now all he fantasizes about and wants are men. We are now currently contemplating a threesome in the future..(but need to find our reconnection first) ...cause like you...I cannot picture being in a relationship where my husband gets to have sex with someone else. The first therapist we went to suggested I read a book called “The Ethical Slut”, we ordered it but I have t read it yet. It’s all about poly relationships and how you get to mold them the way you want, getting over jealousy etc...if you want to read it it could help. I’m currently not in a place where I want to though because my husband and I need to do a lot of couples work and he needs to figure out his current sexual orientation. In the end, you have to listen to your heart and soul, don’t force yourself into something that doesn’t feel right.
- Epiphany
Sage advice here.
First, you are making sense to people. People here get it. This swirl of questions and emotions is normal. Know it will pass in time. You both are not broken in any way.
I'd only add that your gut reaction has spoken volumes. You don't want to respond to his request because of many reasons. You'd rather not move, hoping it will go away. You don't need anything else. You have an answer to what you want deep inside. You could pack up and move on and nobody would fault you.
Or you could be willing to walk down this path farther together, knowing that any moment you choose you can turn around again. Your call. But your questions are all valid. Sadly nobody, not even your husband, can honestly answer them. You didn't sign up for this and don't have to go here if you don't wish.
My heart goes out to you. There is no wrong decision if you are making it of your own accord. Listen to your soul.
And just to raise a warning flag: in most cases, disclosure of a partner's sexuality only comes to the surface after it presents itself tangibly within your spouse's life. I believe all in this thread have learned this the hard way. Your husband's accelerated timeline is concerning to me. It tends to mean that a potential partner has been found and they see a window. In many cases, an affair may already be occurring, with the timeline acting as retroactive absolution for their actions. Be careful and vigilant. I say this not to scare you, but as a friend who wants you to be safe.
Wishing you happiness ahead.
Upside wrote:
In many cases, an affair may already be occurring, with the timeline acting as retroactive absolution for their actions. Be careful and vigilant. I say this not to scare you, but as a friend who wants you to be safe.
This was my gut reaction, too. The arbitrary timeline is such a strange detail. I stumbled across a quote once...something along the lines of "If your partner asks for an open relationship, there's a good chance you're already in one."
You will always be enough for the right person.
Last edited by Julian_Stone (February 19, 2021 1:52 pm)
I’m so sorry you’re going through this; and the feelings you’re feeling are totally normal.
It sounds like your husband has given you his ‘demands’: that you make up your mind in four months.
If you do not want to add a third person to your marriage, then DON’T! It’s hard enough when BOTH spouses WANT it, but I’ve seen so many horror stories where the wife was pressured into it, and ends up worse than miserable. Like you said (and, this is just one instance), “who gets Valentine’s Day?”. And, there is so much more like that. You have already come up with some.
If it were me (and, it isn’t. So, this is just what I would do), I would reply to his demand with my “boundary”, or decision (whatever you want to call it), that I do NOT want to open our marriage, and if that’s the way he feels, then there’s the door. It’s up to him. Personally, I wouldn’t open my marriage just to ‘please’ my husband; as much as I love him. I also value my beliefs, and one of them is that my/our marriage should be monogamous (I’m not against open marriages, just not for me/us. It isn’t what I signed up for).
Best of luck to you in whatever you decide. Like others have said, take care of YOU.
Epiphany wrote:
....sexual orientation CAN change over the course of someone’s life.
Hi Epiphany, can you tell me why you believe this?
can you imagine waking up one day and fancying women instead of men?
Julian_Stone wrote:
I stumbled across a quote once...something along the lines of "If your partner asks for an open relationship, there's a good chance you're already in one."
Within ten days of my wife asking to open the marriage, I caught her sneaking off to a hotel. Good quote and it certainly checks out here. Sigh.