Hi all,
It’s been awhile since I’ve lasted posted. I recently separated from my gay soon to be ex husband, not legally yet but physical distance. For anyone struggling with confusion, constant emotional back and forth and most importantly a person who would make excuses for their gay spouse, separation brings so much clarity. It has only been since last Friday and I am already sleeping better as well as my kids. He, however, is falling apart. Jobless but his parents bought him a car, opening a business for him and placed him in the basement apartment of one of their homes. You see, while we were together he rarely worked, helped me around the house, would frequent trans escorts, doing meth, sex in MY car leaving evidence of the occurrence with shit stains and shitty towels in the trunk and next to the kids car seats. He came where I am staying to “see the kids” but rarely interacted with them and watched tv. He had the nerve to ask if I had money and when i said no, he said oh okay. That’s the narcissist in him. Then he asked when I get paid and that he wanted to check on “our” finances. Excuse me?! He then proceeded to tell me that I have to be supportive to him until his business is off the ground and then he will take care of me, buy me my dream car/house etc. I say all this to say that a common theme hear is them lying to keep you hooked or together somehow and it’s easier to see it once your away from them. Look at how insane my story sounds and it’s only the surface but somehow while living together he convinced me that I needed to stay because he needed me, was broken, was raped when younger, family hated him for being gay supposedly but all these things are NOT MY PROBLEMS! My, how guilty I used to feel not helping someone in need but I’m realizing that it’s all part of the game they play. Probably even why he chose me as a beard. These realizations are painful but at the same time it is necessary for healing. Don’t let your gay spouse take more from you than they already have. If you let them, especially in my case, they will take it all. All your energy, your happiness, your time, your finances and your PEACE. After I told him, this is my money, don’t ask me and I’ll do with it as I please, he called me selfish and weird and that “I need to be more creative and that I have a line of credit with him since he has one with his parents” can we talk about crazy folks?! I’m 32 btw, and his parents fully enable him to be this lazy sack by buying him everything once we split and ignoring the fact that he didn’t work much while married and I struggled to pay bills and collected debt. It does feel like a slap in the face that they only help after we split but I am still better off without any of them. My children never ask for their dad either. Only if I bring it up.
You all can make it out of these situations for the better! Confused and don’t know what to do? Leave! Start taking care of you for once! It’s clear that you aren’t if you are doing this dance with your partner like I was. It’s time for you to get what you want, what you deserve and what YOU desire, the same way your partners are searching for something more.
I genuinely believe that the straight partner being so understanding, so caring and loving is to our own detriment. You cannot love someone who loves themselves or the idea of who they are much more than they would ever love you, especially being that you are NOT their preferred gender. No matter what they say, that is what their actions are yelling/screaming at you! The quicker you concluded that, the better off you’ll be. Easier said than done but when you do, you will finally start to feel again.
Hi Longwayhome,
Thank you for your kind words. I’m also here to cheer you on! I would love to help support you through this. I hope you are talking to people around you about your experiences, even the ones which may be hard to get out or feel embarrassing to talk about. This is what saved me. Telling people and hearing what they had to say because I was so brainwashed by my husband I couldn’t see (or didn’t want to see) exactly how crazy it all was. Get a journal (store it in a very safe place) and write what you are feeling and what you want for yourself. If you struggle with going back, also write reasons why you need to leave. Another thing that propelled me forward was, look at how much energy you’ve invested trying to understand, get clarity, searching making him/her feel safe, understood, support groups, walking on eggshells for their sake.... did you even get a fraction of that in return?
Congratulations! You sound so relieved & happy. You really put up with a lot before you got out, too. I’m glad you’re safe & on your own now. If my situation was at that level, I would hope i would have the courage to do the same. There are times when I wonder, but my husband isn’t as bad off as some. He quit cheating over a year ago & has been honest & trying really hard to make things right. His main problem is his attitude, which causes a lot of dumb arguments over stupid things. He gets defensive (not over cheating or anything like that, just piddly things) & it’s usually when I try to say something he’s doing that isn’t helping anything negative against him. Even when it isn’t, he sometimes thinks it is. So, those problems aren’t anywhere near as bad as things could be. We’re working it out in counseling & books on communication and one called “No More Fighting”, which I’m hoping will help. Main thing is that he is trying. His actions are showing that. Just have to get the attitude to stay in check to go along with it.
Anyway, sorry to get off subject.......take good care of yourself & enjoy your new life! All the best to you & your children.
Best wishes to all of you navigating through COVID as well as this hell. I am glad I found this group
. Thank you!
longwayhome wrote:
HurtandConfused, thank you. I've shared very few details with very few people at this point. It's a difficult story to share, and I'm pretty sure, that much of it will remain untold. It would hurt my family/son too much to learn what has truly been going on in my life. I do journal, that helps. I share a couple of things that go on with some select friends and I appreciate them for being there, but I'm not ready to share with family, not till I'm actually out of the marriage. I do all I can to keep myself grounded in the reality of my situation. I'm 59, I've been with my husband for 44 years (35 married). The pandemic isn't helping!! It's a hard enough experience to live through, living through this during a pandemic makes you feel that much more isolated. Thank you for your insightful guidance, much appreciated.
Dear longwayhome,
I’m happy to hear you have a partner that is actively trying to make your relationship better. Just something I noticed you would hurt your family too much to know what was going on with you but I think it would hurt those dear to you that you are hurting, maybe suffering, with no one to turn to? This is what I discovered when I told my parents. Yes, it did cause them pain to know what happened but they helped me get to a place where it could no longer happen. Talking to your son is a different story, my children are too young to understand so I don’t know how to go about this just yet. I certainly know how difficult this can be especially during this pandemic which is why I encourage you to find at least one person to tell YOUR story to. Your experiences, feelings about everything, I promise you after the uncomfortable initial few minutes, you will feel better. :-)
SusanneH wrote:
Congratulations! You sound so relieved & happy. You really put up with a lot before you got out, too. I’m glad you’re safe & on your own now. If my situation was at that level, I would hope i would have the courage to do the same. There are times when I wonder, but my husband isn’t as bad off as some. He quit cheating over a year ago & has been honest & trying really hard to make things right. His main problem is his attitude, which causes a lot of dumb arguments over stupid things. He gets defensive (not over cheating or anything like that, just piddly things) & it’s usually when I try to say something he’s doing that isn’t helping anything negative against him. Even when it isn’t, he sometimes thinks it is. So, those problems aren’t anywhere near as bad as things could be. We’re working it out in counseling & books on communication and one called “No More Fighting”, which I’m hoping will help. Main thing is that he is trying. His actions are showing that. Just have to get the attitude to stay in check to go along with it.
Anyway, sorry to get off subject.......take good care of yourself & enjoy your new life! All the best to you & your children.
Hi Susanne!
Thank you for your kind words. I really am relieved and “lighter” since detaching. What do you think makes him so angry? I know during my relationship he would get very angry and nasty over the silliest things but that was because he resented me for keeping him from his true desires. (I am not saying that is what is happening to you) I also realized that I was the only thing he could actually control in his life so he would excercise that every time he was feeling inadequate or depressed. He controlled my actions, thoughts, finances, and anything else you could think of. Susanne, you deserve a loving, supportive, non-compromising relationship and I hope you get just that. You WILL get that. Especially if its what you feel you deserve. therapy was extremely helpful for me and I recommend individual sessions as well as couples. This will help you get to a peaceful place with your own thoughts. It was easier to really talk about everything alone without worrying about offending or upsetting my partner at the time because he also did not like to be told Anything other than his own opinion. Best wishes to you!
“Hi Susanne!
Thank you for your kind words. I really am relieved and “lighter” since detaching. What do you think makes him so angry? I know during my relationship he would get very angry and nasty over the silliest things but that was because he resented me for keeping him from his true desires. (I am not saying that is what is happening to you) I also realized that I was the only thing he could actually control in his life so he would excercise that every time he was feeling inadequate or depressed. He controlled my actions, thoughts, finances, and anything else you could think of. Susanne, you deserve a loving, supportive, non-compromising relationship and I hope you get just that. You WILL get that. Especially if its what you feel you deserve. therapy was extremely helpful for me and I recommend individual sessions as well as couples. This will help you get to a peaceful place with your own thoughts. It was easier to really talk about everything alone without worrying about offending or upsetting my partner at the time because he also did not like to be told Anything other than his own opinion. Best wishes to you!”
I sometimes wonder if he’s so angry because he can’t ‘act out’ and have sex with men. We even mentioned it & he also mentioned it to his therapist, who said it could be a possibility. (His therapist agrees, but never offers help on how to work things out.....ughh..2nd counselor. I don’t think he’ll try a 3rd. It’ll have to be marriage counseling.)
But, he doesn’t control me. I was married for 32 years before we got together (my husband passed away. It was expected- his heart. We ‘grew up’ together...and, he loved me & never cheated!)..anyway, I was pretty self sufficient when we got together as well as independent. So, I ‘bark’ back with the best of them.
If things don’t get better with the attitude, we’ll do something about it. I won’t just sit & take his bad moods. I’m not like that.
Again, best of everything to you & I’ll keep posting, good or not. Hopefully, good. I’m an optimistic person, even though this has knocked a lot of that out of me. We’ll get there !
Good deal...I think you're seeing clearly how much better you can be without him and his issues.
My GX remains angry to this day..though she has left me alone as of late..
Her angry when we were divorcing was certainly brought on by getting her way anymore. But I saw a lot if the anger as paranoia..ready to jump at the slightest perceived insult. I think its guilt..I truly believe deep in their core they know what they are doing is wrong. Anger gives them something to hide behind...
Rob Anger does give them something to hide from. As each day passes, I am realizing little things I actually did not like about my relationship with my husband that I put up with for so long because I love him. None of us deserve the abusive anger they give us.......
I recently discovered this website and have been reading along. The statement about hiding behind anger really resonated with me. I married my husband in 2004 and thought he was experimental and oversexed because he had married at 21 and was married 20 years Yada yards. We had ups and downs, but the facts were in my face when I caught him coordinating an encounter with a stranger on Craigslist in 2010. When I forced him to tell me the details, he couldn’t hide how erotic he found it. I on the other hand found it disgusting. We have not had sex since. I travel a lot for work and we have never had the traditional home life. However, my husband went into my computer and found where I was bantering with an old boyfriend and had gone to dinner with him and his sister. He lost it - got angry - said it was completely inappropriate etc.
I’m already alone so to speak, but my husband can be so malicious. I don’t need warfare. I’m 60 yrs old. I have a house that requires more work than I can do alone. I have a geriatric 120 lb dog, and have been delaying condo life until she passes.
He won’t admit his preferences and I genuinely believes he behaves because he doesn’t want his adult son to know the truth.
I don’t know if he intended me to be his beard from the beginning or if he swings back and forth on facing the truth himself. It doesn’t matter except he is so angry and mean to me.