OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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July 2, 2020 9:22 pm  #11

Re: I am a straightspouse...this is MY Forum


Last edited by Lynne (September 7, 2020 10:04 am)


July 2, 2020 10:28 pm  #12

Re: I am a straightspouse...this is MY Forum

lily wrote:

I think we must also acknowledge how long that thread is - how many wives sought his advice.

Agreed lily. This is the source of my ambivalence. If he helped others, and many said as much, it was the least he could do but in the process his ex-wife became the sacrifice. It just always bothered me personally that she would bear the weight from him 'again' for others to feel better. Wasn't that the source of so much pain for so many of us? Being used for another's benefit without our permission?

But how difficult is it to say to someone it helped 'that's not okay'? They deserve healing too. She may be perfectly fine with him so my concern could be misplaced but we only had his narrative for that. I engaged with him in only a couple exchanges and I doubt he liked me any better than I liked him but it was brief because I couldn't forget that she couldn't share her own story because he was telling his and I didn't want to be complicit in that and didn't appreciate his perspective anyway. These are my personal feelings and I don't fault anyone for finding him useful but that's the problem for me and hence the ambivalence.


July 3, 2020 1:34 am  #13

Re: I am a straightspouse...this is MY Forum

I quickly read all the posts from page 41 to 48. Sean admitted his wrongdoing. He was kind and supportive to women and men who posted.  It's wives, husbands and unmarried partners writing. Many posters questioned and supported each other -- Sean wasn't part of some conversations. There was a clearly homophobic poster (troll?) who started a fight.

This thread is helpful to me as it's a discussion among group members trading advice and war stories. It's not just the Sean show.

I read very quickly, and will read through all pages within the next few days.   You read it too. I hope the admins don't gut it. It is quite helpful and interesting.

No - It's not too late. It's not hopeless. Even there, there's something I can do. I just have to find the will. Ikiru (1952), film directed by Akira Kurosawa 

July 3, 2020 9:15 am  #14

Re: I am a straightspouse...this is MY Forum

When we look at the straight spouse experience as a whole its not just one sided, yet the forum type dictates the type of conversation and social norms are established. If you ever explore LGBQT forums you will see the same types of discussions that you see here just on the other side of the coin. People uses forums for different reasons, need them for different reasons.

The thread structure and organization of a forum can help mitigate conversations that are triggering for one reason or another. In this case there is potentially opportunity to add a "gay/questioning spouse section" for threads like Seans.  The gay/questioning spouse might find this forum useful, they might find it reassuring, it may help them make a decision to be honest and truthful with their spouse. 

In my journey, my ex was limited on her explanation for why she held on so long, frankly she didn't know. I felt lost and wanted answers. So I found a lesbian thread on a forum and was able to gain perspective on why it was so difficult for my ex to come out and stay in a heterosexual marriage. Was it helpful? to an extent, did it hurt to read it? Yes to some degree and when I got my fill I was done.  

 I believe that though exposure, story, sharing and research we can work toward a world where there aren't as many straight spouse situations. So If I or someone else can read about the other side of the coin and gain some perspective, understanding and perhaps move toward healing then for me there is value in that. Above all, maybe there is some questioning/gay person who doesn't get married because they had access to read our stories, well then am all for that because that means there is one less straight spouse in the world.

All of this said; this is not my forum, not my site and not my decision. I respect the owners decisions and they can do what they want. I am just a participant in the forums.


July 3, 2020 9:55 am  #15

Re: I am a straightspouse...this is MY Forum

I wouldn't participate if there were a thread like that on the boards. I wouldn't feel safe. I don't buy that they don't know. And if they are questioning? Don't get married! Full stop. Figure it out on your own without involving other people. Get therapy. Or disclose so the straight person can make an informed decision. Pretty simple I think. No thread needed. Straight people aren't on the planet for them to experiment on until they figure it out! Stay single! Being single is a perfectly acceptable solution for anyone.


July 3, 2020 9:58 am  #16

Re: I am a straightspouse...this is MY Forum

"Straight people aren't on the planet for them to experiment on until they figure it out! "

Great way to put it!   And we spouses aren't obligated to stick around until they do figure it out, regardless of the pressure exerted on us to do so.


July 3, 2020 10:23 am  #17

Re: I am a straightspouse...this is MY Forum

Yes, to the last two messages.  There are plenty of LGBTQ forums online for them to figure it out. The Psychology Today website has thousands of therapists advertising their services for the LGBTQ. This is just in my metro area. That's another smart place for people questioning sexual orientation.

There are a few inactive straight spouse forums. This is the only one I have found which is active and has a lot of helpful information. I need the help. I want it concentrated on my terrible experience being an unknowing beard.

The world is a very long way from non-straights not feeling safe to come out. Here's a recent blog post from the Yale School of Medicine estimating 30% of the non-straight staying in the closet in 1st world liberal societies.


Lastly Joe C., I understand the torment and pain of the LGBTQ community. Not first hand, but have been physically attacked, groped, harassed by men on the street & in elevators, felt unsafe to walk the streets in case of sexual assault, paid a salary thousands of dollars less at my job than a man doing the same work. Not sure why you think women do not undergo unfair and frightening discrimation like the LGBTQ community.

How does standing up for oneself after being tricked into being a beard contradict support for LGBTQ rights?

Last edited by MJM017 (July 3, 2020 10:48 am)

No - It's not too late. It's not hopeless. Even there, there's something I can do. I just have to find the will. Ikiru (1952), film directed by Akira Kurosawa 

July 3, 2020 11:14 am  #18

Re: I am a straightspouse...this is MY Forum

Whirligig wrote:

I don't buy that they don't know. And if they are questioning?........................ .

Mine knew since the 7th grade, she knew for years, she just ignored it and eventually said she didn't really know or understand. I don't know what to think of that now.  You know what though....its a statement that repeats itself over and over....so what does it mean?

Its not fair right....I mean I always knew I was straight and never questioned it.



July 3, 2020 11:58 am  #19

Re: I am a straightspouse...this is MY Forum

It's not. fair, right? - no it isn't fair.  It's interesting.  My life experiences have drawn me to conclude that most people know what is fair or not.  But not everyone seeks to be fair.  But if you are a fair and reasonable person, if you have that moral core, then it is only natural to be fair to others.

I mean, just trying to estimate how many gay people are in the closet is a hopeless task isn't it.  Denial is denial.  But just for a moment let's look at their experience -most of them would have grown up in a family where one of their parents was in the closet - ie right from the start of their lives it's the family model, it is their norm.

My observation is that the straight parent is usually held to be the one at fault, as the one causing the pain in the family.  The closet is the closet, it causes so much pain.

Being born gay with a parent in the closet is challenging but there's two parents right, it depends where you get your nature from, the closeted one or the straight one - imo that's the main factor as to whether it's another closet or an openly gay life.
I know one woman, she had four children by four different fathers.  I think she was married to all of them.  But as soon as the child was born she didn't want a bar of the father, all his fault of course, and she would get a divorce pretty quickly.  Finally a long time down the road, she got a girlfriend.

So I think you could say her maternal instincts triumphed over her sense of fairness and integrity but at least she didn't inflict a lifetime of pain on the fathers, but heck she didn't give them any honesty either.


July 3, 2020 12:19 pm  #20

Re: I am a straightspouse...this is MY Forum

I'm kind of with Elle on this, for the most part, but I'm ok with Sean's participation in a dedicated thread.  I actually didn't have so much of an issue with Sean, probably because by the time I'd joined up, he'd owned up to the pain he'd caused.  He was here to listen or to respond to questions, but not necessarily to evangelize about  how none of this is our spouse's fault.  I'm really not interested in hearing the other side of the story, if it's all about excusing abusive or uncaring behavior.

If I wanted to hear lame rationalizations about why gays deceive straight people into marrying them, I'll talk to my lying sack of shit husband.

That being said, I did think it was helpful to be able to ask Sean to translate some of the phrases I'd found in my husband's text messages.  I think that having a dedicated thread was a good way to strike a balance.


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