OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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June 14, 2020 3:06 pm  #1

Lost And Confused

Finding this site has already helped me a little, seeing similar feelings to mine being expressed. So my relationship wasn't as long as most of yours, less than a year, but I've known the man for 13 years and we work together and we were discussing marriage so it was serious. I'm female, late 30s. He's a little older. He asked me out last year and we quickly became inseparable. We have been together constantly for months during this Covid pandemic. I was about to formally move into his house, he asked me to move in with him. We were headed towards marriage; his friend even offered to perform the service as his gift to us, and that friend's wife had offered me her dress. He seemed to enjoy having me around, always calling or texting that he missed me if one of us was at work and the other wasn't. He told me that he wanted to have a child with me. When we first got together we had even discussed sexuality a bit and it all seemed "straight," although a couple times he randomly brought up whether I had been with my lesbian friend (I hadn't, I'm not into women, another coworker started that rumor because she thought it was funny). I was in love with this man and we had a lot of future plans, we were getting in better shape together and were going on a meet-the-rest-of-his-family vacation soon.

I have had a lot of trauma in my life and have PTSD, both from work and from an abusive mother to some bad relationships, one that ended with the police after being stalked and another with violence and him threatening to kill himself, so trusting someone again was VERY difficult for me.

So his birthday was 2 weeks ago. I tried my very best to make it happy, but he said all he wanted for his birthday was me by his side. I still got him a fantastic gift, shopped for the perfect card to express my love, got his favorite cakes and foods, etc. Went well. 2 days later I had returned to my place for the afternoon to try to wrap up some things before finally beginning the moving-in process, although a lot of my things had already been moved to his place. When I returned a couple hours later, he seemed a very tiny bit "off," and I asked him if he was okay. He said he was so I let it go. Fast-forward one week... so 5 days ago. He got up for work, kissed me goodbye like he always did, and went off to work. I went on his computer later that morning (as I have done before, we often looked things up on it together) and... his last website hadn't been closed. It was a gay hookup site and he had messaged a man looking to meet. He sent his photo to the man and everything and said that when the guy sent his photo back, he would give him his phone number so they could talk. That was on that day that he seemed "off" I was horrified. I then looked at his profile and he had been a member of this site for quite a while so it's not like he just decided to be curious as a mid-life crisis, although it looks like this was the first time in a long time that he had messaged someone.

So I panicked and just took all my stuff and left (including a large television and small appliances and everything. I was in full PTSD panic-escape mode). I sent him some texts calling him an a****le and saying that I hated him, I felt lied to and like our whole relationship was a lie. He said not to get vindictive (I wasn't vindictive, just expressing pain) and then just said "The TV is gone." I said that he had cheated and I was hurt and angry; he claimed that he hadn't but I said that purposely messaging a man to try to meet, and sending your photo is cheating whether you actually met or not.

He has never responded since, even though I sent him a couple calmer messages the next day. I am lost, confused, reeling from all of this. I both hate him and still love him, and a tiny bit of me would like to stay with him but the other part knows it's likely over.

Since he didn't respond, not even to just say that he was sorry, I feel used, led on and lied to and like our whole relationship was a lie. Our future dreams and plans are dead and I'm devastated. I feel like he didn't care at all, and now I don't know whether he's bi and he did love me, or whether he was using me as cover. He really seemed to love me at least as much as I loved him. I could deal with a monogamous bi man, but not one that would cheat on me.

I can't eat, I can't sleep. I feel like I wasn't good enough and am questioning my own self-worth. I have no idea how to see or hear him at work and because this feels like a huge emotional trauma I keep randomly crying so I've called in sick the last three days already. An acknowledgement and apology, an explanation, ANYTHING to acknowledge the pain he caused might help. Everyone at work knows that we're in a relationship so that is going to be horrific and embarrassing when I do go back.

Was I just his beard this whole time? He's only ever had relationships with women. The worst thing is that I miss him so much at the same time. I feel both the love that I thought we both shared, and hate for hurting me. I'm questioning everything and it feels like nothing is real.

I feel for you guys who got married or had children before finding this out and I know it wasn't as long as a decades-long marriage but the pain is fresh and real and I'm lost and alone.

Last edited by LostAndConfused (June 14, 2020 3:41 pm)


June 14, 2020 7:53 pm  #2

Re: Lost And Confused

Hi, I have to go out. soon so not long to reply but I just wanted say give your heart a chance to catch up with your head - it does take a little while - and you will be so grateful to yourself for walking straight out of there,  well done for taking the big tv.  He is likely to have been busy at work getting support for himself at your expense.  Maybe you can talk on the phone to a friend at work?

he is a wolf in sheep's clothing.  The point of that simile is that we are all taken in by the fleece.   Of course you were deceived.  and yes it hurts a real lot.

one little step at a time.  Be proud of the way you have acted and look after yourself well.  We are all here for you.

wishing you all the best Lily. 


June 14, 2020 10:34 pm  #3

Re: Lost And Confused

Hi. Glad you found this site. And YES to what Lily said. One step at a time!  We were deceived. They don’t get better, they don’t stop this secretive behavior/activity.  If anything, they get worse. We were being used! 

It is hard, very hard!  Be proud of yourself for getting out of the situation, and my suggestion............stay out!  His ability to not respond or comfort the person he claims to care so much about speaks volumes!  My GX would give me the silent treatment when he wasn’t flat out lying to me.

It hurts, it’s unimaginable and so hard, but time helps. 
Good thoughts your way!


June 14, 2020 10:46 pm  #4

Re: Lost And Confused

LostAndConfused wrote:

......I could deal with a monogamous bi man, but not one that would cheat on me...... 


He has already proved himself duplicitous....so how long would you trust him to be monogamous? 
I applaud you for getting out now


KIA KAHA                       

June 14, 2020 11:39 pm  #5

Re: Lost And Confused

I experienced something similar. I, too, didn't up as invested as most others have on the board. It was still devastating. A couple years out and I feel that I was lucky to have found out when I did. It doesn't make the pain disappear but I'm grateful I was spared years of lies and future years of misery. I think you made a good choice. It doesn't mean it's an easy one.

If you have doubts, just remember that he could have chosen to be honest with you from the start and he didn't. He denied you the ability to consent. If he were an honest bi guy he would have been open about it and respected your right to choose for yourself if that was something acceptable to you or not. He didn't. And he did cheat on you! It's a pathetic excuse for him to say it doesn't count because he tried but you found out before he could follow through. He attempted to blameshift and divert your attention as if it was your reaction that was the problem and not that he was looking for a hookup. Good for you for calling him out on that!

I'm so sorry about the work situation. My advice would be to avoid engaging with anyone about it. Keep it professional, bland, say it didn't work out and change the subject.  Build support outside of work with family and friends. Covid might limit other work opportunities in the short term so it might be wise to try to mitigate any interactions you have with him by taking breaks/lunches at different times and places and limit contact with him so you don't get sucked back in or involved in any work drama he might create. If you have an HR department, do some research on options like transfers or what recourse you have if he gets nasty. Document everything to protect yourself too. If it gets intolerable start working on your C.V. and look for other opportunities. My heart goes out to you.


June 15, 2020 12:18 am  #6

Re: Lost And Confused

I’m so sorry you are going through this. How horrible and disappointing, I know exactly how you’re feeling. You’re grappling with the lying and the double-life he leads. It’s something I can’t come to terms with either.
I just left my 5 year marriage after discovering my husband goes daily to gay hookup parking lots. He goes at lunch time and on his way home from work. I never would have suspected until he actually took me to one once, just to use the portapotty (and probably had sex in there while I was in the car not even realizing what was going on) I had a look around the parking lot and could see single men in cars. I got suspicious and put a GPS tracker on his car and found out right away what he was doing. It was absolutely devastating and I had to pretend I didn’t know for 5 weeks until I could get myself organized and move out one day while he was at work. He still doesn’t know that I know about it all. I need to be careful and I also want to get divorced as soon as possible. I’ll play nice for a while just so that it goes smoothly.
It’s horrible and shocking and very hard to wrap your head around.  I believe the whole 5 years my husband was doing this and I was going absolutely crazy not understanding what the problem was with him. He always gaslighted me and was very volatile and then even stopped sleeping with me. He was trying and still is, to have the perfect cover...a wife, great step-kids, the perfect facade. I suggest you read Sean’s thread (look up author), it will give you incredible insight of the GIDs minds. It took me a few weeks to get through the whole thread but it was the most fascinating thing I’ve ever read and it really helped me because he answers all the questions we will never be able to ask our exes. Amazing intel and it gives me so much power and knowledge, I feel much more prepared now when I need to deal with my ex-husband.
I’m so so proud of you for leaving right then and there. Hold your head high and don’t look back!!
You’re right, you are lucky you got out in time and that you didn’t have kids with this lying cheat. Imagine being tied to him for life?
Be strong, I pray that you don’t consider reconciliation with him. Just leave him in the dust and thank your lucky stars that the truth was revealed to you.
Take good care of yourself!


June 15, 2020 7:52 am  #7

Re: Lost And Confused

Lost and Confused
Feel your pain. My GIDH and I have been together for close to 30 years with 3 teenage children. I knew in my gut that something was always off but could never "prove" it. Recently someone anonymously sent me things online to let me know what he was doing. I confronted him. He loves to make excuses and blame his childhood for everything. He has also brought up things that supposedly happened to him as a child, that in that many years he has never once shared with me. Unfortunately I have stayed for now with no physical contact and hope to eventually get out. You are a very strong person and don't let anyone tell you different. It is amazing what our so called "spouse" who was supposed to love and cherish will do to hide their true self.


June 15, 2020 9:59 am  #8

Re: Lost And Confused

Thank you all for your support. The jerk sent a weak apology last night via text so I'm taking that as the most closure I'll get.

I feel really violated, both emotionally and se*ually. I didn't get to have a large amount of information about his history because of his lying and I'm feeling... not assaulted, but violated still.

I'm also wondering if this was why he tried to sweep me off my feet and get me to move in with him after only a couple months?

Your posts are very validating and helpful for me.

He has been telling people at work that HE broke up with ME. I'm going to have to gently correct that if asked. I am trying to let my growing rage eat up the feelings of hurt and loss. He is not a good person, and yet I'm kicking myself mentally for thinking that he was. Even with all this, there's a tiny part of me that still misses him and the plans that we made, and that is frustrating. I'm hoping that will fade soon.

I'm glad I found this website, as what happened wasn't just a standard breakup, and I'm having so many conflicted emotions.

Last edited by LostAndConfused (June 15, 2020 10:01 am)

     Thread Starter

June 15, 2020 11:16 am  #9

Re: Lost And Confused

LostAndConfused wrote:

I am trying to let my growing rage eat up the feelings of hurt and loss. He is not a good person, and yet I'm kicking myself mentally for thinking that he was. Even with all this, there's a tiny part of me that still misses him and the plans that we made, and that is frustrating. I'm hoping that will fade soon.

I'm glad I found this website, as what happened wasn't just a standard breakup, and I'm having so many conflicted emotions.

I'm so familiar with this that I feel like I could have written it myself not long ago. It's a cycle. You'll feel rage, then grief, love, and then find yourself right back at rage again. Then it will repeat. It does get better eventually as long as you can avoid getting involved again. It's one of the reasons so many of us advise low or no contact. It keeps you stuck in the suck if you don't. I'd urge caution about correcting any misperceptions. You have a right but it can be easy to get carried away and gossips will do what they do best and before you know it you have an ugly mess on your hands that could threaten your livelihood. If you can pull it off, take it in from anyone dishing gossip, give a nonchalant laugh, say 'oh, is that what he told you?' and change the subject. Let him live with his lies and get on with your healing without him. You'll be better off in the long run. Keep your head up!


June 15, 2020 12:37 pm  #10

Re: Lost And Confused

I concur with everyone else's feelings and advice.  The only thing I'll add is that yes, it is highly likely he "love-bombed" you to get you into the relationship.  Getting you to move in with him was yet another way he could "secure" his beard.
 You could likely learn a lot about disordered and entitled behavior over at Chump Lady, a site for those who've been cheated on.  Which you have.  


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