I posted this in the “Our Stories” section, but felt I should post here because I could really use some support right about now...
I’m new here. I’m exactly what my user name says. Feeling Lonely. I haven’t taken the time to read too many stories but have read a few. I honestly just want to get something off my chest - and I have nowhere to turn.
For the past 8 months, I’ve known that my wife’s new lesbian friend of 1 year had feelings for her. It was confirmed to me when I saw a text come through on my wife’s phone that said “I can’t stop thinking about you,” something I know my wife would be furious with if another woman had texted me. I was hurt. I asked her if she had told the woman that it wasn’t appropriate and she said no. I was hurt even more. She didn’t stick up for me or our family unit.
Eventually, she vowed to stop hanging out with her in one on one situations to make me feel comfortable and countless times my wife had gone back on her word. She continued to lie to me about her whereabouts. She went out more frequently with friends (sometimes 3-5 times a week), stayed out later while I was left at home with our now 4 year old son. Once again I was left feeling hurt.
I’ve strongly suspected that my wife was falling for her new lesbian friend of 1 year. Red flag after red flag kept popping up. Hiding text messages, seeing her friend daily, she conveniently forgets to wear her wedding rings often, lying by omission, and telling her things about her life that she wouldn’t talk to me about. At the very least it was an emotional affair. For months she swore that their relationship was purely platonic. And over those months there had been countless fights about the other person whom has come between at least 3 MF marriages that I know of. For the longest time I’ve believed that this new friend has been a cancer in me and my wife’s marriage.
My wife came out to me 2 weeks ago and I was ok with it. She’s expressed her love for me and our family unit on countless occasions and had told me that she wants to stay together. But she continues to lie to me. Finally, she came out and told me that she has feelings for this other woman and has for months.
And tonight, she told me that she was hanging out with one of her other friends from work a few hours from where we live and will be staying the night at her place. Something she’s done a few times and I’ve thought nothing of. But I’m fairly confident she’s not with her coworker, but staying with her lesbian friend.
My wife told me that she is speaking with her counsellor and will make a decision on Friday whether she wants to remain in a relationship with me and cut ties with her lesbian friend. She’s told me that I satisfy her sexually, she’s attracted to me, but would likely not be with another man should we not work out.
I’m in a relationship with someone who is clearly confused. She’s told me she’s found women attractive since before we met 10 years ago.
I’m sitting here on a Wednesday night hurt. Hurt that I’m 95% confident she’s lied to me again and is with someone she said she wasn’t going to be with. I’m hurt that for the 10 years of our relationship she had kept something major from me. I’m hurt that for the past 6 months plus I’ve been made to feel crazy for such a thing to happen. I’m hurt because on Friday my life may come to a crashing halt and there is nothing I can do about it.
I’m angry that my wife has been so selfish - putting me through personal hell while she figures her stuff out. Listen, I’m happy for her to be her... but the time for that was when she was in her 20s and single. Not after she had built a life, a family, a home with someone she vowed to be with. Especially since she knew long ago she was attracted to women. Instead, she built a life based on a lie. She lied to everyone including herself.
My son is my world and I don’t want to put him through this. I don’t want to split time and only get to see him for 50% of the time. It’s an awful feeling being in this position. I likely won’t be able to afford to live on my own and neither will she. We each make great money, but housing prices and rent is so freaking high. Finding a place that allows 2 dogs that bark will be a nightmare. I’m terrified of starting over. Finding someone new. I love my wife. It’s hard to believe based on the above - but I just want my family to be ok. I’m sick to my f’ing stomach that instead of being home with the family - she’s lied again and is out with her ‘girlfriend’. I feel worthless sitting here waiting for Friday for her to “decide” if I’m what she wants. I feel uncertain if I’d ever be able to trust anyone ever again.
I’ve done a lot of reading in my many hours of alone time. And one thing I’ve taken from multiple sites is that you should ALWAYS TRUST YOUR GUT. If you think something is up... something most likely is up.
I’m feeling very lonely.
HI, I just had to reply - it hurts feeling lonely, doesn't it. The thing I wanted to say is it sucks you're not really in control here, it's down to what she is going to do. But maybe it's not such a bad thing that you might need to combine to afford housing - it gives you more full-time time with your little son.
It hurts feeling lonely and I know you love her but just wait til you meet a straight woman and have a reciprocal love.
I am alone but not so lonely since feeling that.
underneath it all there is a pain growing with every year you spend with someone who cannot eat from your plate.
so yes, love your children love your pets love the plants on the verandah, the ocean to swim in, the touch of the sun on your skin and be good to yourself, fight in your corner for a while.
wishing you all the best, Lily
Feeling Lonely,
I'm so sorry you're alone and lonely and in a turmoil. I'm so sorry you're feeling that way because your wife is so immature or off-center as to think she can date while married and excuse it somehow because it's another woman and not a man.
Sitting around waiting to know if your wife will pick you or her lover leaves you feeling powerless and facing a future that doesn't look positive no matter what she decides. If she decides she'd like to stay married, either now or after she's done her exploring, you'll be left wondering whether she'll do it again, and whether her feelings for you have changed substantially now that she's had her lesbian experience. If she decides for her lover, you're left with the horrible hurt of having to parent half-time and the necessity of finding a place to live, potentially with others. No wonder you're angry and in turmoil--no matter what happens, your life has been upended.
Right now, while seeing only the wreck she's made of your family, you don't see that you have any choices or options, like you have to wait for her to decide. But you do have the choice of deciding whether you can live with what she's done and with what your life with her would be like going forward. The one certainty here is that you aren't going back to what you had before--she's forfeited your trust.
Last edited by OutofHisCloset (October 25, 2018 6:44 am)
FeelingLonely wrote:
I’m hurt that for the 10 years of our relationship she had kept something major from me. I’m hurt that for the past 6 months plus I’ve been made to feel crazy for such a thing to happen. I’m hurt because on Friday my life may come to a crashing halt and there is nothing I can do about it.
I’m angry that my wife has been so selfish - putting me through personal hell while she figures her stuff out. Listen, I’m happy for her to be her... but the time for that was when she was in her 20s and single. Not after she had built a life, a family, a home with someone she vowed to be with. Especially since she knew long ago she was attracted to women. Instead, she built a life based on a lie. She lied to everyone including herself.
My friend. I was in your exact situation a bit over 2 years ago. I know just how it feels to be lied to for so many years (16 married for me). I know exactly how it feels to watch your wife develop a relationship with a woman that doesn't feel normal - to have the other woman become the priority, to uncover red flags and bring them up and to be lied to over and over about them. I also know what it's like to have a wife withhold sexual intimacy and then give that most important thing away to someone else. I know what's it's like to find out after the fact and then worse, to find out they are planning to do it in the near future.. try sitting at home knowing your wife is out doing the most hurtful thing she could possibly do at that very moment.. I hope you don't have to go through those things.
I spent the 6 months of my divorce waiting period trying to convince her not to leave me. I talked about her vows and promises, the destruction of my life and our sons lives and the family we built together. I talked about the sins she was committing. I begged and pleaded and try to find solutions to continue our marriage. None of it worked because her sexual desire was paramount to everything else in her life. (I still have 4 and 5 letter swear words going through my head when I think about her at this time).
She is going to make a decision as to whether she wants to pursue this other woman and destroy your family of if she wants to wait stay in the safety and protection of your marriage and the illusion of being heterosexual. What she will not do is decide to be heterosexual. She just isn't. So while you want your life to go back to the way you percieved it to be, it will not happen.
The biggest gift my ex-wife gave me in those days was to finally decide to leave me. I thought completely the opposite way at the time, but after a couple years to reflect and some new experiences to change my perspective I know now that suffering through that divorce allowed me to find myself, become a better person, learn to love life again, and eventually to find a new person who's authenticity and love makes me so much happier than my ex ever could have. It was a tough time, but for going through it I now get to live a much better life for the rest of my days.
So what are you going to do?
I know based on your post that you are a committed and supportive husband and you will cling to your relationship as long as you can. Despite what you here on this forum or anywhere else, you will not give up on your marriage. That's ok. That's a great quality. That's who you are. So you are going to wait and see what she decides to do.
What I want to do for you is plant some seeds in the back of your mind so that when/if she decides to leave you will be able to handle it better, heal more quickly and look optimistically toward a new future.
If you haven't seen it yet, this "first aid kit" is really helpful for new people:
We are all here for you. The men and women on this forum have been in your shoes and know just how it feels. Stick around and share your journey with us. Let us know what questions you have and how we can help support you.
Sorry that you find yourself here. Perhaps this is not a comforting thought right now but you aren’t alone. You are going through a tough time for sure and it hurts like nothing else. But if you read some of the old posts you’ll see a trend in terms of how your wife is behaving. It’s good to take a deep breath and think about how to deal with the now and the future. It’s hard but I do want to say that in time you will be able to look back on this and marvel that you survived. My wife leaving me for another woman was the worst thing I’d experienced in my life. But it was also the best thing in terms of no longer being married to someone who I couldnt connect with and trust in the most intimate way. My advice is don’t keep your relationship on life support for longer than is necessary. Life is too short to be spent with someone who does not appreciate you in the most fundamental ways. Stay strong and be gentle on yourself and most importantly think of your needs and your future.
Thank you all!
Phoenix, I’ve read your story and it seems all to similar. It’s erie.
This is a very difficult battle. It’s a 50:50 shit storm. 50% of the time I feel angry and frustrated. The other 50% of the time I feel love and compassion towards my wife.
I was very excited for her to come home tonight. I spoke with her earlier today on the phone. I asked if she was any closer to making “her decision” and she replied “Yes I think so, I’ve missed you a lot”. I I didn’t dare broach the fact that I thought she was with the lesbian friend last night. She was very convincing as to who was there, where they went for dinner, what movie they saw, where they went for drinks after. But I’ve read so many of these stories that 75% of me thinks she’s gas lighting me (I’m catching on I think ; )).
Trust and character are a funny thing you know. There really aren’t many chances in life. I feel like my wife has lied about 10-15 things and I have very little trust in her. I remember a quote that I heard on a TV show a few weeks ago. I was sure to write it down. “Character is a crazy ass thing. Don’t know what it is but you know what it isn’t. Sometimes we don’t recognize it in ourselves till it’s too late and the damage has been done.” I feel like I’m getting a first hand witness of that quote playing out on my wife.
You want to know what’s funny - my wife is practicing her Halloween costume. She’s going to a party with her lesbian friend and their workout friends. Their dressing as the couple from Grease and my wife is dressing as a man. F*** this story just gets sadder and sadder. She is in the bathroom and looks like a man. I think the f***ing writing is on the wall. I actually might think that this Saturday may be my wife’s coming out party. Conveniently one day after decision day? Maybe I’m just reading into it. Maybe I’m just preparing for the worst.
I’m starting to get the picture and I honestly can’t help but laugh. I guess this is denial? It’s so freaking ridiculous.
Give yourself space to feel whatever you feel. There is no "right way" to do this.
My example.. The immediate feeling I had when my ex disclosed to me was.... relief
Of all things to feel, why relief? It's like the opposite of what I should have been feeling. But what had been consuming me for so long was this internal struggle of cognitive dissonance. I knew deep down something was very wrong. I knew her relationship with this other married woman wasn't normal. But I let her lie to me because I didn't want to believe what would surely be a dreadful turn in my life. So when the truth came out the first feeling was "OMG I was RIGHT!.. I'm not crazy!" Unfortunately by the next morning the reality of what it all meant started to flood in and my emotions turned very negative very quickly.
But, when you talk about laughing about this right now.. I totally get it.