I am a woman who was divorced from a transgender woman (born male living as female)
I knew they were transgender when we met dated and married and this was not an issue. They claimed to be "pansexual" which is basically bisexual. They told me that because they were raped in the past they were not able to have sex with me. I respected this bc what else can you do when someone says something like that?
We had a deadbedroom for the entire 7 year relationship. Again - i would initiate and was told that they were attracted to me but due to trauma they could not participate in any sex with me.
We get engaged 2 year engagement and we get married. I discover post marriage that they have many profiles online and are actively engaged in looking for sexual relations with men only. This person had 0 attraction to female biology. There was also a drug problem that was getting all the money.
I find myself 1 year out of the marriage - the divorce was mutual and there was no option for counselling. we were officially divorced less than a year after we married. No children. No assets.
As a woman who is overweight and not conventionally attractive and having a stronger more masculine personality I feel targeted by gay men who are not out of the closet.
My marriage was not the first time a gay man tried to use me for his cover.
It has been so hard for me to get over the relationship. There were so very many outs given to my ex. he was not forced to marry me. I say he because even though he claimed to be a transwoman he never took the legal or medical steps to live as a woman.Maybe there are some other spouses out there who have had to deal with this selfish nonesense.
I found sex and dating profiles going back to beyond our engagement where he was calling himself a gay male.
Why Why Why in 2018 with all this gay rights propaganda are men still deceiving women and duping them into these false marriages?
He was 30 and i am 34. We are from MA. No religious conservatives and living in one of the most rainbow loving states in the union.
My ex has ghosted me since we split. His rich father paid for the divorce and he hasnt said a word to me since that day.
I would like some support on how to pick up the pieces and deal with my own life. How can I move on knowing all my memories are a sham - the deep hurt of knowing that he stole the milestones of first marriage and first home from me. Knowing that it was all a lie a shifty fabrication.
I feel like my self esteem and my overweight appearance made me a target. "Oh this loser fat girl I can trick her into marrying me..."
We are very over now and I just struggle because I was lied to for 7 years - this has been one of the most devastating blows to my life.
I feel like there were red flags but whenever i brought them up it was always brushed under and denied. Blamed on rape or transsexualism.
Has any other woman gone through this and how did you reclaim your faith in humanity?
Last edited by Duped (August 26, 2019 2:45 pm)
".,..I would like some support on how to pick up the pieces and deal with my own life. How can I move on knowing all my memories are a sham .."
I can't comment on the trans but would like to comment as a straight guy...I'm one of the people that had no idea my ex was gay...not a hint.
In terms of my whole marriage being a sham or not real....I thought that sure but if I look at pictures she
looked happy and we have kids which prove something was real. Yes she may have been lying all that time but I refuse to make her a God....she is not a God or Dr Who...she cannot re-write history or time.
These spouses , even if they lied, were there and present... they cannot blame any of it on us.. In a sentence; if you think they wasted your life you could turn it around and say they wasted just as much of theirs and who but a horrible person would do that. Promises were made, vows before god ...they said the words.. No it is not us..
In regards to your self esteem (and weight, looks etc) I think, again, that this is them (or other mean people) making you feel that way... maybe not directly. My GX, I can see now, slowly and in a very subtle way eroded my self esteem and even masculinity over all those years.. it was hard to see at the time. If makes you feel better I would go out with almost anyone on the board here sight unseen based on how human, normal, kind, and authentic they are...(and straight). Makes me a target also I guess.
I commend you on getting away.. that is all we can do.
Welcome to our group Mari.
I so sorry you went through that experience. Thankfully you're past it now and can look forward to moving on with your life.
You asked why it's still happening today:
The LGBT movement is making progress in slowing the mistreatment of people who are not straight. We hope the reduction of hatred and mistreatment of LGBT people will lessen the frequency of closeted people marrying straight people. But there will likely always be some people who won't accept being part of a minority and will still try to marry someone else to hide their own identity.
We all have a different path to moving on. For me, it was finding myself in the wreckage. I made new friends, got closer to God, started new hobbies, worked on myself, etc. Over time I worked actively on forgetting about her. I won't let her ruin my life anymore by being angry or spiteful or continuing to think about her. I also recently worked up the courage to offer her forgiveness. That means I no longer feel responsible for holding her accountable. I'm free of her. It is true that much of my past is tainted by the lies and deception... but my past also makes me who I am today, and I'm a better person for it. My future is my own and I'm optimistic about it.
I would encourage you stop letting him have a hold over your life. Forgive him so that you can move on with your life. Find new hobbies and social circles. Find hope for the future and look forward and not backward. The future is ahead of you.. what do you want it to look like?
HI Mari -
I know what you're saying about wondering what it was that attracted a gay in denial man to you. I used to think there was maybe a pattern, a rhyme, or a reason. I no longer think there is. Please don't blame anything about this on yourself. Different people all like different body types, shapes, hair colors, looks, etc. I'm skinny as a rail and I'd consider myself not a bad looking person and yet I was in a 10 year marriage with my GID ex. And I'd almost swear to you right now I'm dating (and about to break up with) another man who is also GID. I think the problem isn't with us, the problem is that there are many more of them than we realize. I agree that in this day and age there is no reason to be dealing with this.
I know it's much easier said than done but don't let this get you down. If you can get through this you will be better, stronger, and wiser than before. You can use this experience to look for red flags in the future. The first huge one is lack of sex, especially early on.