OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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Yesterday 7:50 pm  #11

Re: I find myself here

I am actually surprised at how many people choose a MOM. For some reason when he mentioned it there was no question for me. Yes, I love you but I also want to be happy. 


Yesterday 8:45 pm  #12

Re: I find myself here

kmack15 wrote:

I am actually surprised at how many people choose a MOM. For some reason when he mentioned it there was no question for me. Yes, I love you but I also want to be happy. 

At the beginning of this I read a stat about couples in MOMs that said a certain % (not sure of the number) split after 3 years.
So I gave myself, and my then partner, 3 years to see what changed for the better or worse. It was a definite challenge/goal... call it what you will.
When 3 years had passed I knew something had to change.


KIA KAHA                       

Yesterday 10:23 pm  #13

Re: I find myself here

When my GXH came out, he said he was Bi and wanted to date men.  And he also said he was still attracted to me.  And he also said he hadn't cheated on me.  It took me a couple of days to get my bearings and then it was very clear to me that divorce was the only path forward for me.  Fast forward to today, a little more than a year later, and I'm so, so glad I didn't attempt a MOM, not even for a little while. Immediately after he came out, a guy who had been his "friend" before he was out was suddenly his Boyfriend. Yeah.  Now I can put puzzle pieces together and see that in fact, prior to coming out to me, he had built a whole secret life in advance of telling me, and was blaming me for the distance in our marriage.  Not the kind of partner ANYONE should have.  

Seems to me that a consistent element in many of our stories is that after a little time elapses post-disclosure, we can see that there were secrets kept, lies told, gaslighting going on.  

I'm raising my glass in a toast to your Band-Aid ripping! Please put yourself first, and keep your eyes open. I was surprised at how much was going on once I understood what I was looking at. 


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